Redscape Audio 3D Tracker + Software Impressions

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by tommytakis, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Hi Friends,

    I thought I would write some impressions on a pretty interesting and unique product I had the pleasure demoing for... actually I don't even know how long, probably around a year? I found out about this product when I was at Canjam 2 years ago and it was the product that stood out the most out of all the things I tried there. I was so amazed of this technology Ryan (creator) made at a relatively affordable pricing, I even wrote him an email expressing my enthusiasm for the product. I think couple months after, he asked me to be one of his beta testers for the product. For some time now I've been giving him feedback, but when I was switching jobs, moving apartment, and ..just life things, I lost touch with him. (100% my fault) Anyways, let me get to the point.

    Basically this software emulates the speaker-like sound into any headphone you plug into. Yeah I know, wtf right? You can use most available DACs out there, I'm using the Schiit Hel + Porta Pros right now and it works flawlessly. I'll drop down some key things here

    Listening chain: Redscape Audio > Schiit Hel > Porta Pro

    - It has a systemic 10 band EQ and you can add as many profiles as you want for different headphones you're using.
    - Windows only for now I think
    - 3 different modes to cater to what you're using it for: music, gaming, and movies. I usually just leave it on the music setting.
    - When you turn the software on, it actually projects the sound infront of you, you can see the singer and the instruments around it. Not "in your head" experience at all.
    - 3D tracker that you attach to the top of the headphone. Basically once you put it on and calibrate it, the sound stays in place even if you move your head around. You can "see" the instruments and singers like you're at a live concert. Pretty gnarly stuff - Resolution and imaging depends on your headphones. I found the best imaging and resolution when I was using the HD800, but it still works fine with any headphones or even IEMs. Verite also worked well, but i thought the weight kind of took away from the experience. HD650 works well, but doesn't image very well as the HD800. Porta pros are good enough for me since I don't game much anymore and just listen to music and watch movies. Strongly recommended to use an openback + decent resolution because the lack of air in IEMs and closebacks takes away from the overall experience in my opinion.
    - Currently, I'm not using the 3D tracker on it because the cable is a bit heavy and gets in the way sometimes. I just use the software and leave it on most of the time when I'm not using it for critical listening for impressions and stuff. I have a separate rig for that anyway.
    - Sometimes I get confused thinking I'm listening to my Vanatoo T0 speakers when it's just my porta pros … people who bitch about soundstage of headphones, should try this! Also ideal for people who want to have the sound of speakers but are limited by their living situation.
    - People around you won't hear the difference between the software on or off. You can toggle between ON and OFF and easily tell a difference in stage and immersion factor. I wish I could have brought this to the meet, but that meant I would have to drag my PC there lol

    It's definitely not for everyone and I don't think these are meant to replace your main headphone rig or speakers, but provides a unique speaker-like experience at a very affordable pricing. I know there's the Smyth realizer ? which is substantially more expensive. I think there's decent amount of friends here that would be interested in this so I decided to write my impressions here. Would be a cool loaner idea, but I think we would have to work with Ryan first since the license key only allows for one source. Mine's a prototype/demo so not sure if things have changed.

    **Disclaimer: I'm not a MOT and do not benefit from this at all. I chose to do this of my own free will and I just thought it would be a cool product for the community to check out :)

    here's the website for more info: There's also demo tracks that you can listen to, to hear the differences.

    @Mods i'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, so please move it to the appropriate section at your convenience.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
  2. dietwater

    dietwater Acquaintance

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Thaank you for your impressions. Can you let me know what types of input it supports.

    For stereo it stimulates stereo speakers right? Does it support multi channel audio as well? Any idea about binaural audio?
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Holy shit, how we did miss this? Loaner? Would that even be possible?

    How does the software work? Can I pipe it to my Motu and record the results so we can all hear its effects?
  4. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

    Mar 22, 2018
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    A loaner might be difficult without getting some help from the creator because each unit gets tied down to one computer by purchasing the license. Maybe @ChaChaRealSmooth can reach out to Ryan and get a special loaner unit for SBAF.

    Basically purchase the license from the website with or without the 3D tracker, follow the instructions listed on the website (pretty thorough and easy for a tech dummy like me), strap the 3D tracker onto your headphone of choosing, plug in the tracker to PC, then BAM. Enjoy your headphone imitating speaker-like stage.

    There are demo tracks that you can hear to check for differences, but obviously the real thing is cooler and immersive.

    This is basically the booth I saw at Canjam
    This is what it comes with:
    This is what the software looks like:
    Works with any USB DACs and you can adjust the format to how you want it

    The 3D tracker is really cool and you can see your head movement as you listen to music or watch movies. With the software+ 3D tracker configured correctly, you can "see" the artist playing infront of you and kind of look around and see all the instruments placed around you. Some might see it as cheap gimmick but I think it's really cool and it was the most memorable thing I heard at Canjam that year.

    There's also built in EQ that works really well for something like HD800. You can save/ load as many as you want for any # of headphones
    3 main modes: Game, Movie, or Music. I usually just stick with Music
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I went through the demo on the site and it's one of the best software one's I've heard. I imagine with the head-tracker, the illusion would be complete.
  6. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    Yeah if you get something that images well like the HD800, you are in for a ride :)

    Something like the HD650 or porta pro works too, but they'll definitely limit the experience

    Oh, you can even use IEMs or closedbacks but the effect will obviously be better with open backs.
  7. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend

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    Software was impressive and the creator was very humble and answered all my stupid question with patience in Canjam 2018 I guess. With tracker the sound follows the head movement and singer remains in front of you all the time.
    I always wanted to compare with with other similar software. I had one on trial that time but I forgot its name. That software had several speakers to select from in profile. Not sure if you got chance to compare it against some competitors.

    Just saw its only for Windows
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  8. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend

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    @tommytakis could you try it out with some netflix movie and see if you get some surround sound effect. Not looking to replace home theatre but would be cool when one watches movie in laptop.
  9. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    it works with Netflix, youtube, Hulu, etc.. I've watched many movies with this and it's pretty sweet

    I've tried gaming with this as well (Fortnite lol) which worked fine, but I don't like using the 3D tracking when gaming because I just want to focus on the screen
  10. Huhnkopf

    Huhnkopf Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Very interesting. How's the delay/lag for gaming?
  11. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

    Mar 22, 2018
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    delay is not really noticeable in games. I think the creator was worried about latency issues if he went wireless/ bluetooth route so he decided to make them wired. I just prefer to use them for music and movies.
  12. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend

    Mar 20, 2016
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    - insert creepy smile guy -

    There are too many to guess but many use TB Isone, OOYH, Boom 3D, the Creative software (don't remember the name) etc..
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
  13. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    Yes, I've done it with the following:
    JRiver -> Redscape -> UltraLite-mk4 matrix routed for loopback to Analog 3+4 -> Adobe Audition record input
    Redscape seems to need a large buffer when doing something like this

    I'm partial to Waves NX and Redline Monitor.
  14. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend

    Mar 20, 2016
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    In what context(s) do you use those softwares. If you don't mind me asking.
  15. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    Description in third screen shot on this post:

    Starting point for parameters in this post;

    Redline or WavesNX for spatialization. Now Redscape as an alternative on the output side with both WavesNX and Redline bypassed.
  16. farbinator

    farbinator Facebook Friend

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I'm genuinely curious what sort of gyro setup is being used for the head tracker. I presume it's not as simple as something like an MPU-9250 gyro/Arduino setup (or is it?) and obviously the real "magic" is in how well the software processes the sensor data to create the illusion of "3D".

    Makes me want to grab a 9250/arduino as a fun project and make something similar.
  17. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Whoa, just did the online demo. Definitely reminiscent of the Smyth realizer. I didn't realize a pure software solution had gotten this good. I am assuming that doing the jiggery pokery to get the spatialization loses some info? Compared to a nice rig, would you say that the spatialization makes up for the potential loss of absolute fidelity.

    I have been chasing better spatialization for years (I know now it is fruitless with headphones) and wonder if this plus a budgetish rig might get me what I have been looking for. Kind of like how I know Audyssey for my speakers might be killing fidelity, but damn if it doesn't sound good, especially with soundtracks.
  18. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

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    So looks like you can get the software only for $99 if you don't need the tracking. I reached out to him to see if an at-home software demo can be available so that I can listen with my own music.
  19. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I've tried this out at a couple of our local meets. The dude is super cool and also interested in customer feedback. It's pretty neat and everything works as expected. The experience it provides is not for me personally. I want my headphones to perform like headphones. Sometimes I need the party inside my head.
  20. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I really want more time with it to see if it is more than a Wow thing that I will get tired of in a day or two. I did confirm that while there is no demo software beyond what's on the web, there is a 15 day return policy for the software only. So kind of a demo. Once I sell off some surplus audio gear, I will give this a real shot. I already know I am not on the audiophile level as most people here so something like this might actually work for me.

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