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Jun 1, 2024 at 5:27 AM
Nov 11, 2019
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Wind and Solar Performance Lead

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Friend, Male, from Denver


Lyr 3 with LISST is perfectly alright but maybe too polite. Jan 29, 2024

scblock was last seen:
Jun 1, 2024 at 5:27 AM
    1. scblock
      Down to Colorado Springs for a hike then to the brewery for a beer and chicken katsu curry from a friend's food truck. Good Sunday.
      1. scblock
        Forgot the earplugs when I got back on the motorcycle though. By the time I made it to Denver my ears hurt and everything sounded muffled. Stupid move. Watch recorded sustained sound levels over 100 dB under the cuff of my glove.
        Apr 2, 2023
        Philimon likes this.
      2. Claritas
        Someday, I should like to visit Colorado Springs during the lightning season (April–May?). "The lightning lives here." — Tesla's assistant, Alley, in "The Prestige." I love lightning. It is an awesome case of God's performing the work of the creation.
        Apr 7, 2023
    2. scblock
      New old Sony CD changer from eBay arrived, delivered by a local seller. Parasound deck had no optical and hated CDRs.
      1. scblock
        Now I can make CD masters for minidisc recording when I need to.
        Mar 22, 2023
    3. scblock
      RoPieee begged for an update and now Roon won't even see it so that's something I wish I had never done.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scblock
        Update: solved this. The issue wasn't Ropieee itself, my pi-hole had nuked its database and was returning no DNS results. Every other machine kept working because I had a fallback DNS server, but Ropieee wasn't using it. Once I fixed the pi-hole Ropieee was also fixed.
        Mar 20, 2023
        Vansen likes this.
      3. Vansen
        Nice, that makes sense! I'm running Unbound DNS with the same filtering lists as pi-hole and am forwarding it to Quad9. No fallback server, but I have had some stuff stop working like that until I go through a similar troubleshooting rabbit hole.
        Mar 20, 2023
      4. Vansen
        I.e., the Stpehen Black List blocks Hulu's ads. Hulu's service completely hangs up when you hit an ad in a video until you whitelist their ad endpoints.
        Mar 20, 2023
    4. scblock
      In the before times I kept a small DAC/Amp stack at my desk at the office. I may just use the WM1A and Meze 99 Noirs now.
      1. Ksaurav402
        I too have moved to sony walkman but with IEM. Easy to carry around and manage at desk.
        Feb 28, 2023
        scblock likes this.
      2. scblock
        The trouble with IEMs and long hair is no one sees I’m wearing them so I miss them walking up and trying to engage me in conversation. Big headphones are more obvious and easier to put on and take off.
        Feb 28, 2023
        Sqveak, Lyander and Ksaurav402 like this.
    5. scblock
      1. Lyander, edd, gaspasser and 2 others like this.
      2. JK47
        They should offer it for $200 cheaper without the 4.4mm cable as an option (they charge more for that stupid cable alone)
        Feb 8, 2023
        HotRatSalad and Lyander like this.
      3. nishan99
        Seems a very steep price. I hope they sound like a $600.
        Feb 9, 2023
    6. scblock
      For anyone curious, the Radio Paradise iPad app works well on an Apple Silicon Mac, though the interface is a little large.
      1. Merrick likes this.
    7. scblock
      In ways our lives are defined by certain events. Tonight I’m listening to a record that ties strongly into my personal story.
      1. caute, Cryptowolf, JayC and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. scblock
        Now I’m listening to the same record, a vinyl copy. The friend who dragged me to KC in that fateful trip 20 years ago picked it up in NYC at the same time. I’m riding a huge wave of nostalgia right now.
        Jan 10, 2023
        yotacowboy, Questhate, caute and 7 others like this.
      4. Case
        Music, sweet music
        Jan 10, 2023
      5. yotacowboy
        RRAWWRRRR! that album kicks ass.
        Jan 11, 2023
    8. scblock
      Streaming is crap in a lot of ways. I've had to edit several playlists on Qobuz because the tracks are still there but the old links aren't.
      1. HotRatSalad and rhythmdevils like this.
      2. SoupRKnowva
        every time I see friends of mine go through things like this, which isn't infrequent, Im happy I still maintain my own music library instead of streaming
        Jan 5, 2023
      3. scblock
        Why not both? I can't easily (legally) share my library with others but I can make playlists on Qobuz and Apple Music and share those.
        Jan 5, 2023
        zottel and Qildail like this.
    9. scblock
      Mixtape exchange and listening session tonight. I have two new mixes to add to the collection!
      1. Tchoupitoulas and Rustin Cohle like this.
      2. scblock
        And a ratatat LP I have to figure out how to get safely back to Denver on a plane.
        Dec 29, 2022
        Rustin Cohle likes this.
    10. scblock
      I'm wondering if I'll make it to Iowa tomorrow or not. If not, stuck in Phoenix with my sister is not terrible.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scblock
        I'm having a good time here but would love to see my parents too. But if I get stuck I'll send you the BBQ bill.
        Dec 20, 2022
        jexby likes this.
      3. crazychile
        If you get into Iowa before Wed evening you should be good.
        Dec 21, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
      4. scblock
        Safe and sound, and cold
        Dec 22, 2022
        crazychile likes this.
    11. scblock
      LISST works, looks kind of goofy in a Lyr 3. Not sure when/if I'll get real impressions together.
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
      2. scblock
        After a few hours the amp is still broiling hot and the LISST can is even hotter. No running cool here.
        Dec 6, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
    12. scblock
      I recently wrote that I didn't think the the solid state stage in the Lyr+ was worth it with my preference for tubes and loss of the card.
      1. Cryptowolf and Qildail like this.
      2. scblock
        And now I ordered a LISST for my Lyr 3 because it got me thinking anyways.
        Dec 4, 2022
      3. gixxerwimp
        This hobby is insidious.
        Dec 5, 2022
        Qildail and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Claritas
        @gixxerwimp I misread "hilarious" for "insidious." Insidious? Perhaps. Hilarious? Definitely.
        Dec 5, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    13. scblock
      Running the Audeze IEM loaner out of my old MiniDisc Walkman. It seems a fair test, the WM has a decent (if bass emphasized) output.
      1. Merrick and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Mine's on the warmer, bassier side, too
        Oct 26, 2022
    14. scblock
      It took an embarrassing amount of time tonight to realize my Modi Multibit needed a reboot again.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scblock
        Power cycling to reset systems to a known good state is a lot older than Microsoft. Even the Apollo missions had to do it.
        Oct 17, 2022
      3. DigMe
        @Vansen Me too. Since I moved I haven’t even been able to find my headphone stuff yet though.
        Oct 17, 2022
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Well... I just keep stuff turned off when not in use anyway.
        Oct 17, 2022
    15. scblock
      Roon has been crashing on me, which is particularly frustrating when it's in the middle of recording a playlist to a tape or MD.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Vansen
        For the hot mess that Roon is, I’m surprised that I never have issues with it - at least not like everyone seems to complain about. I’m usually the problem user.
        Oct 12, 2022
        crazychile, YMO and Qildail like this.
      4. Vansen
        I suspect my setup for Roon is atypical though: (1) Roon core is running on a headless Ubuntu 22.04 device, (2) all endpoints are are Raspberry Pi running RoPieee
        Oct 12, 2022
        YMO likes this.
      5. yotacowboy
        weird, I've not had a single issue since the last update. MBP M1Pro core to RPi on Ropieee plus Pi2AES.
        Oct 12, 2022
        zottel and Michael Kelly like this.
    16. scblock
      Most recent listening has either been Folkvangr with HD650 or portable MiniDisc MZ-N505 to Porta Pros. Both good.
      1. Jinxy245, jnak00, Qildail and 3 others like this.
    17. scblock
      One of my favorite things about Kids Will Be Skeletons is all the music going on in the higher frequencies. Not all of which I can hear.
      1. Cryptowolf and Qildail like this.
      2. scblock
    18. scblock
      Got tired of paying too much for "new" cassettes that are low quality. Thought I'd try old, used ones for a quarter the cost. Little to lose
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth and YMO like this.
      2. Qildail
        Curious if you hit any better luck than the used tube market I’ve wandered the shallow end of.
        Aug 31, 2022
      3. scblock
        After visual inspection this batch is hit or miss. I tossed about a quarter of them for heat or mold damage. The rest look ok but not tested yet. This was all church recordings from the 90s and 2000s and were not carefully stored.
        Aug 31, 2022
    19. scblock
      I dug an ancient 2006 era Mac Mini out of storage to record and archive a few minidiscs using its optical input. This was probably stupid.
      1. crazychile, fraggler and Gazny like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. scblock
        Nothing wrong with recording them for backup/archiving. The stupid bit was digging out the ancient Mac and a monitor that it could connect to so I could stay in the digital domain. It would have been far simpler to use my normal audio interface and just recorded the line level output.
        Aug 11, 2022
      4. Cspirou
        Aug 11, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Cspirou
        Aug 16, 2022
    20. scblock
      RD modded LCD-X seems to pair really nicely with my Bottlehead S.E.X. so far.
      1. atomicbob, Soups, FlySweep and 8 others like this.
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  • About

    Wind and Solar Performance Lead
    Gear List:
    Listening Room
    Schiit Bifrost Multibit

    CD Player
    Parasound C/DP-1000

    MD Player
    Sony MDS-JE530

    Cassette Player
    Sony TC-WE475

    Pi2AES on a Raspberry Pi 3

    U-Turn Orbit Plus / Ortofon OM5E
    Schiit Sol / Nagaoka MP-110
    Schiit Mani (later generation)
    U-Turn Pluto (integrated into the table)

    Schiit Saga / Russian Tung Sol 6SN7

    Schiit Vidar

    Vandersteen 2c (sequential serial nos, purchased new in Denver circa 1984, purchased used by me late 2000s)

    Headphone Amp
    Schiit Folkvangr

    Living Room
    Schiit Modi Multibit
    Schiit Asgard 2
    Bottlehead Crack w/Speedball

    Desktop/Near Field
    Schiit Modius

    Headphone Amps
    Schiit Lyr 3 / Russian Tung Sol 6SN7
    Cavalli Liquid Platinum / Stock Tubes
    Shortest Way SW51+

    Headphone/Speaker Amplifier
    Bottlehead S.E.X. 3.0 w/C4S boards

    Klipsch R-51M

    Portable Players
    iPod 5.5g (retrofitted with 200 GB SD card)
    FiiO M6 (mostly retired)
    FiiO X5 Mk III (mostly retired)
    Sony A50 Series w/MrWalkman Firmware (to replace FiiO M6)
    Sony WM1A (to replace FiiO X5)

    Sennheiser HD650
    Drop/Sennheiser HD58x
    Drop/Beyerdynamic DT 177x Go
    Focal Elegia
    HiFiMan HE-400i
    Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition/Premium 600 Ohm
    Drop/Meze M99 Noir
    Sennheiser HD569
    Koss Porta Pro
    Apple Airpods Max

    Brainwavz B400
    Massdrop/Noble X
    Drop/JVC HA-FDX1
    Etymotic ER4XR
    Apple Airpods Pro
    I like music and music equipment. I also make mixtapes.
