Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    I'll have you know I only damp orthos with my ass hair and that is more meta than meta itself.
  2. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    That will let you gauge the magnitude of the lie we have been exposed to. The screen shot with the "excess deaths" 2020+three quarters of 2022, vs the deaths attributable to COVID only according to official UK data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The ugly truth about the COVID industry and two years of devastation it caused is starting to come out. And he goes in deils through all the numbers quarter by quarter if you care to watch it.
    Here is the link to full video without taking too much space:

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  3. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Freedom Freedom Freedom! Free to do what? Not have a clue about the statistics of demography and mortality. The only "lie" here is what you believe @wormcycle. I would say this is ASR level demography and analysis, but the truth is it does not even rise to that level.

    Really @wormcycle , if your going to listen to morons you know what that makes you. By the way if you really want a clue you can go take a stat 101 course (combine it with a demography and mortality 101 for the win) at your local university...but of course that would take more effort than watching morons on Youtube.
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  4. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm not getting into the specific video, but this really caught my eye from a distance.

    is oh so, so true of so, so much of the rubbish about covid, and ASR-style is typical of its delivery too
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  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Excess mortality due to COVID is rather easy to calculate for countries with stable populations and circumstances. Go back in time, look at trends of past few years, and see what's going on since COVID. There's absolutely no need for convoluted math using cherry picked numbers here or there.

    Yes, people may have died from other shit already, or died earlier than expected (this probably explains the dip for the USA in Spring/Summer of 2021). I think this chart below is with the 5-years before as the baseline. A couple percent here or there may be noise. What we see below most certainly isn't noise.
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  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    That's just deaths. TBH, it ain't that deadly. Maybe 20% (averaged over time) more deaths in country like USA where deaths are rare isn't that much.

    The kicker is the number of people getting sent to hospitals. Some US states are sending the National Guard to a crash course in becoming nurse aides. This should help offload a lot of crap nurses have to deal with and let them concentrate on more important direct live saving measures.


    In retrospect, the USA should have provided nurse aid training as jobs for people instead of handing out free money. I would have volunteered for sure least year on part time basis, my wife full time.
  7. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Your right it's relatively easy, but it's beyond "Dr. John Cambell" (whom @wormcycle linked), who is a nurse with a Ph.D. in "...the development of open learning resources for nurses..." whatever the f**k that means. Nurses are not required to be competent in even basic algebra (let alone statistics 101), and if you have any experience you know most of them are not.

    Nurses are the Oompa-Loompas of medicine - those who do without really understanding why of what they do. It's not accidental that the liberaterian right wing has latched on to more than a few of them in an effort to promote their wishful thinking.
  8. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Excess mortality data does not have to be calculated, it is available. But the information that would put some meaning into it is just becoming available, and I mean the official sources only. And it has to be scrutinized as well, and yes it requires context.
    But I do not care who is the guy on the video, to be honest I did not really listened to it, I went directly to the links. He brings to the table important part of the official UK government data that was not available before. That what I am interested in.
    And after watching it: The guy is not doing any math, he is just writing on a white board, or paper what came in the UK government response to FOIA.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  9. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    Same here in Canada. In the last wave, we were able to fly ICU patients to other provinces for care when ours became overwhelmed because the waves crested at different times in different places, but this time around all the provinces are getting hit at the same time so that won't be happening. Again we are hitting record high hospitalizations, again we are postponing cancer and heart surgeries and diagnostics. For all the talk of dying "of COVID" or "with COVID", people are absolutely also dying "without COVID", because they are going without necessary care for other needs.

    We are "lucky" Omicron is "milder", because if it had Delta level virulence with Omicron level transmissibility we would be well into complete societal breakdown territory.
  10. mitochondrium

    mitochondrium Friend

    Sep 1, 2017
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    Had a hard time watching the full video right up to end I expected for someone to come along and put a dunce cap on his bald head.
    I imagine the guy running a bath muttering
    „This is profound“
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  11. Wilewarer

    Wilewarer Almost "Made"

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Even before COVID it wasn't hard to notice that nurses seemed to hold very strange health and medicine views way more than the average person. It's just that it used to be about stuff that was easier to ignore, like weird nutrition advice, so I didn't think much about it then. Honestly, I was more inclined to blame Dr. Oz.

    This might not be a problem (Dr. Oz aside), except that lots of people just don't know the difference between one nurse and another nurse. Or a nurse and a doctor. It would be really nice to not have had to ponder any of this, huh?
  12. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    His accent was grating to my ears at best. Even most or all Cantonese, Wu, and Min (both Fujian and Taiwan) speakers who speak Mandarin as a 2nd language that I've met speak much better sounding Mandarin to my ears. This is as someone who (sort of) learned Taiwanese Mandarin and Mandarin from people from multiple regions of China.

    New sources:
    I actually read a little across the spectrum. Mostly look at the headlines and topics covered - don't read the contents though as I think the topics are already typically very narrowly selected and biased in what they cover - usually they don't talk about anything I perceive as "the real stuff". Often many times stuff on the far left and far right is also just poorly written and IMO not very factually, logically, practically, and/or scientifically sound but w/e, free speech and all. Too few SMEs writing stuff.

    I also still maintain that none of this crappy media coverage would matter if we were still free to fail in America. Hold crappy illogical beliefs and fail by them within a year or two as most people had to for most of human history. Course correct ASAP or wither away. Wither away enough times and you ultimately die. Unfortunately, it seems like we aren't free to fail anymore where it usually matters and if we do actually fail, it'syou're condemned to the outskirts of society for the rest of your life or at least a very long time with few viable paths back in.

    Also talked with some healthcare professionals (mostly doctors and nurses):
    They were talking about staffing shortages, etc. I (not a doctor or healthcare professional) actually blamed the medical boards and medical schools for artificially limiting the supply of doctors (or similar professionals) to barely or not quite enough to cover US medical needs at any give point in time. And now that 20-40% or more have quit and a few more have been fired due to refusal to vaccinate (no I'm not anti-vax, just saying it choked supply)...

    Sure, a big part of it is "QC" so to say - I certainly wouldn't put my life or long term well being in an incompetent person's hands. However, I think it's just as much if not more a backdoor way to otherwise keep wages high and figuratively or functionally unionize (i.e. keep labor supply pool low + very controlled in order to artificially increase wages + give more bargaining power). I really don't believe that in a nation of 300M people, only a few thousand people are competent enough to be admitted to med school each year. Pro or anti-union in their own beliefs, none of them were thrilled to hear this but none of them could directly refute what I was saying. I really would like to be proven wrong here b/c if I'm right I'm going to be even more upset at society than I already am...
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  13. Soliloqueen

    Soliloqueen Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Something that intrigues me about this is that it doesn't just stop with 2 parents. Outcome for children continues to improve as you add more parents to the mix. This supports the theory that humans are meant to perform childcare within the community group. Lots of people asking "how are two parents supposed to take care of a newborn baby AND have enough time to work their jobs/in the community?" when the reality is that they're not. I think the current system does a good job keeping people separated from their community, over-entangling parents with their children to the point of helicopterism or narcissistic abuse etc, and the poor mental health of many or most adults is a direct result of parental individualist societal norms that are totally at odds with how parenting actually works
  14. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    One of the things I've noticed in other countries is that the role of "extra" parents tends to be filled by grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. The US being a large country with various opportunities and "relatively" easy relocation, the larger family unit tends to break up as people move.

    So I don't see us having any sort of societal or ethics or whatever breakdown. It's just a product of physical size and opportunity.
  15. Soliloqueen

    Soliloqueen Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Totally agree. By "social norms" i mean the norms that result in society due to the influence of the size of the country over time. not a statement on ethics or anything
  16. dsavitsk

    dsavitsk Friend

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    Huh. Someone should write a book about that:
  17. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    On my end I noticed that even the grandparents/aunts/uncles are all working until more/less to death.

    Hate to say it, but I'm glad I'm not having any children. It is already crazy expensive to raise a child, and considering a month of day care is almost a whole month worth of wages it is pretty nuts. I'm not going into near poverty to raise children.

    At my banking job we have tons of lower end employees who have multiple jobs just to keep themselves afloat. Most saying "even if I want children, where the money/support will come from?"
  18. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    It is a truism that 'it takes a village', thing is I don't want to live in Hillary's village - the Progressive village, as they are not there to help you and yours as a community, but to form your children in their own image:
  19. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    @YMO I hear you. But I'd argue that's always been the case throughout human existence. The lords did whatever and the plebes slaved away in the fields for barely more than some food on the table.

    Although, I suppose this is where "extra" parents come into play - instead of having to pay for childcare, the kids were left with grandparents, etc. So probably things are tougher these days.
  20. NationOfLaws

    NationOfLaws Friend

    Nov 10, 2019
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    That's a tremendous, willful misinterpretation of what she means. She's obviously not saying that the left wants to take your kids or whatever horseshit the tweet is positing, she's saying that kids are a part of a community and that there are things you process differently when you see them through a community lens instead of a private one.
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