The Head-Fi Healing Thread

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by Madaboutaudio, Oct 10, 2015.


Does Head-Fi Make You Feel Like You've Been Touched by an Icky Politician?

  1. Yes

    45 vote(s)
  2. No

    24 vote(s)
  3. I love Jude!

    30 vote(s)
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  1. Spl4tt

    Spl4tt New

    Jul 1, 2016
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    Yep. Every newbie starts there. You get there automatically with your first google.
  2. HAL9000

    HAL9000 Almost "Made"

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Thank god for SBAF! Other than for new product announcements, HF is content free. The level of techical acumen, especially for the "guys in the know" is truly spectacular!
  3. Mardrommar

    Mardrommar New

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I tend to lurk the same threads to see if anything interesting or useful comes about, like with the bigger metal threads/headphones for metal threads.

    However, I also creep on users that I find particularly entertaining or aggravating.

    And I have no idea if this is the right thread, but I think many users would get a kick out of /u/draytonklammer. He's been one of the more colorful characters I've seen on Head-Fi so far. The TL;DR is that he got into audio fairly recently and went balls out by constantly buying summit-fi headphones and then selling them or asking how much more money he can throw at blind purchases in order to make his system better. (He has no idea about anything too.) After deciding to sell a majority of his stuff, he settled on the LCD-4 as his end game. But that really only lasted for a few weeks because he just bought the Abyss and decided in the span of a few minutes that it's a better headphone than the LCD-4 and now that is up for sale.

    I think it's quite interesting to see all the users on there who equate more expensive = better.
  4. Artasia

    Artasia Friend

    Oct 29, 2015
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    I agree about Drayton Klammer. Did he seriously turn his back on the LCD-4 after all the bull-shit hype he inseminated on its corresponding thread?
  5. k4rstar

    k4rstar Britney fan club president

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    Looks like a very serious case of new toy syndrome. At least he's built himself up a fair bit of trade feedback. :D
  6. Mardrommar

    Mardrommar New

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I'd love to say that he's trolling everyone, but I think he has more money than sense and can't formulate his own opinions. I once called him out on his bullshit after he caught my attention in the LCD-X thread, because he never wrote anything more than a sentence. It was always something like "The LCD-X shits on your face." "The LCD-X is better than krokodil mixed with coke." Never any justification or detail behind his hyped up statements.

    But holy shit. You sit down with a new $5,500 headphone and know that you want to get rid of your $4,000 headphone in the span of a few minutes? I'm going to bet a kidney that he's going to purchase the Focal Utopia after he reads that some users prefer it to both the Abyss and LCD-4. Then he's going to buy an Orpheus 2.
  7. k4rstar

    k4rstar Britney fan club president

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    Your bet is void, according to his comment history he's already purchased it and it's on the way.

    More than likely he's just addicted to hopping around from flagship thread to flagship thread and sucking off all the existing owners with his brainless questions (will my $4.7K Moon Audio amp be good enough?) before he gets bored and goes on to the next one.
  8. Mardrommar

    Mardrommar New

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I vaguely remember he wanted to compare it with his LCD-4, but surely he didn't purchase it?

    That's too true. I mean, part of the fun of audio is fooling around with different sounds and experiencing the journey. But whatever. I can't wait to see what he says next. Hopefully he figured out how to put on the Abyss properly. I can't believe he actually asked which way it should be worn. :rolleyes:
  9. Malabargold

    Malabargold Flipper

    Apr 10, 2016
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    r/headphones isn't a bad place for beginners but it is hard for me to spend time there when a majority of the posters have m50x/hd598 as endgame and believe amps and DACs are a placebo. Too much of a flock mentality for me, I prefer r/audiophile.

    At least some of them have started to turn against their almighty Zeos :p
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
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    r/headphones is a good resource to start out with. A minority of the folks there only get into trouble when they start to talk about stuff they have zero experience with and go all hydrogen audio and shit.

    This is a stupid hobby anyway. Best not to spend too much. So in that sense r/headphones is good. But then some of us can't do without our records and MC cartridges and tube amps and shit.
  11. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Recently discovered this site. I didnt know about Head-Fi/Jude's grudge until I got a PM from Currawong about him deleting my very recently added link to sbaf in my profile. My profile! I have a relatively low post count for a member from 2006, how did he come upon my link? Im a nobody. I rarely post anything controversial or interesting.

    I agree with most of whats already been said here regarding HeadFi and its priority as a marketing tool. I used to donate $ to HF. I guess that was pre-Huddler.

    If Jude is all bad then why did he add the sound science forum?

    I would like to hear about the HD700 debacle, please?

    Can I get a SBAF shirt for next CanJam?
  12. Xen

    Xen Friend

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I have not been in Sound Science for a few months. It was the only subforum that I did frequent on HF. Obviously what follows is my opinion, but Sound Science is a ghetto. It is allowed as a place to segregate out undesirables and is allowed to devolve into chaos. The current Sound Science mod had no power last time I was there, and the old mod (Currawong? Never really saw him "mod" any thread until CastleOfAaargh became "mod") allowed just about anyone to go in and shit on any thread as long as they were within visible range of the "civility" guidelines.
  13. Scubadude

    Scubadude Almost "Made"

    Jan 23, 2016
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    50x / HD598 endgame and amps / DACs dont matter?
    Not too far off the Big Sound 2015 parting shot. If I paraphrase correctly it was something like "any decent DAC and amp will do, cables add very little, get a pair of HD600's and come back in 5 years". Certainly much more pocket friendly than hanging around HF for 5 years ...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Long story short on the HD700 debacle: Sennheiser asked Jude / HF to pick stooges before the launch to shill the HD700. The HD700 accolades didn't happen. The HD700 was not received well. A few folks like LFF (and Currawong) privately told me that the Sennheiser was trying wring some good impressions from them. A few quote that they could use for CES. Uncle Erik, a respected HF'er who was part of that group didn't even say anything. He stopped posting on HF thereafter. LFF offered that the HD700 was comfortable. I snuck a listen from LFF, but I didn't say anything until the press embargo ended and I bought my own production HD700. Sennheiser also asked that the "preview" units all be shipped back (they were essentially production) to their rep in Asia at the previewer's expense including paying for insurance. Two takeaways:1) How Sennheiser marketing was so amateurish (personally I would have fired someone); 2) How shilly HF had become (or the realization of it - keep in mind that was years ago when it wasn't so obvious).

    The HFM / Judegate incident of recent is actually far more interesting.

    Maybe we'll have another run of shirts. I would suggest that you not wear it at Head-Fi functions. A few folks innocently wore a shirt with a digital skull on the front and "give me freedom or give me the rope" on the back to a HF meet last year. They found themselves silently banned on HF - a new technique Jude has been using to get back at disobedient people. I would understand if it were me, or LFF, but some of these people silently banned were essentially randoms who had no particular allegiance to me, CS, or SBAF personally and posted on both sites. Jude is pretty thin-skinned, paranoid, and takes things super personally, so I'd be careful of pissing him off if you want to continue posting on HF.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  15. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    If people want sound science then go to, read Archimago's blog, or... now doubt there are other great places on the net for it. But unless one enjoys arguments with 11-yr-olds where every other paragraph starts I'm only trying to say followed by the same thing as he only tried to say the last time, forget it. There is better sound science here on sbaf than there is in the HF ghetto. Even though some people there still try. Bottom line is that it, generally, discourages large spends. That kind of discouragement is never goinf to be encouraged on HF.

    How many moderators do they have? Either they read every post between them, or they automate the process. I'd expect them to have spam-flagging software, and I'm guessing that they use that, or some form or extension of it, to flag posts that flag their particular unmentionables
  16. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Just look at Jude's facial expressions(eyebrows, mouth) at 1min:38sec of the video when he says that the HD700 sounds closer the HD800(than to HD650).. I leave it to the viewer to make their own conclusions... ;)

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
  17. jowls

    jowls Never shitposts (please) - Friend

    Oct 3, 2015
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  18. k4rstar

    k4rstar Britney fan club president

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    Jun 11, 2016
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    The good die young
  19. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Sharp Shirts Of Our Time

    Never mind Jude... How can the Sennheiser guy wear that shirt without getting cut to shreds?
  20. OJneg

    OJneg The Most Insufferable

    Pyrate BWC
    Sep 25, 2015
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