Schiit Yggdrasil new flavours (Less is More, More is Less)

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by rlow, Sep 9, 2021.


Which one will you get (or want to get)?

  1. Less is More

  2. More is Less

  3. A new OG (or sticking with my A2)

  4. Sticking with my current A1 (the old OG)

  5. Too expensive / Don’t give a Schiit

  6. Curious about both / Undecided

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    The measurements actually do show the LIM is capable of more bits. Each bit is just over 6db. That's a -130db sine wave right there. You can do the math. Granted it's more complex than that as the linearity starts to suffer below -110db.
  2. WhiskiedGinger

    WhiskiedGinger New

    Jan 10, 2021
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    It's been roughly 8 hours. Not super warm, but not fresh-off-the-truck, either. Regardless, the direct comparison I can make to an A2 Yggdrasil is echoing what everyone else has written and mentioned, it's super easy to listen to. Sure, some of the detail on very-very well recorded tracks isn't has pronounced as it 'can' be, but it's not absent either.

    I'm a big Antoine Dufour fan. You and I is one of my favorite guitar tracks and the LiM reproduces it so effortlessly. And elegantly. The finger picks Antoine uses (press on nails) can carry a lot of detail and reverb in the recording, and the LiM provides enough but, again, effortlessly. I'm not left wondering where the information is. Same with the piano at the beginning of Skyfall by Adele. The hammer strikes are super crips and sharp. And you can't help but focus on the bounce, but again, it's detailed, just not overly so.

    The low end is still very much hanging out. It's thick. Not muddy by any means, but super welcome. So far, I'm digging the Diana v2 the most. It's been the hero here in my short listening session. I'll keep at it this evening with my trusty few glasses left of Four Roses Small Batch Limited Edition from 2014, but very-very excited about what I've heard so far and what tomorrow may bring.
  3. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    Aug 13, 2020
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    @schiit is an I2S input board something within the realm or reality?
  4. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer

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    Jul 18, 2017
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    Mike and Schiit are all-in on Unison USB, having developed it from scratch as their ultimate connection method of choice. The Unison output on the upcoming transport going to the Unison input on their DACs is the culmination of years of effort and gets closest to the BWD connection Mike talked about implementing for some time (which is similar to I2S in concept as i understand it). I2S as a connection is unlikely to come along any time soon for Schiit I suspect. Also, for practical reasons, the only existing chassis that could handle it right now is the Bifrost 2 (since the back of the chassis are all preset for specific connection types, except for the BF2 which has the USB card slot.) If it does ever come (and that’s probably a big IF), I expect it will be in the next full DAC upgrades only, which could be a while.

    Edit: Also to add that Mike has been frequently clear he doesn’t like it or plan to use it (of course things can change). Much as I hate to link there, you can do further reading over at HF on his thoughts (most of a few years back):[users]=Baldr&o=relevance

    And also this from last year with regards to Unison and BWD:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
  5. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    Ah, good reads. Thx.
  6. MyPetSasquatch

    MyPetSasquatch Friend

    Dec 1, 2015
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    This is hopefully not too off-topic but I'm pretty disappointed they haven't added a remote control for inputs like they did with the Bifrost 2. I was hoping that would be a new standard for any new "big boy" DACs they released, but I guess they opted to not mess around with changing the existing Yggdrasil casework.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    The low end will gradually thin out very slightly over the next 16-32 hours, but it will still be pretty hefty and be harmonically rich along with the rest of the audio band. It goes from 4-5 degrees downward sloped dark to 1-2 degrees sloped downward dark from turn-on to 48 hours with most of the changes front loaded early and tailing off.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
  8. sp33ls

    sp33ls Friend

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    Oct 24, 2018
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    I also pulled the trigger on a LiM. Based on what I'm reading here so far, it sounds like this is the one for me.

    I'm not a detail geek. Sure, who doesn't enjoy great detail, but I rank tone and timbre above details retrieval. To me, the details just need to be above a certain threshold and I'm satisfied.

    I just want to be convinced that a guitar sounds like a guitar is in the room with me (as well as it can based on the recording anyways). Sounds like the LiM could be a nice match for my taste then.

    Schiit had it shipped out only several hours after placing the order! And, expected delivery is on Sunday?! I didn't realize FedEx Home operated on Sunday. Can't wait to hear it.
  9. BarnBurner

    BarnBurner Acquaintance

    May 24, 2021
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    My mom drank 4 Roses Big Economy Jug Edition :)
  10. schneller

    schneller Acquaintance

    Nov 19, 2016
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    So which of the three do you get if you own a NAIM amp and your only interconnect option is RCA to DIN? (With additional equipment, XLR>RCA>DIN is an option.)
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Cross out A2/OG unless you want to spend a few hundred more for a good proper XLR->RCA line transformer. Or at least that needs to be considered into the cost. The A2/OG really needs to be used from its BAL output to get the most out of it.

    It may be wise to wait until more LIM and MIL upgrades get sent out for more data points. Looks like a bunch of people here already ordered upgrades or new units. Only a matter of time before more impressions. You already have three good ones from the blind test. (Well, actually only one good one.).
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2021
  12. schneller

    schneller Acquaintance

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Thanks. I'm still really curious about what happens to Gungnir Multibit, the least loved DAC with the fewest updates, and is still unavailable in black!!!

    Another question about LIM: does it lack top end sparkle in the treble? I think I'd prefer a DAC that has some top end emphasis (but not at the expense of anything else). "Rolled off highs" is not my interest.
  13. schneller

    schneller Acquaintance

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Though my prediction about Gungnir Multibit: Since (I think) it shares its footprint with Urd, I could see Schiit releasing Gungnir Multibit 2 when Urd becomes available, almost as a "combo" deal. Depending on how Gungnir Multibit 2 sounds versus LIM, I would prefer to buy the Gungnir Multibit 2/Urd combo.
  14. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    I just hit the button on a LIM with black casework. I love my 2541, but listen mostly on my 2CH system. The prospect of a similarly "normal" presentation with Schiit's bass and soundstage is too much to resist. I went from a BF2 to the 2541. In the time I had both in my system, I thought that a cross between the two would be my ideal DAC.

    A quick question about the bit depth on the LIM and please forgive my ignorance. If I feed it 24bit material, does it dither this down or does it truncate the bits? I will be feeding it AES from a PI2AES.

    It'll be a few weeks for the black version, but I am pretty excited about it and will report back when I've put some hours on it.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
  15. Darlig1218

    Darlig1218 New

    Jan 11, 2019
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    I have the BF2 also - so far, it provides one of the best timbre I've had in my place and it sits at my main rig (I do not mind digital or analog using an AT33PTG/II and or NAG.MP-200. Now, how are they fairing to each other? What's the benefit you seem to find so far?
  16. WhiskiedGinger

    WhiskiedGinger New

    Jan 10, 2021
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    First: Having had great experience w/ a friends A2/OG Yggdrasil, I feel comfortable with my words on my Less Is More (LiM).

    Second: If you like a less detailed, but not less encompassing and engaging sound signature, buy one. If you crave the detail, get an OG.

    LiM is simply perfectly engaging. Smooth is gravely overused in this industry; it's hard to quantify in words vs. what you feel. That's my caveat to use it here. It's smooth. And in regard to Susvara, this DAC turns those cans into an everyday set. Now, I'm not saying go buy Susvara to listen to everyday, but goddammit, I spent a ton of money on those porkers, I wanna use them as much as I can. And for a detailed experience that's smoother (which you can do as shown by this product) it enables me to use Susvara whenever I want, not just when I can handle it.

    I am a slam addict and for that, I still have my Bifrost. That's not to say LiM is without slam and depth in the low end, but it's not a pronounced as Bifrost. But Bifrost isn't as detailed as LiM. Tomato, tomato. Or timbre, timbre?

    I haven't pulled any meaningful single-ended performance yet, but do understand Yggdrasil is best served balanced. Still, It'd be nice if I can find acceptable performance out of the red and white terminals. I'll update that arena when my AMP-23R shows up.

    I haven't mentioned this as of yet, but this is all being fed by a Pi2AES.

    The Less Is More is a whole metric f**k ton of value for price. It's not inexpensive, but you do receive more for what you spend. I really, truly, want a Holo May KTE, but that price isn't something I can justify. Though, I can see myself buying another Yggdrasil if needed. It has a TON of value.

    My Pro iCAN is the next item I'm going to upgrade. I'm looking for a more 'professional' OTC tube amp give my SS needs are taken care of. So, that's what I'm on the hunt for now. And I'm excited I get to go through that effort w/o having to worry 'is my DAC capable of extracting the experience I'm looking for?'.
  17. futbutts

    futbutts Friend

    May 15, 2018
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    I don't know if I'd describe the top end as sparkling, but to its benefit. To my ear a better descriptor is 'accurate'. If the cymbals sparkle in the recording they sparkle here -- there's no roll-off like what I felt I detected with the 2541 nor any added effervescence like I heard (and found fatiguing) with the Gungnir Multibit.
  18. toddrhodes

    toddrhodes Friend

    Sep 13, 2017
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    Just wanted to say thanks for suggesting Dufour - sitting here listening to some of his stuff through Qobuz now and it's really nice!
  19. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta New

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Guys you'd better order More is Less soon. Looking at the votes I'm pretty sure Schiit will kill it. And it can be a great upgrade. Relying only on review in different system can be misleading. I ordered one. It's on the way (the last leg from Koeln DE to Warsaw). I'll drop a note here when it's installed and burn in.

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