May 4, 2018
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Friend, Male, from NH


PI2AES w/noise nuke, coax to BF2 OG XLR to Jotunheim 2 low gain XLR out to Focal Clear w/audiophile ninja cable. New favorite arrangement. Mar 24, 2024

    1. HotRatSalad
      PI2AES w/noise nuke, coax to BF2 OG XLR to Jotunheim 2 low gain XLR out to Focal Clear w/audiophile ninja cable. New favorite arrangement.
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      2. HotRatSalad
        Elex for 399 is incredible IMO. Just make sure you try as many amps as possible, it really makes a difference. Elex is more hairy and spikey in the highs and can get shrieky or shouty. Pietus maximus straightens that all out for me, but Elex is pretty perfect out my Sonett2. No special tubes all cheap new production stuff.
        Mar 24, 2024
        joch, JK47 and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
      3. joch
        Does the gain on Pi Max or Jot change anything for you with the Elex or Ckear?
        Mar 24, 2024
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Not really I still prefer Elex in Pi Max and Clear in Jot 2 regardless of gain. I prefer Jot 2 on low gain though for sure.
        Mar 24, 2024
    2. HotRatSalad
      Hip Dac 3 is real good !
      1. HotRatSalad
        S12pro also real good !
        Nov 17, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      2. RestoredSparda
        The Momcozy S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pump (Double) -3 Modes & 9 Suction Levels?
        Nov 17, 2023
      3. HotRatSalad
        The 9 suction levels makes it sound perfect !
        Nov 17, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    3. HotRatSalad
      I think I need an intervention. Got a DNA sonett2 this summer, absolutely love it. Amazing with all the headphones I love, makes them all ++
      1. Jinxy245, Sqveak and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. Northwest
        I understand the feeling. I have a Sonnet 2 as well and reading all the impressions on the MJ3 is tempting me to get one.
        Sep 9, 2023
        HotRatSalad and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. jowls
        I think someone has a WTB up for Sonett2. Just saying.
        Sep 9, 2023
        MellowVelo likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        Good luck, I don't think I'd ever sell sonett2 even if I got MJ3 or even starlett.
        Sep 10, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    4. HotRatSalad
      So this sonett 2 is melting my brain. I love stock HD6xx out of 120ohm tap. Cherry Atticus 28/120 depending on recording. 50/50
      1. Northwest, Lyander, Slade01 and 4 others like this.
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      3. jowls
        See if you can find an Etymotic ER4S. One of my peak experiences in the hobby with Sonett2 and Yggdrasil.
        Aug 6, 2023
      4. HotRatSalad
        Really, interesting. I was thinking of grabbing a pair of those Serratus Black Sand. But really was good in a sonett 2?
        Aug 6, 2023
      5. jowls
        Yes. You have to get on with Ety tuning and the feeling of being violated though! ER4S are the older 100ohm version.
        Aug 6, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    5. HotRatSalad
      USPS delivers the toobs, not the amp the tubes are for... Same start point shipped same time. Here's your toobs wait 2 days for the amp now
      1. Qildail, Claritas and RestoredSparda like this.
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      3. Mithrandir41
        That blows man. I'll be happy to receive my 51+ tomorrow. I'm stoked!
        Jul 30, 2023
        RestoredSparda and HotRatSalad like this.
      4. atomicbob
        Wow! Hope your back heals well and quickly.
        Jul 31, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        Thanks @atomicbob I'm doing as well as I can. I hope your wife is improving and you guys are getting back to normal. My amp showed up today ! Thanks @RestoredSparda you are such a class act !
        Jul 31, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    6. HotRatSalad
      Interest check for nice set of Elex ?Added audiophile ninja XLR cable, black headband strap. No moldy headband !
      1. HotRatSalad
        Full packaging with cables as well. Paid $350 here will do $400 shipped with extra cable and strap. Oh yeah and extra set of pads as well. Pretty banging condition as well.
        Jun 20, 2023
    7. HotRatSalad
      Anyone knows a lot about Linux but moOde in particular? SSH command type stuff issue is relatively stupid, still can't seem to finger it out
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      2. roshambo123
        Tried asking GPT4?
        Jun 1, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Syzygy
        Most of moOde settings are in the browser, not at the command line. IIRC, I did all the setup for it in the browser.
        Jun 2, 2023
      4. HotRatSalad
        Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I got it figured out. Was basically a user error type situation haha
        Jun 2, 2023
    8. HotRatSalad
      ZMF Atticus is freaking banging. I always had an aversion or prejudice against closed or semi open headphones. Also I'm a moron.
      1. Pocomo, Cryptowolf, Qildail and 10 others like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        I did get sick of the heaviness on blackwood Aeolus truthfully and LCD2 F. The cherry Atticus seems light in comparison.
        Thanks again @Slade01
        Apr 21, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Phantaminum and Slade01 like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Well, I'm not saying that you aren't a moron ( ;) ) but, decades ago, closed headphones put me off headphones completely. It was only in more recent years that I discovered /open/ headphones.

        Well, ok, I don't think you are a moron. Not for that bias, at least.

        And maybe, these days, I'd like to isolated sometimes...
        Apr 21, 2023
        Cryptowolf and HotRatSalad like this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        If you want semi-open audio bliss find a good AKG Sextett (not easy anymore) and find the right amplifier (check source and high/low gain settings). Sometimes you can find an old Philips N6330 (AKG & Philips worked together somehow) and I had one. You can listen to music for hours, just pure bliss.
        Apr 22, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    9. HotRatSalad
      I was changing pads on my HD600 and put a small nick in the white "silk" in the bottom corner. Ran some tones and pink noise and music...
      1. HotRatSalad
        Sounds fine but wtf is this a really bad thing ? Kind of want to punch myself in the face right now.
        Apr 15, 2023
        Philimon likes this.
      2. caute
        Have heard of people getting actual holes in the baffle of their 6x0—no change in sound
        Apr 15, 2023
        Philimon and HotRatSalad like this.
      3. HotRatSalad
        That area all around is the "baffle" then ? It's very thin. Hopefully it doesn't get worse :(
        Apr 15, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    10. HotRatSalad
      2 thumbs up recent schiit audio rma. Had 1 Aegir going into protection mode. Process was fast easy and perfect.
      1. Case, RestoredSparda, zottel and 2 others like this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        Driving speakers that dip below 4 ohms with both Aegirs rock solid now. Can't say how much I enjoy them, best move I ever made for my speaker rig.
        Apr 8, 2023
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    11. HotRatSalad
      Sw51+ looking for a spare set of tubes. Something with a little more thunder down under.. any recommendations?
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      2. HotRatSalad
        Stock tubes and a set of amperex forever ago.
        Mar 24, 2023
      3. ColdsnapBry
        I've rolled a lot of tubes thorugh the thing and stock are best. The SW51+ can't do bass, just gotta move on and accept it for what it does well.
        Mar 24, 2023
      4. HotRatSalad
        Does anyone have a spare set of tubes they are willing to let go. Just wanted a back up set.$42 shipped from zampotech USA otherwise.
        Apr 20, 2023
    12. HotRatSalad
      Any current Focal Elex owners here ? I picked up a pair after being focal curious for years and this headphone has surprised me.
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      2. Senorx12562
        I think they sound good with both Valis, og and 2.
        Feb 15, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      3. rlow
        Elex + Lyr 3 for me. Excellent combo. SW51+ not the best with Elex like HD650. I don’t really like Piety with Elex though either, but that’s in direct compare to Lyr.
        Feb 15, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      4. SoupRKnowva
        I like mine out of jotunheim, doesn’t surprise me they also sound good out of jot2 as well.
        Feb 15, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    13. HotRatSalad
      I normally prefer HD650 to HD600, HD600 and Nitsch Piety + Bifrost 2 + pi2aes is pretty goddamn yummy.
      1. Cryptowolf, Sqveak, joch and 7 others like this.
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      3. Lyander
        Tempering expectations: the Piety is NOT a giant-killer, but for my preferences and whatnot it's enough to put a smile on my face going through my library.
        Jan 19, 2023
        caute, HotRatSalad and joch like this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Yep I'll stick with HD600 for the next few sessions and do some amp swapping. Been mainly listening to a crack and sw51+
        Jan 19, 2023
        caute, Lyander and joch like this.
      5. joch
        Looks like you have the value trinity of amps for Senns...and all are difficult to come by. Global geopolitics (SW51+), scarcity (Piety), DIY (Crack).
        Jan 19, 2023
    14. HotRatSalad
      Happy new year mofos ! I've had about 6 whiskeys and on episode 8 of the 3 stooges. Cheers !
      1. Joshvar, Cryptowolf, Qildail and 8 others like this.
    15. HotRatSalad
      I think my pi2aes hat died today no sound unless I use USB :(
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      2. crazychile
        Maybe not related but Winter cold and low humidity make for static discharge that can mess with stuff. Yesterday I zapped Yggdrasil when I touched it and it locked up. Power cycle fixed it. Maybe same issue with Pi2AES. Big discharge might also affect SD card?
        Dec 23, 2022
      3. HotRatSalad
        @crazychile you're very correct about static in the winter. I have a humidifier just for the music room. Spinning vinyl and touching electronics with super low dew points and cold dryness sucks. Snap crackle pop ! I don't remember any static discharge when I plugged in pi2aes though.
        Dec 23, 2022
        crazychile likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        This shit happened again today, woke up grabbed a coffee and wanted to sit down slam some Sabbath into my brain. Error directory not found ALSA output error lol. I fired up the oppo103 stuck my USB drive in it and off we go. Also just spun the vinyl of the album I was wanting to hear.
        Jan 18, 2023
    16. HotRatSalad
      Wow 2 Aegirs really gave my 2 channel a kick in the direction it needed. I wasn't sure what to expect but I've been pleasantly surprised.
      1. purr1n
        Now you need x2 Tyrs
        Nov 13, 2022
        Cryptowolf, HotRatSalad and Qildail like this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        Sure x2 Tyrs is something I've lusted after a bit. After hearing 2 Aegirs, amp Nervosa completely cured !
        Nov 13, 2022
    17. HotRatSalad
      Darlington Labs MP-7 so damn good. vinyl playback is heavenly now. Noise floor so low, pops ticks crackle from poorer copies non-existent.
      1. MellowVelo, Pyruvate and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. MellowVelo
        Order placed. I got a B-stock MP-7. I'm very excited to hear this. I'm especially hopeful that the MP-7 will help surface noise to recede into the background. I recently picked up a Schiit Mani 2, and while the unit has many commendable traits, it's still noisier than I would like.
        Oct 17, 2022
      4. HotRatSalad
        I liked Mani 2, much quieter than Mani 1. I wanted a bump up after having gungnir A2 on the speaker system, you can probably understand. I cheaped out with a AT-VM95ML and am super impressed between the ML stylus and MP-7 it's sooo quiet AND sounds impressive.
        Oct 17, 2022
        MellowVelo likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        Got my mp-7 back with updated board and upgraded jacks. First LP David Gilmour S/T 1978 press second lp Frank Zappa Waka jawaka 1972 press. Thanks @Keith Richardson
        Jan 11, 2023
        MellowVelo likes this.
    18. HotRatSalad
      Pink Floyd Animals 2018 remix 2ch 24/192 just melted my face and brain.
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      2. GoodEnoughGear
        I have been eyeing this one, I think I'll have to splurge.
        Sep 18, 2022
      3. HotRatSalad
        I ordered the record as well couldn't help it.
        Sep 18, 2022
      4. HotRatSalad
        Spun my 1977 original that has same stampers as some promos. What an amazing album, after it was done I spun the remix vinyl. 84 minutes of animals FTW
        Sep 26, 2022
    19. HotRatSalad
      Seas a26 kit inbound, just waiting for cabinets !
      1. HotRatSalad
        Shit me why didn't I order this kit sooner ? They already sound even better after 12-15 hours.
        Aug 14, 2022
    20. HotRatSalad
      Fill me in on this tambre I hear about. You know like tambourine. Is that different from timbre ? Is it the same thing ?
      1. Cryptowolf, Senorx12562 and Gazny like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        Funny thing is a couple of em are from the east coast and they are not from UK
        Jul 13, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Biodegraded
        I'm from NZ and have always said TIM-bruh (ie none of the above!). I also say fill-it (of fish) not fill-lay, which annoys the locals because they think it should be French.
        Jul 13, 2022
      5. roshambo123
        I'd go with El Tamberino, or the tammer, or just tams, if you're into the whole brevity thing.
        Jul 13, 2022
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Pi2aes x2

    Speaker amps
    Aegir x2

    Pre amps
    Freya S
    Saga OG

    Gungnir A2
    Bifrost 2 OG/2/64

    Turntable and Pre amps/Carts
    SL1200 MK5
    Zphono XRM

    Headphone amps
    Jotunheim 2
    Liquid Platinum w/12AU7
    Hip Dac 3

    S12 pro

    Image T6
    I like music more than gear. I think....