Comments on Profile Post by Tachikoma

  1. Ksaurav402
    What is the use case of portable amp? DAP or Dongles can drive all IEMs.
    Mar 7, 2024
  2. Tachikoma
    @Ksaurav402 I'm thinking on the lines of a transportable setup for relatively efficient over-ear headphones + IEMs.

    Anyway, just commenting on how frustrating it is to try to gauge the performance of portable gear. For example, I just read a 27 page thread about a new portable dac/amp with zero relevant comparisons to other dac/amps that is primarily driven by 1 poster.
    Mar 7, 2024
    Cryptowolf, Lyander and JK47 like this.
  3. Claritas
  4. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    My $1K M6U is totally worthy of comparison with my BF2/Jot2 stack. They are of course totally different things with totally different purposes, which is probably why such comparisons are uncommon. How would a $5K DAP compare to a 5K headphone stack? I'm guessing probably pretty well, but people generally don't cross-shop these so nobody takes the time to compare.
    Mar 7, 2024
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  5. Tachikoma
    @Kernel Kurtz Hmm, my experience (15 minute auditions) with DAPs has been underwhelming so far, to the point I'd rather just use my old iPad. Not looking for a DAP though.

    Portable and desktop DAC/amps have different target audiences, but they have exactly the same function. Surely it is useful to establish where they (portables) are relative to known references, desktop or otherwise.
    Mar 7, 2024
    Lyander and RestoredSparda like this.
  6. Lyander
    Not to mention how wireless codecs are all very gimped. Even with LDAC, I find that the Apple dongle often sounds better. Wireless really is more convenient though.
    Mar 7, 2024
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  7. Kernel Kurtz
    Kernel Kurtz
    @Tachikoma Yes, all audio equipment has the same function and different target audiences. I'm not sure a "reference" is possible for everything for the same reason.
    Mar 7, 2024
  8. Priidik
    It wouldn't be worst idea to tape together Modi and Magni with a hacked power bank.
    Mar 8, 2024
  9. penguins
    Biggest limitation is probably because most "big amps" don't work well for IEMs and most DAPs don't work well for power hungry full size headphones.
    Mar 8, 2024
    Cryptowolf, lerrens and rhythmdevils like this.
  10. rhythmdevils
    Mar 8, 2024
  11. Cryptowolf
    I have a Gryphon, Phonitor X, and Piety. When I travel for work, I take the Gryphon because it sounds great with xbass and drives my iems without hiss. Piety gets more home use with iems because of convenience.
    Mar 10, 2024
  12. Cryptowolf
    The Piety and Gryphon are different flavors, though I have no strong preference for IEMs. If the Piety were battery-driven, maybe it would be my portable amp, but the Gryphon has nicer portable features.
    Mar 10, 2024
    Kernel Kurtz likes this.