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Jan 11, 2025
Sep 28, 2015
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Double-blindly done with this hobby, Male


First computer build in 7 years and everything booted properly on the first attempt. Deep exhale. Mar 11, 2023

Skyline was last seen:
Jan 11, 2025
    1. Timb5881
      Hey Skyline! Love there chili, 3 way is my favorite
      1. Cryptowolf and Skyline like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I thought that a burrito was some kind of mule or donkey?

        (sometimes it's more fun *not* to google)
        May 13, 2023
      4. Skyline
        @YMO they actually have some Skyline restaurants in Florida for some random reason (it's a Cincinnati thing).
        May 13, 2023
      5. YMO
        Cause they are in West Central FL where all the midwestern folks retire to.
        May 13, 2023
    2. Skyline
      First computer build in 7 years and everything booted properly on the first attempt. Deep exhale.
    3. Skyline
      That feeling when weird sound effects in your music make you think your gear is broken. Curse you, Wilco! :P
      1. caute
        WHICH TRACK?! I can think of more than a couple, just on YHF
        Jan 25, 2023
        Skyline likes this.
      2. Skyline
        From Far Away on Warm. Actually a solo Tweedy track, I suppose. Really thought my left channel was toast :P
        Jan 25, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. Biodegraded
        Left? Would've had me rebooting the Modi Multibit (again!).
        Jan 25, 2023
        gixxerwimp and Skyline like this.
    4. Skyline
      Does anyone use Pirate Ship? I'm sure I'm late to the party, but I've been seeing it everywhere lately for discounts on shipping.
      1. rhythmdevils and yotacowboy like this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        Is insurance coverage a concern with Pirateship or Shippo?
        Jan 17, 2023
      4. Boops
        You can add insurance with pirate ship. It’s part of the details you can enter when creating a shipment.
        Jan 17, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      5. jaker782
        Pirate Ship is fantastic, especially since UPS was recently added. And their insurance is terrific! I've filed two claims now directly with Pirate Ship for UPS shipments and both were painless and I received claim reimbursements within a week or two of filing the claim.
        Jan 19, 2023
    5. Skyline
      When something doesn't sell on SBAF, is HF your next step? I haven't sold in ages, but HF feels riskier than it used to.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        @penguins That's why I specified a bank check (the check is coming from the bank instead of the person), so it can't bounce. It's a physical check. But you might well be right that HF won't like it because what it considers "unprotected payment methods" is... somewhat odd.
        Jan 5, 2023
      3. penguins
        ^ oops didn't see the word "bank"

        but ya HF mod specifically told me "must be via PP G&S"
        Jan 5, 2023
        Claritas likes this.
      4. gaspasser
        I’ve used HF and USAM without any issues this past year. I prefer to sell here but it doesn’t always work out
        Jan 17, 2023
    6. Skyline
      Day 2 of rolling blackouts in TN. You should read the comments on the Electric Service updates...entitled individualism at its best. *sigh*
      1. zottel and Azimuth like this.
    7. Skyline
      Are there any audio reviewers on YouTube who actually know what they're talking about? Would love some recs.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Nov 17, 2022
        Qildail and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        Nov 17, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    8. Skyline
      Anyone else get their ears on the HFM Edition XS? Looking for a reasonably priced (planar) upgrade to the HE-5XX at work.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    9. Skyline
      I feel like I've asked this before, but does anyone have recommendations for hearing protection at concerts? Lots of products..few reviews.
      1. Cryptowolf and Inoculator like this.
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      3. zonto
        @Thad E Ginathom, my audiologist said that they take custom impressions for earplugs that come with removable filters with different dB reduction amounts (ranging from 5 or 10 (I forget which) up to around 30 or so). May be worth looking into. I don't remember the company name unfortunately, but had "sonics" in it...
        Sep 12, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @zonto, thanks! That could take some searching, but it is good to know that such a thing/service exists.
        Sep 12, 2022
      5. Josh83
        I use EarPeace.
        Sep 12, 2022
    10. Skyline
      DOMi and JD Beck. Their debut album, NOT TiGHT, is so refreshing. Youthful jazz with Snoop Dogg and Busta Rhymes features. Yes, please.
      1. Cryptowolf, Gazny and E_Schaaf like this.
      2. Gazny
        Been a fan for a long time. Loved their start up and charisma. They sound more tight than ever before. Wonder if that is just a studio thing?
        Aug 10, 2022
    11. Skyline
      Not much love for NOS on the BF2 so far. I'm digging it, personally, with the SW51/HD600.
      1. gixxerwimp and Azimuth like this.
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      3. Skyline
        The BF2 thread. Calling it dead-sounding. Can see why Schiit didn't have it as an original option, etc.
        Aug 6, 2022
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      4. Wilewarer
        I said slightly! But yeah, I liked the normal mode better. And the TI card's normal mode better than that. So I could be convinced I didn't give it enough of a chance, but probably not curious enough for a while.
        Aug 6, 2022
      5. gixxerwimp
        Thanks for the heads up. It had already scrolled off the first page of my unread threads.
        Aug 6, 2022
        Skyline likes this.
    12. Skyline
      First Whataburger in TN opened around the corner from our house today. Drive-thru wait time is approximately 2 hours.
      1. YMO, scblock, Azimuth and 1 other person like this.
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      3. Cspirou
        @Failed Engineer - I remember reading about the first In N Out in Dallas having huge lines and I thought "Why? You have Whataburger right there!"
        Jan 6, 2022
        Azimuth and YMO like this.
      4. DigMe
        Def. not worth it. I’m a 7th generation Texan and I think Whataburger is overrated.
        Jan 6, 2022
        Erroneous likes this.
      5. DigMe
        Just remembered last time I was in Whata not that long ago I got up to get my order and my feet just came out from under me and I hit the floor with a full drink. Then I look up and this girl is coming towards me with a wet floor sign. Mgr goes - “Put the sign up first next time.”
        Jan 6, 2022
    13. Skyline
      Who Dey!
    14. Skyline
      Ringing in the new year with 75 degree temps in January and yet more storms. Got the generator ready to go. Climate change sucks.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        We are at 77 right now and will be down into the 20’s tonight.
        Jan 1, 2022
      3. Skyline
        Same, DigMe. It's already dropped close to 20 degrees. We dodged the storm bullet this time, thankfully and the tarps on our roof from the last storm seem to have held. Fingers crossed we don't see any leaks.
        Jan 1, 2022
      4. roughroad
        In SE WI, having our first major snowfall of the season, expecting up to 6". Tomorrow to be frigid.
        Jan 1, 2022
        crazychile and Cryptowolf like this.
    15. Skyline
      Had to have our dog put down yesterday. The house feels empty. It's the first day in 17 years I haven't had a dog to take care of.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jinxy245
        This is the absolute worst part of having a companion animal. My sincerest condolences.
        Oct 5, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. Skyline
        Haha, yeah Thad, I can relate to your mom. We've lost both of ours in the past two years and plan to take a nice long break to reset emotionally before getting another. But, I have to admit that I'm already casually looking around at adoption sites here and there.
        Oct 6, 2021
      4. Erroneous
        I'm so sorry man.
        Oct 7, 2021
    16. Skyline
      When someone likes your post from 2019 and you go read it and realize you no longer agree with yourself. Should I dislike my old post? :P
      1. Cryptowolf, Kolohe, Riotvan and 14 others like this.
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      3. rhythmdevils
        You should punch yourself in the face
        Sep 29, 2021
        Cryptowolf, Azimuth, Riotvan and 6 others like this.
      4. Lyander
        You should read the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.
        Sep 29, 2021
        Joshvar and Jinxy245 like this.
      5. dubharmonic
        I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
        Sep 29, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom, Azimuth and Joshvar like this.
    17. Skyline
      NYT Crossword today: Clue - Vacuum tube type. Answer - Triode. Love it when niche knowledge comes in handy!
      1. Azimuth
        I am still waiting on that Hi-Fi category on Jeopardy.
        Sep 5, 2021
        Cryptowolf, Qildail and Skyline like this.
    18. Skyline
      Being a teacher right now is just...insane. We're all frazzled and at the end of our ropes.
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      2. Skyline
        Same thing in TN in terms of fighting with the governor. Several districts around us have had to shut down but are not allowed to teach virtually since he has banned it. So, they're just burning their inclement weather days while they're out.

        Our district has defied him on masks, and our compliance is good, so at least we have that going for us.
        Aug 27, 2021
        DigMe likes this.
      3. DigMe
        Same in Texas. So many kids getting sick. The largest school district in this area said they’re mandating masks after so many kids were getting sick. The governor and AG admitted to the court today that they don’t really have the power to enforce gov’s “No mask mandates” directive.
        Aug 27, 2021
      4. GoodEnoughGear
        This is so insane. I feel for all the teachers and health workers dealing with this crap. It defies comprehension.
        Aug 27, 2021
        DigMe and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    19. Skyline
      Grading AP Exams all week = my brain has turned to mush. At least I'm getting in some great music time!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Skyline
        Nope @Cspirou it's literally a few thousand Calculus teachers grading away for a week, haha.
        Jun 16, 2021
        Ringingears likes this.
      3. penguins
        Heard as a hs student that they put all the teachers in a hotel for a week and you just grade from 8-8 every day for a week?
        Jun 17, 2021
        Skyline likes this.
      4. Skyline
        Yeah @penguins , that's pretty close, but not 8-8, haha. That's extreme. They turn you into grading machines, but it's not as bad as it sounds, though.

        Calculus has been in Kansas City for a long while now and it's a cool place to visit.

        The past 2 years have been remote, which is far more miserable.
        Jun 17, 2021
    20. Skyline
      Big Thief is coming to Ryman Auditorium in September. Is it time to finally make the plunge back into concert-going? *deep breath*
      1. Cryptowolf and jexby like this.
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      3. Skyline
        I'm taking the deep breath NOW, so I can be ready to hold it for long periods come September :P
        May 12, 2021
      4. GoodEnoughGear
        In all seriousness we have also had our first fully COVID-managed events here on a trial basis. No super spreaders yet, but very conservative approach. IMO you need to ban alcohol, drunk people are even more f'ing stupid. Breathalyze at the door.
        May 12, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      5. Skyline
        Yes, same in far. The #s are looking really great here, and I'm hoping by September things will be pretty normal. I know covid won't be gone, but hopefully it'll be reduced to the same level of risk we took, pre-covid, every time we hung out in large crowds.
        May 12, 2021
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
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