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Feb 20, 1988 (Age: 36)
Tacoma, WA

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Friend, Male, 36, from Tacoma, WA


DAC comparisons always tough, but have had a blast with Weiss vs PS Audio today...still torn on what I stick with. May 17, 2024

Inoculator was last seen:
May 31, 2024 at 5:36 AM
    1. Inoculator
      I have no self control. Sugden A21SE vs monoblock Aegir impressions incoming.
      1. famish99
        Any early thoughts?
        Oct 5, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      2. Inoculator
        @famish99 my phrasing may have been a bit off. Pulled the trigger on a used Sugden A21SE, waiting on shipping for Canada, arriving next week. I have heard the sugden at a local shop before with my same model speakers and was impressed, but will really see once I have it in my space what I think.
        Oct 5, 2021
        famish99 likes this.
      3. Inoculator
        @famish99 some quick follow-up now that I have had some time with it (going to spend a few weeks before writing long impressions). This is the most dynamic amp I have ever driven my LS3/5A with, hands down. Kind of surprising as I expected a bit more of a lush laid back sort of vibe. Instead this is a grab the edge of your seat/buckle up sort of experience. Very lively but still supremely musical and effortless.
        Oct 13, 2021
        famish99 likes this.
    2. Inoculator
      Rocking NOS RCA Clear Tops (buffer) and NOS KenRad (gain) in Freya+ today. Superb. Thanks @Maven86 for the hookup.
      1. Maven86 likes this.
      2. Inoculator
        Tube rolling in the Freya+ is pretty funny. Never like a massive swing in the character of the preamp, but just enough to push your chain into the sweet spot. Going to experiment a bit more still probably, but things feeling very dialed in.
        Oct 1, 2021
        Maven86 and rlow like this.
    3. Inoculator
      1. obsiCO, Jinxy245, Lyander and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        I use my portapros with inline mic for gaming.
        Sep 23, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      4. Inoculator
        Sep 23, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. Cryptowolf
        to each their own. I have a setup with dark woods, black, and copper. Beige may work great for others.
        Sep 23, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    4. Inoculator
      Upgraded to a Pi2AES with display. Necessary? No. Does it bring me joy every time I look at my audio rack? Absolutely.
      1. Cryptowolf, JayC, Riotvan and 13 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gaspasser
        Sep 21, 2021
      4. Inoculator
        @yotacowboy Late, but here is a photo of the setup! Not the most stylish or sophisticated, but better than nothing, I hope RoPiee continues to iterate on the design. In the past with roon I have just setup roon on a tablet and kept next to my system for visual feedback and as a big remote control, but a bit overkill for this personal/nearfield setup.
        Sep 21, 2021
      5. DigMe
        That’s looks great, man!
        Sep 22, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    5. Inoculator
      I'm a complete room treatment novice. Bass is super boomy only in back corner when I sit there, means I should put a bass trap there right?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        A guy goes to the doctor, pokes himself in the chest, says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this."

        Doc: "well, don't do it, then!"

        I love that joke. But seriously... Is it worth what might be a lot of effort to tune that corner, rather than move your reading chair? Given that you have good sound in other places, and the effort/side-effect is unknown quantity, I'd take the easy obvious answer here.
        Sep 17, 2021
        Inoculator and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. Biodegraded
        Don't put the baby in that corner or you'll be responsible for raising yet another basshead :)
        Sep 17, 2021
      4. bixby
        Very nice looking room. I would not waste time on a trap if you listen on the couch. I would be more inclined to place that plant behind the couch over by the windows to diffuse that first reflection. Or you could put an absorbing panel there, but it would mess up the look.
        Sep 17, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    6. Inoculator
      1. Soups, Jinxy245, sheldaze and 6 others like this.
      2. ufospls2
        that wood finish looks sweet. How do they sound? I've never heard any grahams. They do some BBCstyle monitors right?
        Sep 15, 2021
      3. Inoculator
        @ufospls2 I love the ebony finish on these! Wouldn't have been my choice, but scored these used LS6Fs, and it is pretty stunning. I am a bit biased at this point, as I have become a huge Graham Chartwell fanboy. The LS3/5A has been my reference rig speaker for over a year now. Something about the thinwall BBC construction, they just sound so supremely "right" and natural, hard to want anything else.
        Sep 15, 2021
        Cryptowolf and ufospls2 like this.
      4. Inoculator
        I know we have at least a couple other LS6 owners around here. They are really just a stunning speaker that does so much right. LS3/5A magic realism, but with modern treble and bass extension. I like that it seems much less picky about amplification than my LS3/5A as well.
        Sep 15, 2021
        Cryptowolf and ufospls2 like this.
    7. Inoculator
      NAD M33 and LSA Warp 1 already proving to be very different class D beasts.
      1. rhythmdevils
        Can’t wait to hear more impressions!
        Sep 14, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      2. Inoculator
        Gonna save rest of my thoughts for some written impressions, but the LSA Warp 1 is a toe-tapper for sure. The more class D sounding of the two amps, some extended listening time will tell whether that gets fatiguing, haven't done a ton of class D listening.
        Sep 14, 2021
    8. Inoculator
      Pretty happy I locked in my Ohm Walsh 4000 before the September price increase, almost 50% increase! Would have for sure priced me out.
      1. Syzygy, crazychile, Jinxy245 and 9 others like this.
    9. Inoculator
      Sigh, cautionary tale of ebay tube buying. Bought quad matched Tung-sols for Freya+, "less than 100 hours". Unusable noise issues, garbage.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Phantaminum
        I remember buying several tubes (WE 396A, 2C51s, 12AX7) from a vendor I think called GreenGirl from Jersey. Each and every tube I received from them were the noisiest I've ever heard. Had to put her on the no fly list.
        Sep 10, 2021
        bixby, Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
      3. Cryptowolf
        @Phantaminum I had the same experience with GreenGirl616. The two "bogey" tubes were trash. Oh well.
        Sep 10, 2021
        Phantaminum likes this.
      4. bixby
        Decades of buying tubes on ebay taught me a few lessons. High price does not always=good. You have to know the seller on anything that has a measurement. And Green Girl has always been one of the most expensive sellers on ebay.
        Sep 10, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Phantaminum like this.
    10. Inoculator
      I think my sacrifices are required for new Schiit DACs. Bought my first Gungnir Multibit, BF2 releases days later. Bought Yggdrasil A2, then new flavors
      1. Cryptowolf, rhythmdevils and Merrick like this.
      2. Inoculator
        This is not a bitter/whiney post though! Just a funny observation. Very happy with the A2, but dang, I am going to need to hear that LIM at some point. Glad Schiit does not just sit back content, and keeps finding ways to provide tremendous value products.
        Sep 9, 2021
        obsiCO, Cryptowolf, jnak00 and 7 others like this.
      3. crenca
        LIM strikes me as similiar (similiar enough) to the Soekris DAC2541...
        Sep 9, 2021
        Inoculator and Gazny like this.
      4. Inoculator
        Welp, poor impulse control day for me. Going to upgrade the A2/Gen 5 USB to LIM/Unison. Figure this being a used Yggdrasil, a trip back to schiit for the swap is worthwhile anyway. Can always switch back if I need to!
        Sep 9, 2021
        Merrick likes this.
    11. Inoculator
      Neither Roon or Qobuz really feel complete without each other, would love to see them partner for a package subscription.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        Happy with Qobuz and Roon, even if i have to restart the service every time i boot my system. And Qobuz not working through a vpn, probably some licensing stuff with that.
        Sep 1, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. Merrick
        I’m giving Roon another try now that there’s the Qobuz price drop too.
        Sep 1, 2021
        Inoculator and YMO like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        I would buy a Qobuz lifetime subscription. I have now paid for 2 years and roon completes the system.
        Sep 1, 2021
        Riotvan, Erroneous and Inoculator like this.
    12. Inoculator
      The Saddle Creek catalog is finally on Qobuz! Glad they made it happen, that was my last major library concern.
      1. Cryptowolf and Qildail like this.
    13. Inoculator
      Finally running the TOTL Schiit chain (Yggdrasil/Freya+/Monoblock Aegir). Not disappointed. Very atmospheric, sweet, and detailed sounding.
      1. yotacowboy, Qildail, Soups and 7 others like this.
      2. Qildail
        That is one dialed up stack. I bet it looks gorgeous too...
        Aug 26, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      3. Inoculator
        Aug 26, 2021
        Qildail likes this.
      4. Qildail
        ha! Even the rack is pretty.

        I'll have to check back in with you on the Aegirs. This might be my upgrade path next year, minus the Yggdrasil (bit too much on the eye-watering price for me).

        Enjoy the music, sir!
        Aug 26, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    14. Inoculator
      Will be interesting to see what people think of the new USB C ES9028 DAC module from @schiit. My dream is still a module with coax.
      1. señorhifi, YMO and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Inoculator
        @scblock Always unfortunate people can't help but worry about that. I trust Schiit to have listened and decided what the best sounding chip was at the price point. I have enjoyed the 9028 PRO in the NAD M33, musical and detailed.
        Aug 23, 2021
        scblock likes this.
      4. JellyRhino
        It's nice to see it's now Unison USB.
        Aug 23, 2021
        Azimuth, fraggler and Inoculator like this.
      5. Qildail
        I was just about to pull the trigger on sending my second-desk Asgard 3 in for the Multibit card (I bought it with the AKM DAC). Here comes the Decisionitis...
        Aug 23, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    15. Inoculator
      Yggdrasil really is a different beast after it has been on for a week.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Inoculator
        This is also after putting in a couple dozen hours listening to the NAD M33 paired with Graham Chartwell LS6f over the past few days, which is the nicest/most natural-sounding setup I have ever had the pleasure of hearing in my home. Yggdrasil to SW51+/Autuers just about has me in tears/jaw on the floor.
        Aug 18, 2021
      3. EagleWings
        You upgraded to the LS6f? Nice.
        Aug 18, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
      4. Inoculator
        @EagleWings They are truly remarkable, will be sharing some photos and thoughts around here soon. My reference rig is still running the LS3/5A as it is a nearfield setup, but I scored the LS6f to use in my living room until my Ohm Walsh 4000 comes and to use in a downstairs den eventually. Loving them so much tempted to just bail on the Ohms. Surprisingly great synergy with the M33.
        Aug 18, 2021
        JayC and EagleWings like this.
    16. Inoculator
      First time listening to headphones other than Porta Pros in 4 months. Roon->Pi2AES->Yggdrasil->Freya+->SW51+-> Wenge Auteur. Heaven.
      1. Jinxy245, dubharmonic, rlow and 6 others like this.
      2. DigMe
        Nice. The portapro low mid-centric congestion gets a little overbearing to me. Some day I’ll have my main setup back! Whether it be because I return to Asia or it returns to me.
        Aug 11, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        I bet it’s heaven! What does the Freya+ do in that chain? I see a lot of users doing this and I’m always curious.
        Aug 11, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Inoculator
        @rhythmdevils Only have it in my headphone chain to convert BAL to SE for Yggdrasil to SW51+. Luckily the SS buffer mode is transparent enough to not sweat it (at least that is what I tell myself) and then can kick into tube mode if I want that extra flavor. This setup is 2 channel nearfield and headphone, so Freya+ is the hub everything flows through.
        Aug 11, 2021
        rlow, Cryptowolf and rhythmdevils like this.
    17. Inoculator
      Trying out LS50 Meta/KC62 combo. Integrating a subwoofer is infuriating. Sounds better, bass/mids finally there, but at cost of my sanity.
      1. Pancakes and rlow like this.
      2. Inoculator
        Needless to say I am still not a subwoofer guy. But the metas needed it, and these will eventually get kicked to a home theater setup.
        Aug 7, 2021
        rlow likes this.
      3. Priidik
        Never an easy task with ported top speakers.
        Aug 8, 2021
    18. Inoculator
      Very not ideal, but I have to do a 3-4 meter USB cable run to my DAC. Any recommendations for a budget cable up to the task?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        I have always loved Anker cables and products. Never let me down.
        Aug 6, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
      3. yotacowboy
        Aug 6, 2021
        gixxerwimp and Inoculator like this.
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Gah, realized you said 3-4 METER. Disregard.
        Aug 6, 2021
    19. Inoculator
      First day back to WFH post paternity leave/moving. Makeshift rig today while unpacking office: Pi2AES->Gungnir Multibit->Naim Nait 2->LS3/5A
      1. Soups, rlow, yotacowboy and 5 others like this.
      2. Inoculator
        Haven't gotten to listen to my nearfield reference setup in 3+ months, what a breath of fresh air. This chrome bumper Nait 2 is the little shoebox that could, holy cow. Going to spend a couple days with it, and then compare to Freya+/monoblock Aegir setup. Might just be I missed my LS3/5A.
        Aug 4, 2021
      3. Azimuth
        Welcome back to WFH.
        Aug 4, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
    20. Inoculator
      200 hours on the NAD M33, it is a keeper. True swiss army knife, and haven't even touched Dirac yet. Detail, finesse, sweetness focused.
      1. yotacowboy, edd, EagleWings and 3 others like this.
      2. Inoculator
        Kind of surprising for me as I usually prefer a much more lush, romantic sort of presentation. Bass is pretty lean/clean on this. For sure not a meat on the bones sort of sounds. Has elevated every speaker I have thrown at it though, even if ultimately not the "right" pairing with everything.
        Jul 10, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Go NAD Go!

        But seriously, although it is nothing like the NAD amps I recall from a long time ago, the brand was highly respectected, especially at its price, back then, and I'm happy to see it again. Balls'n'all.
        Jul 11, 2021
        Inoculator likes this.
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  • About

    Feb 20, 1988 (Age: 36)
    Tacoma, WA