Sep 24, 2015
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Aug 1, 1968 (Age: 55)
Padre Island CC TX

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Desire for betterer is endless., Male, 55, from Padre Island CC TX

Staff Member Pyrate BWC

Shouldn't Wakonda, an advanced civil society, be choosing its leader through vigorous debate and academic competition instead of 1v1 combat? May 30, 2024 at 11:09 AM

    1. purr1n
      W. Hollywood weirdos want to rename LAX to Obama Airport. Can't we wait until presidents are dead for 10 years til we name stuff after them?
      1. ToonMechaMan, Merrick, YMO and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        They renamed Houston Intercontinental to George Bush just like 4 years after H.W. was prez.
        Dec 18, 2018
      4. purr1n
        I just feel that getting something named after you while you are living is bad juju. Like a drain on your life essence, i.e. premature limp-dick, etc.
        Dec 18, 2018
      5. ToonMechaMan
        Honestly I believe that no airport should be named after you. If you're president it should be a named representative of the the country you represent.
        Dec 18, 2018
    2. westermac
      Gah, have you ditched audiophool.org or is it just offline? Tried to view your Vali 2 / MCTH / Project Horizon comparison.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. purr1n
        I ditched it. I should probably copy the content over.
        Dec 14, 2018
    3. purr1n
      NY gets Mozart's Magic Flute. LA gets Wicked. Sucks to be me.
      1. No_One411, Soups, OldDude04 and 3 others like this.
      2. brencho
        Stay classy Los Angeles
        Dec 11, 2018
      3. Merrick
        I saw a great production of The Magic Flute at the LA Opera years ago. It was before this current one that everyone is raving about but I quite enjoyed it.
        Dec 12, 2018
    4. purr1n
      slank thinks the latest IEMs he gets his hands on destroys all other IEMs.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hrodulf
        You need to go deeper, if you're not feeling the etys by the back of your tongue.
        Dec 9, 2018
      3. jowls
        When you are doing deep insertion everyday it starts to mess with your head. You keep telling yourself that it satisfies your emotional needs, but after a while you realise that you are living a lie and that you actually need a little bit of romance in your life too.
        Dec 10, 2018
      4. atomicbob
        When I see subjective reviews include X destroys Y or some variant, my internal bullshit meter pegs. Reviewer is unable to distinguish between personal preferences and comparison attributes, let alone understand that their personal preferences probably don't extrapolate to the universe.
        Dec 12, 2018
    5. purr1n
      Oh why o why did Windows have to have Powershell where I have to type String-Select instead of grep. Grrrr.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. monacelli
        Is Windows 10's bash shell any good, Elnrik? I usually use the bash that comes with git
        Dec 5, 2018
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "String-Select?" With, I suppose, the caps? Weird. I'd say it was Microsoftish, except I suspect many languages use this kind of terminology these days.

        One of my jobs for tonight: discover how to search for text in PDFs. An early google tells me there is something called pdfgrep.
        Dec 6, 2018
      5. Elnrik
        Dec 6, 2018
        monacelli likes this.
    6. Thenewerguy009
      So do you want to test the headphones I PM'ed you?
      1. zerodeefex
        What headphones? Marv is slammed right now.
        Dec 4, 2018
    7. purr1n
      I haven't been keeping up closely, but what did psalm pull off again? Link(s)?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kattefjaes
        @E_Schaaf - I think I was more agreeing/teasing. That artist has been known for fusing black metal, baroque and breakcore, primarily. I was enjoying your description of baroque->metal mainly.
        Nov 28, 2018
        E_Schaaf likes this.
      3. brencho
        Cooling jets is good. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish real aggression against groups versus insane Hunter s Thompson hallucinations and hyperbole but point taken
        Nov 28, 2018
        Lyander and Case like this.
      4. MuppetFace
        Check out metal bands like Sigh (their album Imaginary Sonicscape in particular), Sear Bliss, Code, Gorguts’ album Obscura, Sunn O))), Portal, Impetuous Ritual, Lurker of Chalice, Deathspell Omega, Lugubrum, Stargazer, Septic Flesh, Godflesh, Jesu, Boris, Mitochondrion, Gridlink, etc.

        Lemme know if there’s a particular genre of metal you like, and I can give you some “weird bands.”
        Nov 28, 2018
        elguapo, Cryptowolf, jexby and 2 others like this.
    8. purr1n
      LOL, why did JJ get banned? NVM
      1. drgumbybrain and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. k4rstar
        In the end it wasn't big irrrrrnnnnn but a clock chain to Dixie that did him in.
        Nov 13, 2018
        zonto likes this.
      3. zerodeefex
        I’m going to shorten it. In a grumpy mood and tired of people suggesting thousands of dollars make things more betterer
        Nov 13, 2018
      4. drgumbybrain
        He was describing the best way to improve sound using 2 or 3 Mutec mc3+ in chain. IN CHAIN!!
        Nov 13, 2018
        taisserroots and SoupRKnowva like this.
    9. purr1n
      Mr.Musk: I have bad lungs and need to get back home. Can I borrow one of those Model S cars you are offering?
      1. Jinxy245 and Ringingears like this.
      2. Ringingears
        Ask him if he can manage two. Hope you can get home soon Marv. My best to you and family.
        Nov 10, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    10. TwoEars
      Wishing you better luck next year.

      (f**k, I'm an idiot. Was supposed to be a comment down below)
      1. Soups, kixx, Lyander and 6 others like this.
      2. purr1n
        Looking forward to next year. This year has been crazy.
        Nov 9, 2018
        Cryptowolf, Soups, kixx and 4 others like this.
    11. purr1n
      Evacuating. Fire is 0.5 miles from house. Just going to assume it's lost. Hanging out in Valencia with family and cats.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Raicorl
        After I watched the news and some clips, it happened so fast and nothing you can do if you get caught in there.

        Im so glad that you didnt worry about those luxury stuffs and moved out safely.
        Nov 10, 2018
      3. Claritas
        Real fuckin' sorry to hear that. On the upside, Cap'n, you can always take to the sea and command a cruiser.
        Nov 12, 2018
      4. MuppetFace
        I know I’m late, but I sincerely hope you and your family are OK.
        Nov 28, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    12. purr1n
      And I think my neighbor's kid tried to kill himself today. Cops, FD, medics all came and sat on my lawn for a while.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        Be heavily involved in your kids lives and take action when they’re hurting about something. Young suicides are statistically increasing a lot.
        Nov 9, 2018
        bengo and Case like this.
      3. Jinxy245
        That is so totally fucked. It sucks when anyone makes that decision, but a kid? I hope he gets help.
        Also hope you're all OK with the fires.
        Nov 9, 2018
      4. Cryptowolf
        I'm sorry to see this.
        Nov 9, 2018
    13. purr1n
      And that fucked shooting in 1000 Oaks was close to my local beer haunts too.
      1. Azimuth
        I was wondering about you guys.
        Nov 8, 2018
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        I thought so for a second, then I figured a country joint, prolly not. Unless you're serious about that redneck mission.
        Nov 8, 2018
      3. purr1n
        Nope. Not into line dancing.
        Nov 8, 2018
    14. purr1n
      Hmm. Under "mandatory" evac order because of Woosley fire. See glow out in distance but clear sky. Methinks city and LA county are twitchy.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoodEnoughGear
      3. purr1n
        Fire hit Oak Park, where I thought it would hit based on my use of the Force. Actually it was more the direction wind and my knowledge of the local hills from all that hiking. Was why I didn't want to leave and didn't believe the LA County semi-fake "mandatory" evacuation.
        Nov 9, 2018
      4. DigMe
        Probably freaked out by how fast it spread.
        Nov 9, 2018
    15. purr1n
      Dammit, @k.e., stop trying to log into my Instagram account, from a proxy in Malaysia. Stop being a creep.
      1. drgumbybrain, Griffon and k4rstar like this.
      2. JK47
        Vindictive nutjob
        Nov 7, 2018
      3. drgumbybrain
        Rolling eyes
        Nov 7, 2018
      4. BillOhio
        I wonder who he has pictures of taped to the windows of his van?
        Nov 7, 2018
        Case likes this.
    16. purr1n
      Is Monoprice the Netflix of the audio world? Make a ton of shit, some good, some bad, and see what sticks? This will kill the brand.
      1. ergopower, kixx, Jinxy245 and 4 others like this.
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      3. BillOhio
        I thought the writing on Daredevil season 3 was about 18,000 times better than Krasinski's Jack Ryan.
        Nov 7, 2018
        Elnrik likes this.
      4. Hrodulf
        I don't think that monoprice business is brand based, they sell by pricing agressively. Therefore I wouldn’t be afraid about trashing the brand image.
        Nov 7, 2018
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      5. ergopower
        Way more than audio. I'm astounded how much camping/outdoors gear they carry. Carbon fiber road bike parts. Kitchen appliances. 3D printers. Helluva long way from HDMI cables.
        Nov 7, 2018
    17. purr1n
      Drank can of Rockstar. Stayed up to 4am learning BD / snare on a drumbox for Interstate Love Song. Won't do that again.
      1. kixx, GoodEnoughGear, Elnrik and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. imackler
        Nothing keeps me up till 4am.
        Nov 6, 2018
      4. Huhnkopf
        I once bought my mother a coffee machine and it arrived in the evening. Stupid as I was I couldn't wait till the other day and without thought tested a few coffees. Huge mistake.
        I was awake till 5am and the last 4 hours of it felt uncomfortably numb. Was both awake and dead at the same time. Never again.
        Nov 6, 2018
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I usually stay up till 4am.
        Nov 7, 2018
    18. purr1n
      Less noise, less stupidity = less dislikes. I'm grumpy after being forced to see Bradley Cooper and Gaga's vanity piece: A Star Is Born
      1. Cellist88
        Was it at least better than August Rush? Lol
        Nov 5, 2018
        BillOhio likes this.
    19. purr1n
      Can't decide between the senile old bat and the Che wannbe. Writing in Jason Stoddard for Senator 2018. Dead serious.
      1. Cryptowolf, schiit, Jinxy245 and 8 others like this.
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      3. rlow
        That would be amazing.

        Actually more amazing:

        - Jason for President
        - Mike Moffat for VP (natch)
        - White House to be renamed the Schiit House (or the Out House).
        Nov 4, 2018
      4. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        You guys do a really good job keeping politics off these forums. Part of what I like about them, since they often turn into a shit show elsewhere. That said, I think Jason would make a good president!
        Nov 4, 2018
      5. bengo
        Lower taxes in CA = cheap Schiit for all
        Nov 4, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom and julie like this.
    20. purr1n
      "Ultralight" hikers: The people I find half-dead and out of water along the hiking trails.
      1. JustAnotherRando
        Is Ultralight still a popular thing?

        Seemed to me that the concept might work if you're prepared to obsess over gear prep, and put up with some discomfort whilst camping.
        Nov 3, 2018
      2. purr1n
        Probably not. I got these ultralight trekking poles from a friend. So dumb, they flex. So what's the point of ultralight?
        Nov 3, 2018
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    Aug 1, 1968 (Age: 55)
    Padre Island CC TX