Audio Science Review Review

Discussion in 'Audio Science' started by purr1n, Aug 30, 2020.

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  1. dark_energy

    dark_energy Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    People like to follow their feelings instead of like critical thinking at times... But yeah as a more professional review forums this is quite lame.

    Or is it just $$$
  2. murphythecat

    murphythecat GRU-powered uniformed trumpkin

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    Apr 4, 2016
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    the ASR fan club are either stupid, or just ignorant. Either they dont understand Marv's arguments, or they are too stupid to understand the arguments.
    sbaf is so beyond every other audio forum, I really dont think we should even discuss other's website insanity, let them be dumb.
    I do noticed that in many forum now, ASR are now seen as a reference to rate gears. again, who cares? let the dumb follow the dumb.
    "let me tell you something folks... you cant fix stupid. there not a pill you can take, not a class you can go to, stupid is forever" ron white
  3. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

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    JBL made something that doesn’t totally suck to beat the old KRK Rokit 5 and the pitiful HS5. JBL snapped up the editing and low end markets and the bargain cinema mixing market with the 708. They made shit cheaper and better than their direct competitors.

    the m2 was always horrendously overpriced for what it was. 20k for that thing is lol.

    Unfortunately the JBL 705 and 308 And 306 pretty much suck with issues the others don’t have. JBL pulled the same shit other manufacturers do and made a bunch of different sizes that are all shelf turds and made to take sales away from other speakers in that size that are better designed to the point of being unquantifiably infinitely better like the HS8 and KH120. It’s like how Heinz makes mustard that tastes off compared to French’s but worse.

    the problem with Harman was that they were corporate and like corporations, they dumbed shit down to make the most money selling to the most people. Then they got bought by an even bigger and dumber corporation for their technology and not their Audio market. Samsung doesn’t give a shit about high end hifi and gives even less about the smaller pro audio market that has lesser margins and more service needs. Especially for digital junk you or your tech can’t fix. So the people who made all this shit left eventually, the service departments that serviced pro audio got gutted, they stopped selling parts for shit from the 60s, and they discontinued workhorse gear like the dbx 160 that craps on most plugins, is easier to use, has easy user mods and upgrades (There’s a space on the board for the Jensens), and was around for almost 50 years.
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    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  4. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm innumerate. numerically dumb (well, ok, other ways too, but lets stick to numbers for now). I have long had a more than passing interest in audio, but have settled for the fact that I'll actually never understand this stuff. Just imagining if I hadn't reached that understanding, but had found a saviour with simple numeric comparisons I could wave and beat others with.

    Plenty of other people are dumb too, some even more than me! I think there is a big market for a simple "answer" to measurements and audio science. Join the saviour, be one of those who understands, heap scorn upon the rest. Flock to ASR.
  5. Huhnkopf

    Huhnkopf Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    You can't help the ASR crowd.

    Asked a guy I sold a headphone to (off any kind of forum) some months ago if the output of his headphone amp is adequate and if it delivers at least a slight armount of power. Just a standard question to make sure he is not dissapointed with the sound as I want people to be happy when buying stuff off me. Many many people are using smartphones, cd players etc.

    What immediately followed was him teaching me about his JDS Atom HPA and how there's nothing better, how it measures linear blaa bla bla followed with the ASR review and how the power is sufficient etc. Ok, dude, gooood. Who asked for all this info though? There was no doubt in my question. Relax.

    It's pure zealotry with some of them, downright religious with strong comfirmation bias. I also believe the "he who spends 5k on his amp is envious and angry at ASR for ruining his self vindication" is nothing but pure projection.

    Not to get political but they remind me of a few people I know who are always ready to ambush to call people Nazis, racists, sexists etc.. Same mentality.

    Eventually a few of them will wake up in their personal battlefields of slain Toppings and other dead sounding gear and spend the same amount of money for stuff that's immediately better sounding. Observing this more and more and with Schiit designing better gear at the same and lower price points I decided to let nature happen instead of trying to debate.

    Here's a good example of their projection issues.


    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  6. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Said image was basically my one of my first posts on forum and got a lot of discussion, so yeah :]
  7. Riotvan

    Riotvan Snoofer in the Woofer

    Sep 27, 2015
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    It’s a sign of the times i think. A wealth of information makes people too lazy to think for themselves. Then they try to protect this intoxicating mix of ego and laziness with dogma and blind faith, i suspect out of boredom.
  8. insidious meme

    insidious meme Ambivalent Kumquat

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    Looks like ASR shut down the thread devoted to Marv's posts on them. Someone figured out trotting out the same ol stuff got tired and boring.
  9. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    If you can't afford a $5k amp and likely will never be able to afford a $5k amp based on your career prospects trajectory or lack thereof, ASR measurements are a nice warm cozy blanket you can pull over yourself to reassure that those "audiophools" buying the $5k amp just got snookered because they are not as smart as you. Not only does this reassure you that you are making the wiser audio decision, but also that you are more intelligent in general - what a great combination! Add this to today's social interactions which are generally herd-mentality in any social bubble, and its easy to get pulled into the ASR bubble when your budget is $250 total for DAC+AMP+Headphones. There is a stunning lack of critical thinking across the population today.

    Additionally, one of the strongest things that drives purchasing is FOMA / fear of missing out. If you can objectively convince yourself that there is nothing to miss out on, then this will go a long way to extinguish FOMA of something you probably could never financially justify. And this is a good feeling, to make FOMA go away, and ASR effectively does this for people.

    Now not everyone on ASR buys cheap junk. But, I would say that is the core audience, some of which gets upsold by companies like Topping from cheap junk to more expensive junk.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    They make an effort to keep things tidy. The vitriol makes the site look bad and unprofessional and their mods know it. We could care less here.

    Yup! As human beings, "FOMA immunity" may not always work. The FOMA simply takes on a different form, from Topping D30 for $99 to Topping D70 for $500 to Topping D90 for $800. You don't want to miss out on that last few db of SINAD!
  11. HotRatSalad

    HotRatSalad Friend

    May 4, 2018
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    This is the internets guys. How many of those people have even heard as many amps as I have ? I've been through 7 or 8 amps in 3 years. I learned what's what and what really matters. I don't even count myself as an experienced gear slut/master. I kind of don't want to be because I don't have the time or funds. I've found what I want without having to glue myself to 3000 people that bought whatever chip based awesome measuring amp AMIR says to buy. Most of those people haven't heard shit compared to even me. It's the mob mentality and the internet thang at work.

    People cling to "science" they do not understand the nuances of audio such as synergy and source material. I do not listen to classical that much and I do not listen modern compressed recordings that much, measurements aside, these things matter when choosing gear. That's why a lot of us have different amps and headphones. There's never a once box one way solution if you truly love and cherish audio and gear.
  12. Huhnkopf

    Huhnkopf Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    DACs are the graphics cards of audio now. The latest and greatest chip is always something to be excited about. Not the drive(r) behind it and how well everything is implemented.

    Look at those huge FPS numbers! Ignore percentiles, frametimes etc.
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  13. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    It's worse than that because eventually your graphics card purchase will be utilized as games get more advanced (unless you upgrade every year). At some point the gpu will provide very visible benefits.

    On the other hand there is no point in time being able to play back pcm 384khz and dsd512 will be more audibly useful than 192khz and dsd128 (and even those are reallllly stretching it! 44/48khz pcm still by far most important). Unless they are able to wire the dac output directly to the brain - then those formats may become useful heh
  14. HotRatSalad

    HotRatSalad Friend

    May 4, 2018
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    As far as dacs go I finally understand what "for the music you already have, not the music you have to buy" means.
  15. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    Yeah, kinda. And if you come from the DIY PC gaming crowd, you're not only used to benchmark-based reviews but expect benchmark-based reviews. Almost everything else besides benchmarks is superfluous.

    It's true for GPUs, CPUs, monitors, mice, keyboards, and so on.

    I've repeatedly made a similar comparison argument to the whole GPU frametime ordeal that bloomed in the late 2000s and early 2010s. People that swore they saw micro-stuttering, like myself, got shit on by the "smart", "objective" guys because of "the benchmarks." Now it's fairly common knowledge and regularly included it any GPU benchmarking review suite worth a damn. Not to mention a large part of the industry now to incorporate adaptive sync technologies to further assist...but, I digress.

    And that's the thing...The average individual leveraging the internet for product research is probably smart enough to somewhat understand benchmarks but likely isn't particularly invested in a hobby, doesn't want to be particularly invested in a hobby, lacks true expertise and experience, and/or, similarly, isn't looking to devote the time, effort, and experimentation to become an expert. They want to know just enough to feel confident in their own decisions and abilities, a sort of shell of expertise that's hollow inside.

    It's why Amazon reviews are a big deal. A lot of folks will just pick an item based on its rating (and assuming a sufficient quantity of reviews). Never mind the fact many of these reviews are of suspect quality and origin, or that companies often provide free goods or discounts on purchased or future goods if one leaves a review. I believe the latter skews reviews more favorably due to human nature.

    People like numerical, aggregate, "objective" data formatted in digestible packages to drive their purchasing or life decisions, and they never want to over pay or get too involved in most hobbies. They're just looking for occasional gear to fill a need. Some will feel sufficiently confident in their decisions based on Amazon star ratings alone, and some will want to go further with sites like ASR, rtings, etc.

    I'm generalizing, of course, and not suggesting everyone is necessarily a zombie-like consumer. Nor am I speaking at all of content creators that run sites like ASR and rtings.

    But, you know, I used to be the same way. I was all aboard the objective, nwavguy train. Got myself an O2 amp back in the day. Was using internal sound cards that had good RMAA measurements prior. More on that later, though.

    I, like @purr1n, often leverage objective data and appreciate the data these sites or individuals bring to the table. I'm careful to check their hardware, methodology, and take into account their historical behavior and personality to ascertain if their data and/or commentary has any merit. Not all data is good, whether it be subjective or objective. Gotta know how to filter things out. Yeah, that applies to us here too. You not only have to understand all the technical variables but the human variables as well.
  16. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Agree 100%. I remember when ATI broke all kinds of games. NVIDIA drivers have all kinds of issues for real time performance now. Many gaming mobos cannot be used for real time audio and video. At all under any load even with crazy bios and driver configuration and turning off most services. The same with generic WiFi cards. Always go intel.

    you see this now with the ryzen knob slobbering. Intel is still way better at lower latencies and single core performance. Many digital audio workstations will allocate one track a core. Have some digital synths with high performance tube emulation plugins on that or neutral modeled amp sims? Oh man. It’s just cheapskates and specs chasers
  17. Tekker

    Tekker Facebook Friend

    Aug 1, 2020
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    This is the experience I've had with a member regarding Dynamat modding an HD650:

    Basically, he admitted that he couldn't measure the distortion that the grill introduced. So afterwards I asked him (since he did a lot of measurements on HD650 mods) what would be the best way to eliminate the 5khz ringing.

    His answer: "Dynamat and other materials in the backside will do absolutely nothing on the sound"

    That's just an example of their ignorance and contradiction of their knowledge about audio.
  18. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    Going back to the whole objective, nwavguy thing. Like I said, I was all on board back then! I was pretty proud to jump ship from internal sound cards, which I purchased based on RMAA results (and measured like shit when I did my own tests), to something a little more dedicated to headphone usage and less susceptible to internal PC noise. I was proud to be part of a crusade that was bigger than myself.

    Or, well, you know...Really, I just didn't have a ton of money and acted prudently as such. Get the best I can on paper within my budget. I drank the kool-aid. Blame my educational and work background on falling prey to such an approach, leaning too heavily on objectivity.

    One of my good friends around then was really into messing around with guitar amp and pedal circuits. He was all about tubes, and I can't recall a week going by without him mentioning his fascination with germanium transistors. He didn't care about numbers. He cared about tone, timbre, musical expression.

    I more or less got the, "Hmm, yeah, OK. Sure." response from him when I brought up what I'd read about objectivity, measurements, and audio gear. He suggested he could build me a simple tube amp for my headphones, but I wasn't too interested. Seemed like a crazy waste of time and money, no? I could at least respect wanting to add color to a musical instrument. I mean, as a fan of metal, distortion is literally the goal.

    I became involved in Changstar due to the unique take on headphone measurements and, most importantly, CSDs. While I initially assumed it was a pretty hardcore objectivist site, I learned otherwise in short order. That was fine. CSDs helped identify issues I thought I had heard but couldn't find in other measurements, so I was still somewhat open to there being unknown measurements to better fit subjective findings. I just assumed amps/DACs were more of a "case closed" deal. (Why? Dunno. Also, funny, because CSDs I believe were nothing new in the speaker world.)

    I don't recall exactly what happened on CS, but something, or someone, there got me thinking about trying the Leckerton...I forget the model. And I don't know if it was me wanting a better DAC, because I can't recall if I had just the O2 amp or the amp + DAC, or curiosity when multiple people claimed it sounded better than O2.

    Either way, my impulsive side got the better of me. Guys on CS seemed smart and discerning of gear. They seemed to hear a difference. I was skeptical. Both the Leckerton and O2 had measurements that suggested they should not be audibly different.

    Ah, well, you know...until I tested both out and thought I heard a difference. Maybe I was fooling myself. So I had my buddy randomly plug my headphones into one or the other without me looking. It definitely wasn't a textbook perfect blind test by any stretch, nor did I always guess right. But there were moments where the differences seemed apparent. Slight, but enough to get me wondering if maybe I hadn't totally fooled myself into hearing a difference.

    And that was that, the seed planted that eventually worked its way through imperfections in the objectivist shell. Subjective and experimental integration with objectivity, not the replacement of objectivity.

    I have to imagine there are technically ways in which we could measure gear that would convey all possible audible attributes. The equipment, methodology, or core knowledge might not be there yet. I just see the current suite of static measurements as a small part of the puzzle. Worthwhile data points in some regards, yes, but not the whole story.

    Were amps and DACs GPUs instead, we'd still be in the early 2000s where average frames per second was considered "good enough." Headphones would be a different story...A very messy, different story.

    I'd also liken this to car talk. I have a few friends that love to talk about 1/4 times. 0-60mph doesn't matter, unless it does. Peak WHP numbers are treated like gold, unless the car defies performance expectations. And, even after having their expectations turned upside down in such cases, they often fall back to peak WHP out of what I'd guess is habit. The goalposts are frequently moved based on convenience and what you currently own.

    One of these guys has had perhaps a trillion Corvettes. Seems to get a different one every 8-12 months. Had a 700whp+ C6 Z06, knew a rough estimate of what it would trap and all that. Picked up a C7 Z06 on a whim, which made less WHP, right? Even though the data was there showing its stellar straight-line performance, he was skeptical.

    Guy could not believe how the car felt when he got it. "How is this so fast? It's making considerably less power than my C6!"

    Well, yeah, because when you rest on simple metrics, like peak WHP, you lose sight of the larger picture. He hadn't considered the power curve on the C7, especially the crazy up-front torque that held through the power band. Or the fancy, modern, computery electronics that go a long way towards letting you safely drive like an idiot.

    Well, now he's on a C5 making 1000whp+. Recently had a P85D. P85D made way more up-front torque and never had traction issues even on shitty tires. C5 spins like crazy with drag radials. AWD helps on the Tesla, sure, but a lot of it is the computer wizardry holding your hand along the way. Still, right driver and right conditions, the C5 will still do incredibly well on the strip, even if it slips at the start (or down the whole track). So, the numbers are good, but the feeling is off.

    Point being, when you try to boil things down to basic measurements, you're missing the bigger picture. This guy knows cars quite well. He knows when his tires are slipping. You couldn't tell him his tires aren't slipping because his drag times are excellent and meet expectations. (You also couldn't tell him this because his tires look like a dog tried to eat them in only a few hundred miles.)

    Or, maybe it's like saying the Miata is a shitty car because it can't trap 120mph+ or something, when all you really need to do is stop being an ass and drive a f'ing Miata to understand why it's an amazing car. Doesn't mean it has to be your thing, because there's still a time and place for personal tastes and needs.

    Things aren't as simple as 1/4 times or peak WHP. Things aren't as simple as average FPS. Things aren't as simple as churning out a basic suite of AP measurements. Not only does this do a disservice to the wealth of additional measurements we do know how to use these days, and not only does it do a disservice to considering a holistic approach to all these things (i.e. nothing is in a vacuum, and we have to consider how things play together), but it also does a disservice to human experience.

    It's also boring and suggests a lack of creativity to find ways to bridge possible gaps between objectivity and subjectivity.

    You know, because if I had a penny for anytime I was told X was made-up bullshit based on something Y said or study Z, only for new evidence to show up suggesting there might be some amount of truth to it worth exploring, I'd have more than one penny. I generally lose track of counting beyond the number 1, so I don't have an accurate total.
  19. Melvillian

    Melvillian Friend

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Not so much the wealth of information, but how easily like minded people can congregate. Echo chambers are in abundance
  20. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    You know, this is actually an interesting topic.

    A lot of hobbyists and gamers were set on, and ended up getting, Ryzen. When gaming benchmarks didn't look so hot, they used the argument, "But I swear my games run smoother than Intel!"

    How this turned out was pleasantly surprising. Yeah, some people immediately poo-pooed the idea. But even as of fairly recently, I've seen articles and videos where people actively and thoroughly try to explore if A) it's a feasible claim (measurable), and if so, B) what could cause that?

    I think there has been at best poor quality, inconclusive results backing up these claims, but I nonetheless agree that it's worth finding new stones to turn over. I think it will inevitably be wishful thinking for those that bought 1st and 2nd gen Ryzens, but the inquisitive exploration I think is conducive to discovering new insights. Bridging the gaps of objectivity and subjectivity.

    Either way, I was happy that the community as a whole wasn't poo-pooing this right away, but rather took a mostly collaborative approach. Nice change of pace compared to the frame times bullshit from years back.

    Then again, maybe with the slow cycle of PC hardware releases, content creates are forced into exploratory territory to keep up views and revenue...Hmm...

    Similarly, a full on audio subjectivist is akin to the guy that always thinks any missed kill, or their own death, in a competitive game is always due to poor net code, hackers, etc. Hardcore objectivists being the guys that can only say "get gud 5head" and either remain silent on patch notes for issues they claimed non-existent or try to claim they always said it was a problem.

    Always thinking there's nothing there is no fun. Always thinking there must be something there is no fun. Life is best lived as you scream silently inside, knowing the universe is full of nothing other than a bunch of shrugs and maybes.
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