Magni 3+ and Magni 3 Heresy released

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by redrich2000, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This can be tested with the ARTA siggen to simulate a second harmonic.

    See if you can tell the difference.

    This is audio science - an experiment.
  2. bboris77

    bboris77 Friend

    Dec 12, 2015
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    After owning both of these amps for a few days I have to say that the Heresy is growing on me. In fact, I have to say that I’ve been listening to it in the low gain mode for a few days now and it is excellent. I’m kind of liking its neural sound signature. I can definitely run it at higher volumes in both gain modes compared to the Magni 3+ without experiencing any harshness. The Magni 3 definitely has a more “wet” sound in the high gain mode which I think has to do with slightly emphasized low end. The vocals are a bit more holographic and laid back. Overall, it is just a bit less aggressive sounding. However, it is definitely a more “subjective” sounding amp that imparts more of its sound signature on whatever headphone you connect to it. The Heresy is more revealing when you listen to poorly recorded music.

    Jason was not bluffing when he said that these are both very good sounding amps and that there are people who may actually prefer the Heresy. I still stand behind my original statement that there is definitely a place for both of these amps depending on your headphones and what you are primarily using them for.
  3. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

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    Most popular music is recorded perfectly fine. Especially anything from more than 20 years ago with a real recording budget. Be a man and stop listening on headphones. If you're complaining about recording quality on ribbon tweeters or metal domes... Soft domes or bust bro.

    I tried these both at the DC meet with HD 6XX. The Magni Heresy is thin, dry, and in your face. The dryness is like the music is sandpaper giving me an abrasive facial to scrub the lines off my face like something Real Housewives would do at a Korean spa with snail tongues. Tube guitar amps don't sound particularly tubey. More like dry etched crap. Like something Yamaha would put out but worse because its on something whose driver is drastically breaking up in the upper mids. This is a tiny bit more 3d than a mediocre interface jack but still meh. I couldn't hear the depth and guitars were flat. The red case is like the red light. Don't run into the red. Don't run the stop light.

    Magni 3+ has a better low end, staging, and less artificially dried out highs. The tube guitar amps and saturation came through better were still a bit too thin. The depth was better than the Heresy but still not great. It still totally sucks compared to decent speakers or say the SPL head amp I tried but this is 100 dollars, has some juice, and isn't grating. Not shit, no chinesium sound, no cheese grater = good for a Benjamin if you need the power
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    The proximity of the Magni 3 volume knob to the phono jack is a minor legitimate gripe especially if one has fat fingers or isn't left handed or ambidextrous. I don't have an issue with Amir mentioning this. What I do have an issue with is Amir's lack of consistently applied criteria and standards, in this case regarding ergonomics. The optics are that when it comes to Schiit, Amir moves the goalposts further away.

    The JDS Atom seemed to fly by with flying colors with no mention of build or ergonomic issues. Yet now that I actually have my hands on the JDS Atom, I don't know how Amir didn't bother mentioning associated minor issues:
    • All lightweight plastic chassis that feels cheap. Cheap as in feel less sturdy than the food containers I used over Thanksgiving. This is nothing at all like the JDS EL which is solid.
    • Shallow volume knob with only enough room to turn it with the tip of the fingers, compounded by the lack of any texturing on the knob to get a good grip. The knob is smooth plastic and hard to get a grip on. The gain button to the right of the knob too close given the shallowness of the knob.
    • Note that the Magni has a longer volume knob with a textured surface. I actually find it easier to turn the volume on the Magni than the Atom, even using my right hand.
    IMG_20191216_133056 (1).jpg
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  5. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    Being neither ambidextrous, nor left-handed, I've literally, not once in my life, ever given any thought to adjusting the volume knob on small Schiit amps, regardless of placement relative to me, on my desks, in regards to surrounding gear, or the size of the jack I have plugged into the front.

    And that says something for a guy who feels like almost nothing is ergonomically designed in the world for someone with my hand size. Not that I'm in the 99.99th percentile in that regard, but high enough up there that I think about these sorts of things on a somewhat regular basis. Except for the small Schiit amps.

    I feel like you have to put a conscious effort into these sorts of things to find complaints like this.

    Anyone coming up with this sort of shit is either A) overthinking things to the extreme, likely out of stupidity or mental health problems and/or B) is purposely trying to find imaginary holes to poke out of bias.
  6. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Wait, all this time your board handle was based on your actual hands?

    Also, does anybody else wrap elastics around their knobs to make them easier to turn?
  7. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    It has many meanings. :)

    OK, WTF are you guys doing that make it so hard to turn knobs?

    Do your steering wheels regularly slip out of your hands?

    Do you computer mice randomly fly off your desk?

    Are screwdrivers a safety hazard for any nearby equipment, yourself, and others around you?

    Do you have to have someone else pick your nose for you?

    Do your dance partners in your avatar dress in elastic, and only for the purpose of dance safety? (I won't judge for other cases.)

    This is coming from the ultra-clumsy guy with big, sweaty hands.
  8. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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  9. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    I'm not allowed to drive since I hit that female jogger a year ago. Jogger chicks are the best, they are just hard to catch.


    Yes, but for other reasons.

    I use a drill.

    Only if she's into that kind of stuff. I made a video called "2 girls 1 booger" if you want to see it. I'm very proud of my early film efforts.

    Also, is it just me or does the headphone jack on the Atom look to be the same distance from the volume knob as it is on the Magni? (Not that I'm very experienced with small knobs.)
  10. Raimei Templar

    Raimei Templar Friend

    Dec 8, 2019
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    My only complaint with the Magnis as far as ergonomics go is that the gain switch and power switches are in the back which is a bit irritating. I much prefer them to be in the front or at least the gain switch to be as it is on the Asgard 3. if you are not used to the placement of the switches its really easy to accidentally turn it off when trying to up the gain or vice versa.

    I have never had any issues turning the volume knob and I am right handed. I guess if you have big hands it might be a issue or if you feel the need to vulcan mind meld with your amp while adjusting the volume.
  11. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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  12. bboris77

    bboris77 Friend

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I actually hated the gain switch on my Lyr was stuck in between the headphone jack and the volume button, super fiddly. I just put the amp in high gain, and leave it there. Power button on an amp is not an issue for me either because the amp always goes on top. I do have some degree of difficulty turning the volume on the Magni unless I put the amp to my left side and use my left hand to adjust the volume. Especially with the thick Audeze headphone jack.
  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    On Magni, if you approach the knob from the left side as a right-hander, there should be zero issue.

    Now as we look at Atom, it's a pain in the ass: The light weight of the plastic unit isn't enough to keep the amp from sliding off its rubber feet - a result of the shallow volume knob being difficult to reach around the phono jack.*
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  14. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo

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    But but...Atom is it's better. :p I spy Dekoni box.

    PS: never get rid of MA900
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    *BTW, I am being a retard and intentionally making it appear that the JDS Atom has more serious issues than it really has. The reason I wanted to do this is to show how people on the Internet can distort reality according to the narratives that they want to tell because of their biases.


    The shallow knob on the JDS is more problematic for me though. I do prefer have more of my fingers over the knob to turn it instead of just the edges of the fingers, which feels weird. The power switch integrated into the knob would have theoretically been nicer feature, but the lack of any texture on the knob makes it rather slippery to easily turn the switch past its resistance point. Last point not really a big deal as I leave little headamps like this in the on position at all times.

    BTW, if anywhere here thinks the Magni volume knob feel can be improved but is ultimately OK for what it is, you are going go dislike the feel of the Atom volume knob more.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  16. dematted

    dematted Friend

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    Yeah, it's apparently become a thing for JDS Atom Buyers to search online for knobs that can be used to replace the stock one. Look at all the comments on this thing, for example:

    Having owned a couple of Schiit products now, I have to say I really enjoy the build quality they have, as well as the consistent style throughout all their products. Makes it easy to have a coherent aesthetic on your desk, though admittedly the lean silver doesn't exactly match my victorian-style desk...
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    1. Earpads for Drop Elex. Hopefully results tonight.
    2. Everybody should own a Sony MDR-MA900. Lightweight, portable, good sound, and don't look like a retard on conference calls.
  18. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    No type of sleek headphone can save me from that. It's inherent.
  19. magicscreen

    magicscreen New

    Aug 9, 2019
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    I have to mention about the build quality of the Atom:
    - the input and gain switch are cheap low-quality
    - the rca connectors are cheap low-quality
    - the plastic box is the biggest sin, using metal box is a basic rule in audio
  20. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    On planet
    I'm shocked to hear people on the internet can distort reality to fit their narratives.

    Hopefully more readers will wise up and seek facts rather than "short but insightful" measurements and narratives.

    Rigor and consistency are both demanding for the presenter and probably less entertaining, even boring for the reader. But factual information is like that.

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