The Cap, Aluminum Body Cap for the Denon DL103 Review.

Discussion in 'Vinyl Nutjob World: Turntable and Related Gear' started by purr1n, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is The Cap, an aluminum body cap that the body of the DL103 can slip into without any tools. The fit is a bit tight. Just smash the cart in it. Unfortunately the stylus cover of the DL103 will not fit after The Cap is installed, so be forewarned lest you rip the cantilever off with the sleeve of your shirt. (Oh, this happens. This is why I advise a special ritual* of donning the secret vinyl T-shirt before any use of the record player.)

    The Cap.jpg

    First of all, I will say that I like the DL103. Audiophiles are weird and seem to be getting weirder as they age with some saying the DL103 is cult-like. Or maybe this is coming from Millenials who don't understand the DL103's history as a broadcast cartridge. I'm sure much of what I heard on the FM radio when I was a kid was played back on the DL103. The fact remains, the DL103 is a great moving coil cartridge. No, the conical needle tip ain't gonna bring up the small details (and surface noise) to the forefront like the line contact and ellipical tips. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with this. One rather famous designer of DACs prefers conicals. Not everything is about moar details, moar details - especially with vinyl which IMO is beyond detail.

    I wanted to state the above because it's important for readers to understand that I appreciate and actually love the DL103 regardless of price (it's cheap for an MC). Audiophiles who can afford hyper detailed carts probably scratch their heads at why other audiophiles who can also afford similarly expensive things, like the DL103 and may actually have one in their cartridge collection. I've said this before: the DL103 is all one needs it nothing else can be had. Sure it's sound a certain kind of, but this presentation falls into the sphere of normal or correct, noting again that the DL103 was much used in broadcast. If you want moar hyperdetail and moar hyper transients, these are not the droids that you want.

    Anyway, I'll get to the point. I did not get desirable results with the cap on either on my arms on my VPI classic 4. The two arms I have are VPI JMW-12" Metal (not the 3D printed nonsense) and the Ikeda IT-345 9". The Ikeda arm being heavy mass works fantastically with the Denon DL103 as is. The VPI arm is a medium mass arm. As such, the DL103 isn't ideal and what I've done in the past is add mass to the arm, for example secure weight on top of the headshell. The Cap had the same deleterious effect in both cases.

    Most critically, The Cap choked off the DL103's expressiveness. Sure the cap put a lid on the DL103's bloom in the lows. But I'm not sure if this is desirable. The bloom for better or worse is part of the DL103's charm, but's give this the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up as a positive. However in damping the DL103, The Cap killed off one of the DL103's strengths, it's dynamics, both micro and macro. Furthermore, The Cap darkened an already somewhat dark sounding cart. These was practically no air. The Cap also eliminated that tiny bit of sharp edge of the DL103 that helped to keep things in balance. In the end, any benefit was far outweighed by the downsides.

    In nutshell, the The Cap just didn't work for me. With the less ideal VPI arm, I got better results with the DL103 by adding weight to the headshell. The DL103 needs nothing done to it with the Ikeda arm. The DL103 is cheap and because of this will always be a modding platform. Personally I think the Denon engineers knew exactly what they were doing, especially at that time when audio companies had people with golden ears to actually listen to their products, giving feedback to the engineers. I'm sure there are circumstances and situations where The Cap can do wonders. But then again, why try to turn the DL103 into something it's not when one can simply get the MC cartridge that they wanted in the first place, say from Audio Technica. I know I'm running against the grain on the Internets, but at least I wanted to explain what The Cap did for me in a detailed relatable way as opposed to saying everything sounds awesome. Heck, The Cap is only $85, so give it try yourself!

    By the way, there are accelerometer measurements of the effects of The Cap here:
    This just goes to the point that measurements aren't everything unless we can translate it into the human experience. To be honest, I wasn't convinced by these measurements and actually felt they could potentially make the DL103 sound worse.

    *Look goobers, please stop talking about vinyl as being a ritual. People lived with records for 30 years. They flipped the fricking piece of vinyl after a side was done and put another record one after they finished the one they were listening to. Seriously, it's not a ritual and please don't make it into one like how today's Taiwanese housewives have made Kung-Fu / Old-Man style into a fricking ritual and ceremony when I simply just made tea for my grandfather by mashing tea into the small teapot and pouring water in.
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    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  2. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    A friend of mine who has many carts still holds the 103 in really high regard, even if they don't frequently use it or have it as their reference. Instead he loves it due to its build quality, this is not just parts, but how the parts are put together.

    So you are done moding it? feeling adventurous enough for a Namiki cantilever or a new wood body
  3. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    TLDR; on my mediocre vinyl setup, the sins of omission of The Cap became a bit of a benefit. Purrin's review is an interesting review to me in the sense of ancillary gear and sympathetic strengths and weaknesses. I picked up The Cap because I'd read some online chatter that it did well to tame some of the 103's tubbiness, especially with medium mass stock SL1200 tonearms. I'd assumed I wouldn't likely be missing out on any lack of air since, well, SL1200 and $250 pre... and I know my system's limits in resolving ability. I will say I think part of what the cap does is it moves some resonances up in frequency: instead of extra lingering energy in the 80hz region, it becomes extra energy in the 150-200hz region, which due to the material of The Cap, has a shorter decay time. I'm not talking about what any of the measurements show (haven't looked at them); just giving my subjective impressions that bass became less tubby, and slightly punchier. By doing so, I spend less time mentally complaining about the sort-of-one-note bass of the 103 (i mean, it's not one-note-bass like a poorly implemented ported subwoofer, but sort of like poor EQ choices), and can now better enjoy the mids without feeling like I need to somehow boost up the treble. Anyhow, I'd been playing with headshell weighting/damping for a little while now and I think the Cap does a better job than any of the experiments I've done so far. I'll take The Cap out of the system in a month or two and make a decision as to whether or not it stays.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    ^ Good points. I'm running a totally different table that's probably 50lbs placed on a granite slab that's probably another 50lbs on top of the VPI stand (whichi sadly is no longer available) partially filled with BBs, another 50lbs. I can tap on the headboard that the Ikeda sits on and barely hear anything from the speakers. I figure I can get away with the DL103s tubbiness which comes off more as bloom on this setup. The Cap did sound more midbassy, but the small 6" Fostex FE168NS in the Frugelhorn XLs which I'm currently running don't do the midbass thing as good as the big woofer speakers, I so prefer things flatter than I usually would.

    Anyway, great discussion! When it comes to turntable stuff, I'm always frustrated because there's rarely good discussion on the finer points, explanations of specifics, to allow others to calibrate to their systems and ears. Most of the time, it's X > Y with no explantion, which is unhelpful to anyone.

    P.S. Try different loading if you can. I'm loading the DL103 with 250-ohms.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    TBH, I won't bother. I'm perfectly happy, amazingly happy with the DL103 on the Ikeda arm, enough to be willing to hold off the next purchase on my roadmap for a while: an SPU or a Miyajima Zero (mono). I know how the wood bodies will sound and this will just end up as something different (or possibly worse). I move slow when I'm happy. I mean, how long have I had the Classic 4 and until only recently filled in the second arm slot? (I'll do a writeup on the Ikeda later).

    I'd rather get a dedicated wood bodied super detailed cart for the 12" VPI arm instead of trying to hammer the DL103 into one. I see the DL103 paired with the bold sounding Ikede arm as a single unit that is complementary to the VPI 12" arm's more flowly presentation - one where those "moar detail" carts is best suited.
  6. murphythecat

    murphythecat GRU-powered uniformed trumpkin

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    i have under some good "authority" that one need to spend over 2k to really better the MC denon dl-103R. the DL-103R have been my end game cart for 5 years and i have no desire to even upgrade.

    I think those who dont gem with the dl-103 often dont get the matching right between their arm and phono load.

    thanks for the review for the cap!
  7. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I know plenty of people love modding their 103s, but quite frankly, I subscribe more to your point of view that the 103 is what it is, and what it does well it does very well. I too would rather have a cart built from the ground up to feature a wood body or a microline stylus than Frankenstein that onto the 103.
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  8. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Very helpful to hear some real impressions on this as it is easy to just assume it is a simple fix with only benefits.

    Given how familiar you are with the 103 @purr1n I would be really interested to hear your thoughts on the Zu mod if you ever get the chance. I sent my 103r in for Zu mod and liked the results, but I was changing so much gear at that time (phono and table) that it was hard to really get a good baseline for comparison.
  9. kukur9

    kukur9 Facebook Friend

    Aug 22, 2016
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    I could search on this but I'd rather just ask here: are the VPI and Ikeda arms considered high/heavy mass vs. Linn Ittok LV II arm (on an LP12)?

    I have the DL-103 and the cap but never installed the cap (too much fun futzing with digital and speakers). I'm of the feeling the bloom is indeed a positive, although I have enjoyed the detail of Hana carts on the top end.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    The VPN 12" metal arm I'm using is considered medium mass. The Ikeda IT-345 is heavy mass arm that works well with low compliance carts like the DL103, SPU, Shelter 501, etc. No idea on Ittok, but pretty sure it's medium mass based my recollection of the carts used on a friend's LP12/Ittok. Even if you got it work (weights, tweaks), I'm not sure I would pair the DL103 with the LP12.
  11. shaizada

    shaizada Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    The Zu Mod basically pots the 103 nude cartridge into a heavier, aluminum body. Depending on who is listening and what their setup is, the sound moves towards a more modern sound. You get the qualities of the 103 but enhance bass, enhance more edge detail on bottom and top ends.

    For some listeners, that is an improvement. For other listeners, you are moving away from the purity of what a DL 103 does.

    There is no harm in having a plain DL 103, a DL 103R a ZU Denon DL 103R and Non R....they all are different takes on the house sound.

    Basically, a 103 series cartridge gets you into a moving coil for little money. However, to really optimize it, you can spend quite a bit. The Ikeda Marv bought is not a cheap tonearm. Also, then getting the right step up transformer moves you further into bliss land. Now you are looking at a few thousand to optimize a cartridge that cost a few hundred only. Depends on how deep in the rabbit hole you want to go.

    I have close to 7 variants of the DL 103. A good friend has about 14 or 15 variants, almost all that were ever produced including the limited Japanese ones that were 2000 or under units. This is a legendary cartridge and sounds amazing.

    Here are three variants in this picture alone, on one turntable...all sound different. There is a DL 103D in the CAP on the Schroeder Reference, a plain DL 103 on the Helius Silver Ruby Tonearm using an Audiomachina V8 cartridge spacer / interface between cart and tonearm headshell. The Schick 12" in the back has a Dl-103 GL with a Yamamoto Cherry headshell.

    So I don't forget what is what, I have a cheat sheet so I know which input to switch in.

    Other carts await whenever I feel like swapping them in...welcome to the sickness! Each of the cases pictured holds 9 cartridges in their headshells. All aligned, ready to go.

    @purr1n , congrats again on the Ikeda. Solid choice! Looking forward to your review.

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    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This bests any Funko collection.
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  13. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    Is that a Galibier TT?

    And dig the three-tier cart showcase. Where'd you source that?
  14. shaizada

    shaizada Friend

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    It is a Redpoint turntable. The cartridge cases are from Japan basically. Search EMJ on Ebay.
  15. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    I've got a Cap on a DL103 and have messed around with the DL103R a bit. Need more time with both, but have been distracted with a couple higher-end MCs. A Koetsu Black and a Kuzma CAR-40. Both bought secondhand for rather less than $2k. I also think the AT-ART9 is pretty good. The AT and the CAR-40 are on the detailed side of things. The Koetsu is a little darker. I really dig it.
  16. goodvibes

    goodvibes Facebook Friend

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    I used them in the late 70s. Really liked the 103D best of the lot overall but the conical was friendlier. They also had an 'S' shibata but I've never warmed to that shape. Outside of a few esoterics, it was either a Denon 103 of some sort, Ortofon MC20 or Supex 900E for a low output MC back them. I mostly used the Ortofon with transformer in a silicone damped Decca arm (still like unipivots) on an LP12. Happened to be a good interface. Denon was (generally) better in heavier arms and supex in lighter ones. The MC20 was a bit mid bright but the damped Decca arm was kinda trick with it.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  17. GeorgeNapalm

    GeorgeNapalm New

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    What’s the lifespan of 103 stylus? I heard crazy low numbers like 400 hours… Do people really swap/retip them so often?
  18. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    I agree with this, too. Maybe I'm looking at it from this perspective: an $85, 100% reversible mod to a $500 cart to alleviate/remedy some table-bourne thicc-boi type sound isn't fundamentally changing the "103-ness" of the cart. It might sound strange to state it this way, but given the SL1200 and it's known weaknesses, the Cap is more of a tweak to the arm/physical loading/compliance-matching plus a bit of cart body resonance tweaking like sugar on top. Make no mistake, my TT setup isn't carrying its balls around in a wheelbarrow, but with the Cap I prefer it to anything digital in my main rig.
  19. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Yes, the cap is a tweak. I was referring to changing the body and/or cantilever on the cart.
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Doubt it's that short if it was used in AM/FM broadcast. People retip and change cantilevers on the DL103 because the cart has as good motor (considering how everything else is technically not as "moar" better) and it's dirt cheap for an MC.

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