Comments on Profile Post by lerrens

  1. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    What happened?
    Apr 20, 2018
  2. lerrens
    @Deep Funk I somehow thought that pressing the heart button on each song will result in a 'music you liked' playlist, and after a few weeks doing so I just found out there's no easy way to access the music I 'liked'...
    Apr 20, 2018
  3. DigMe
    There’s a single button at the top of each album to add it to your library and then all the music that you add to library will be quickly accessible in your library.
    Apr 20, 2018
    lerrens likes this.
  4. DigMe
    You can tap the button again if you want to download it to your device.
    Apr 20, 2018
  5. lerrens
    My case is a bit different though, I was assuming 'liking' a song would put them somewhere I can access easily. I happen to run into songs I like when listening to different playlists while commuting, and thought that by 'liking' them, I'd be able to find them later. Adding them to my library is also a way, but I'll have to add them to a playlist manually to play them all.
    Apr 20, 2018
  6. DigMe
    Yeah, I was just saying that your library becomes playlist in itself but I understand what you’re saying
    Apr 20, 2018
    lerrens likes this.