Campfire Audio Orion Measurements and Impressions

Discussion in 'IEM Measurements' started by purr1n, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. JayC

    JayC Resident Crash Test Dummy

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It could be that you prefer the Klipsch over the Orion based on the source you use. Try some others with different output impedance and report back maybe?

    I found that using the JVC spiral dots widened the soundstage (headstage) but the bass took a hit. Coupled it with a low OI source and wham! - perfection
  2. scapeinator1

    scapeinator1 Once You Go Black You'll Never Go Back

    Dec 29, 2017
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    It's always possible but I don't think that was the issue. I only have amps/devices with <1 ohm impedance though so I don't know. I use a fiio k5 (desktop), centrance dacport slim, and dragonfly red.

    The specific subgenre of 00s rock pop im talking about is pretty much like having a background of abrasive noise where melody and vocals are supposed to cut through the grit. At least that's why I find it enjoyable. The klipsch really isn't trying to do anything special it's trying to be warm, mellow, and somewhat flat sounding. The Orion just doesn't handle gritty noise well, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Orion's tuning definitely impressed me on "actual music" like Random Access Memories and Norah Jones and Jazz. It's just that on busier tracks the Orion has some trouble with certain elements getting lost and the treble getting a bit harsh sounding if you turn up the volume to try to get more vocals or other things like that.

    When I look at the andromeda FR, that looks like an ideal universally applicable sound without the 2 khz peak and slight dips that the orion has. Perhaps those peaks help orion emulate a bit of andromeda? I think the thing is that the klipsch x6i and that line in general was designed with a different mindset and it doesn't exist in the andromeda's shadow.
  3. donunus

    donunus Friend

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Anyone compare these with the later orion revision? I’ve read they sound even better. I think its the cerakote one or maybe theres a newer one.
  4. JayC

    JayC Resident Crash Test Dummy

    Oct 26, 2015
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    As far as I know the V2 version has been out for ~1.5 years now, and the cerakote is just a finish change; no audible differences.
  5. msommers

    msommers High on Epipens

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Decided on Orions as they seem to be similar to HD650 tuning and don't necessarily require expensive sources. As Canadians our choices are limited. Now I'll see how my Pixel 2 XL with the factory dongle does - my MCTH will likely be way too much for these sensitive things.

    IFI nano iDSD BL seems like a good option for the office. Local SBAFer and I need to get together and test things out...
  6. msommers

    msommers High on Epipens

    Nov 6, 2016
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    So I've had a few days now with these and feel like I can post some initial thoughts.

    Spotify -> Pixel XL 2 w/ Google USB-C dongle -> Orion

    A few initial points:

    (1) The earpieces are much bigger than I thought and yet despite their size, are not huge weights.
    (2) This is by far the nicest cable I have used, physically. Microphonics are zero, it's flexible and doesn't kink.
    (3) Fit is tricky for me. I feel like I really need to ram it in my ear to stay put and twisting the earpiece to orient as they describe in the manual makes me feel like it's going to break it. Likely need to play with the tips a bit more
    (4) With my setup I get essentially no hiss. If I crank my phone up and really try to listen, I think it's there. That is to say, if it does exist, I don't give a shit because it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
    (5) After a couple hours, my ear canals need a break
    (6) Isolation with the foam tips (which are all I've tried so far) is fantastic.


    - Surprisingly open sounding, sort of. I imagine music coming in my head and my head is like a beach ball. So while the music doesn't extend outside of that ball, the Orion does give a sense of space and air within that ball which improves separation and spatial queues. This is my first IEM of good quality and frankly I'm so happy to experience spatial queues rather than sound beams from each side.
    - There is a slightly metallic timbre to instruments
    - Vocals and instruments feel delicate and nuanced, resolution is very good. I'd like to have more body to vocals
    - Bass extension is great with ample texture
    - Reverb hangs nicely
    - High frequencies are emphasized a bit more than I find natural but do extend well

    That's all for now. As a daily driver piece for the office, I'm a very happy camper.
  7. imackler

    imackler Key Lime Pie Infected Aberdeen Wings Spy

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Just picked up the Orion. Really enjoying it, even out of an Apple dongle. I've been searching SBAF for info about the effect of impedance curve. It sounds like the basic idea is similar to Andromeda, bassier close to 0 OI but more balanced with a 3-4 OI? Can anyone comfirm from their experience?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  8. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    No direct experience with Orion, but see Purr1n's measurement and statement at the bottom of post #1: higher output impedance amps will boost the 2k area and the treble - which would extend the 'more mid-centric Andromeda' tonality he mentioned in his listening impressions.

    Here's an illustration with amps of output Z between 1.5 & 5.5 Ohms vs a notional 0 Ohm amp. Something of 5.5 Ohms (Sony DMP Z1) will elevate c. 2k and above c. 6k by about 5 dB.

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  9. imackler

    imackler Key Lime Pie Infected Aberdeen Wings Spy

    Oct 1, 2015
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    @Biodegraded I had seen @purr1n's post, but got lost at reading the graphic (which I'm not good at) and missed the part that said, "Higher source impedance will introduce more of the diffuse field effect and also increase mid and high treble..." which I can understand. But your chart is very helpful. I feel like I'm finally getting this output impedance thing. Thank you for taking the time to help!

    Does anyone still own the Orion? What's your go to match for output impedance?

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