I am just concern because it doesn’t have 300B like the Studio B or BA. I’m afraid the sound is not to my liking because I only have the BA as my reference.
Oh, wow, at that price, I'd have to really, really want it. And have already heard and loved it. B/c I don't think I'd be able to get that price back if selling it on. Though what do I know?
Also, chance it will break during shipping is not minimal. And if/when it breaks through normal use, is Craig (probably maybe mostly retired) going to service a secondhand amp? If you're comfortable servicing it yourself or have a good tech, maybe this is moot.
Finally, at that price, I'd also be looking at DNA, Feliks, and a few other amps. But that's just me. I have an EC SJ 300B and like it quite a bit, but it's cranky and doesn't drive everything I have well, particularly not planars.
Well, my SJ is weird, b/c it's a prototype sort of hacked into a BA (I think) chassis. It sounds good, spacious, rich, pretty classic 300B, I'd say. Great sense of depth especially. Annoyingly, it has intermittent static in the right channel.
I asked Craig about it, and he said he'd refund the amp but not service it. That wasn't quite the answer I was looking for, but I got a one-off deal, so lived with it. The issue persists. It's only intermittent and doesn't spoil listening pleasure, but it's there.
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