Massdrop x MEE Audio PX Measurements and Impressions

Discussion in 'IEM Measurements' started by purr1n, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    LOL! I don't think you will like them then - running them in won't help. These are pretty screwy sounding and an acquired taste. The EX1000 brightness is pushed up the spectrum (lower treble) more than these (upper mids). I found deep insertion with the triple-flanges and running them out of an organic sounding source (Sony ZX2) to be they key. I'd did not like them from iPhone.
  2. Taverius

    Taverius Smells like sausages

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Well, I picked up a pair because of the odd signature.

    I thought it would be just the thing I needed to make sure I'm not paying attention to filthy hoo-manz when out and about.

    Triple penetrators are too hard-core for my ears - like, physically painful and take 10~ min to insert - as usual, but doubles, of different sizes l/r as usual for me, worked just fine.

    The tuning is doing just what I wanted it to do also - I was far too focused on the music to pay attention to the meatbags around me.

    And of course they blocked the vast majority of the ... stuff ... that is played on radio and TV here.

    I went clothes shopping and didn't want to burn the town, so ... mission: accomplished, sanity: intact, thanks Massdrop, MEE and @Marvey for convincing me they'd be odd-good enough to do the job!
  3. scapeinator1

    scapeinator1 Once You Go Black You'll Never Go Back

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Just a few quick notes from my own novice ears. I got a pair of these the other day as well. I have a completely irrational fascination with IEMs; I just find it so cool that they are so small and can produce sound (it's childish I know).

    Compared to other negative profile fit IEMs, the comfort on these can be a little bit finicky. I generally have no trouble with comfort on IEMs though I did have to adjust to these a bit. I use the double flange tips, which fit great but the earpiece and the angle at which the cable extends away from the earpiece was a bit odd at first.

    Compared to something like the shure se215 or the nuforce EDC the angle at which the cable attaches to the earpiece on the PX is a bit more vertical than those which are more horizontal (the cables point more forward and less upwards on the EDC and 215). That was at times a little bit weird feeling on my ears and made it easier for the cable to slip out when wrapped around the back of my ear. This design offers the advantage of being able to wear them 2 ways, so I guess it's kind of par for the course.

    In addition there is a little small hump at the back of the earpiece that is supposed to tuck into the back of the ear and I had to make sure it was pushed in otherwise I could get some pain from that pushing out on the back of my ear. I got used to it after a day. Hopefully that description of the ergonomics makes sense to people. I haven't ever really put it into words before.

    As for sound, the boosted region that @Marvey mentioned in the original post is definitely audible to me. I think for me it was quite pronounced when listening to Paramore's "When it Rains" and Otis Redding's "Try a little tenderness". There is a slight echo to the vocals in the paramore song that is especially obvious at the beginning of the song when hayley first starts singing. Certain elements of this echo seem slightly exaggerated on the PX compared to my x20i but less spacious sounding than the EDC. This kind of makes sense because the EDC seems to handle the upper-midrange and treble similarly from what I can surmise from the measurements. I would assume that the boost in this echo on the PX comes from the boosted region. On try a little tenderness it kind of seemed like the static was elevated on the PX even after I did my best to match volumes with my other IEMs. There was quite a bit more treble in the track and presence of cymbals, etc. than I normally get on a lot of other IEMs or headphones for that matter where 60s and 70s soul music in general can be a bit dark sounding. I did find that refreshing.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
  4. gemmoglock

    gemmoglock New

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Hello everyone! My first post here so if I am doing anything wrong, please let me know and happy to stand corrected.

    Has anyone reached a conclusion on what silicon tips work best for the PX/P1? I used to be uncomfortable with the slight sibilance in the PX treble but have gotten used to it. Has anyone compared both spinfits and spiral dots?

    I used to have KZ Starline tips similar to Westone tips, but I lost them and they only reduced the sibilance by a teeny bit. I'm not keen to use foams, because ear wax means I will be spending PX money on replacement Complies in no time...

    Edit for my intro, apologies!
    I am a college student who plays classical music (viola and piano), and dabbled a bit (unsuccessfully) in jazz. I appreciate listening to value for money IEMs. Being involved in life music has its disadvantages though, I have some biases for soundstage, FR and tonality which makes things troublesome sometime.

    Happy to be here and to learn from the collective wisdom of you all :)

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
  5. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo

    Pyrate MZR
    Oct 14, 2015
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    I'm steadfast in that if you can tolerate the tri flange tips they provide the best isolation and sound quality. The mid range push is gone with the tri flange tips.
  6. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Spiral dots are still my preference, though I haven't had the chance to try spin fits. I don't detect sibilance with them.

    Cskippy may be right about the triflange tips, but I'm in the camp that finds them too painful to use properly.

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