Office/Battlestation pictures

Discussion in 'Geek Cave: Computers, Tablets, HT, Phones, Games' started by fraggler, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. Clemmaster

    Clemmaster Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Sep 28, 2015
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    QD-OLED? If yes, how is that working out for you?

    Bought the AW3423DWF a month ago but returned it within a week because text was horrendous on it…
    I thought those comments were overblown and only a fraction of the population would care. I guess I’m in the minority :confused:
    It doesn’t help that I have a window right next to the monitor* which I can’t fully black out and clearly stress the (shitty, let’s be honest) anti-glare coating and, of course, the lack of polarizer destroys the black level.

    (*) from the rtings ambiant light test, it seemed like there would need quite a bright light to reveal those issues and I didn’t expect my room to stress it so much :(

  2. Beefy

    Beefy Friend Pyrate

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Yep, it's the AW3423DWF. I'm loving it. At default the text fringing was a bit off, but BetterClearTypeTuner worked a treat to hit settings I was happy with. I also tend to work in dark mode (doubly so now with burn in a potential factor) where it is much less noticeable than black text on white.

    The thing that bugs me most is the teeny bit of coil whine. It's less noisy than the hum/squeal from the crappy Kanto speakers, and obviously can't hear it with headphones on.... but when music/sound is turned off, the whine is more audible than the entire silently idling PC.
  3. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer Pyrate Contributor

    Feb 25, 2017
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    Philippines, The
    It's not even funny how much difference there is between the samples, I'm gonna go and guess that
    Sample 2 is with the Daking, leaving Sample 1 for the stock MOTU

    Sample 2 had a bit more nasality and took in way more of the room around you, the other had a much smoother tonality overall with better presence on the headstage, more organic sounding if muffled by comparison. High whirring fan noise was more a bother on the room-prominent one but was definitely present on both.

    Add: somehow get the feeling distances were different between takes? Listening back with fresh ears I think Sample 2 still sounds the more natural to me in terms of how it presents your voice, just with a bit more proximity effect engaged maybe — there's definitely more separation between you and the room here.

    The tonality of Sample 1 still seemed a bit too forward and nasally, not particularly pleasant to me, but maybe I should have read more into how much of the room was being picked up.
    • Agreed, ditto, +1 Agreed, ditto, +1 x 1
    • List
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023

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