Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

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  1. artur9

    artur9 Almost "Made"

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Judging from your posts, I'm guessing you weren't there either :p
  2. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Credited with defeating the Soviet Union. I assume at least a part of Putin's motivation is to get us back for that.
  3. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Hunh… I graduated HS in 1977…

    I *lived* those times.
  4. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Dude. Nailed it. Virtually the entirety of the Zeitgeist that was the 70’s… I was in middle of a long distance relationship that resulted in marriage while in Massachusetts and she was in Arizona… my phone bill was $200 a month - in 1981 dollars!… I was sucking in $20K a year and ‘ballin! Careful what you young socialists wish for regulation-wise…

    The one thing I’ve *since* learned over my career.

    Gold. The Gubbmint can’t fake it til they make it. Land is a close second, but they tax you yearly for the privilege of “owning” it (think about that for a bit while listening to a nice bit of Jazz perhaps). Probably why I vastly prefer physical LP’s and CD’s to streaming “services” (“In the future you will own nothing, and be happy”).

  5. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    If you want to know about Amsterdam, well I am sick of that city.

    I am disgusted by the way certain people cause chaos and unrest on the streets while working people have to clean up the mess time and time again. I do not care about them being of a certain ethnicity, hooligans/supporters, students or other activist any more. Get a job and build that ideal world or stop making the streets unsafe. Since 2020 Amsterdam has been changing from a charming city to a battleground.

    I actively avoid that city now. Not joking, too unpleasant for long visits.
  6. SofaSamuraiX

    SofaSamuraiX Almost "Made"

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    That is terrible to hear. I spent a couple months there as a budding adult, slept on a river boat hostel. It was flipping amazazing! I think White Widow was the cannabis cup winner that year. People seem always bound to mess up the good stuff.
  7. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Maybe that's exactly what those people as you say of "certain ethnicity", came to Europe for, at least most of them?
    But the fucked up idea to push manufacturing out of EU, and ...increase immigration, who would think about something so clever? And commit energy suicide at time?
    Of course there are some people who came to Europe who hate Jews so much that nothing else matters for them, family children, whatever. We could see that last week. But they would not have as much influence in Europe immigrant population if it was plenty of opportunity for everyone.
  8. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Let me give you some context.

    My family left Surinam in the 60-ties and/or 70-ties because they expected their children to have a better future in NL. They have roots in India, Africa and South-America (native people). Immigration is not the issue for me. When you grow up in a family that can speak in 3 or 4 languages at the same time, you think diversity is normal.

    Regarding the outsourcing of industry and technology: many people had and still have their doubts. Philips for example could have kept most of their operations in NL but chose the lower cost countries in Asia for many products. Apparently production costs and higher wages in NL and Europe were quite the factors. (I am talking about the pre-Euro era, long story.)

    My biggest issue is that media and certain politicians like to mention ethnicities over the behaviour. When someone behaves violent or criminal for that matter; that is what matters in the end. Damaging a university (UvA), streets and public spaces because "free speech" is counter productive and harms others.

    Hooligans/supporters have been a scourge in NL for decades. Big soccer matches can always end up in street battles but the Dutch goverment treats them mostly like toddlers. Every year there is Ajax-Feijenoord, everybody in the vicinity of that match is on high alert.

    So, mix the hooligans/supporters with BLM, peace activists, XR, angry farmers and pro-Palestine and hope for the best. I sometimes had to pass such groups on the way home or to work. After a while you are fed up with the situation. Sure you can emphatise but how much can you take?

    (I am serious. Life is becoming more expensive in NL and without cash-flow I cannot survive. Nobody will survive and still the government here cannot build houses or improve education. Politicians nowadays like to blame immigration for everything while they had about 15 years to build more houses, improve education and stop sabotaging health-care. Even when I had really good income, I still could not finance a house. Crises are looming and I have to be as ready as possible.)
  9. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    The problem is distribution of wealth. It is always distribution of wealth. Immigrant, local, native, it matters not if someone can work full time and still be in abject poverty... because someone is hiking rent, converting a liveable residence to an Air BnB, fighting against a reasonable minimum wage....
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  10. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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    Aug 13, 2020
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    Exactly. Distribution of wealth.

    In America people seem obsessed with taxes. It's so stupid. If you're making $35K / year, you shouldn't be thinking about getting a tax break. You should be thinking about why CEOs are making $20000000/year (and having to constantly be bailed out) and you're not making $70K/year.

    There was a time when things were better. But the great republican hero Ronny R, destroyed the unions and worker rights and instituted trickle down ("piss on") economics.

    People didn't need expensive college degrees. They could get a union job, buy a Mustang, a home and, start a family.
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  11. SofaSamuraiX

    SofaSamuraiX Almost "Made"

    Jun 1, 2024
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    I am bored with the "My way or the highway" shit mentality. I feel comfortable with this way of thinking, my universe creating magic being says to be and act this way, you should only be on my side of the thought war, I only butter the bottom side of my bread. I am not interested in moral guidance from politicians or other citizens really.... I just want politicians to do their jobs. Voting for one side or another is bullshit division and smacks of social engineering garbage. Make things work, infrastructure and the like, defend our country from foreign invaders, stop lobbying as the vehicle for policy. Don't stop doing your job because your party didn't get it's way. Just grow the f**k up.From my point of view Klipsch speakers are terrible and I am not afraid to say it!!! But I don't mind if someone else has them and loves them!!! So much blaming and no working towards an actual answer or fix. Sheeeeeesh I seem annoyed. We are all humans, supposed to be above the animals but we are the only species that actively destroys it's habitat. I understand the need to feel comfortable and safe! But feeling like other views are wrong while not being able to see that that is exactly what most of us do in the same instance is silly as f**k. "Oh I told you so's" are only legit for so long. As long as we are living in a way that isn't endangering others, or impinging on their ability to care for themselves or their how can morally correct people feel the right to lord their own beliefs on to others while moaning about that reciprocated behavior towards one's self!? I hope this rant is salient and that I do not get booted, but reading this thread with all of these intelligent peoples comments can be frustrating, In the immortal words of Rodney King, " Can't we all just get along?!" No one knows best for everyone else. Shit man, there is no universal measurement to tell us all the things. Sorry. I love it here, don't ban hammer me!!!!!!
  12. SofaSamuraiX

    SofaSamuraiX Almost "Made"

    Jun 1, 2024
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    I guess I am just trying to say that nothing is a polarized as our minds can make them, it can be damned tough to see past our own noses.
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  13. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Having been “here” and “done that” a few times now over the last 50+ years of adulthood, I’m mostly (but dare not cross any lines here) at “pass the popcorn” stage now.

    I’m enjoying the new “animal spirits” though - Premium gas is down $.50/gallon in the last 10 days… LOL
  14. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    The problem is that now your mind is never left alone. Never before assault on our minds from the state, academia, and the media was so relentless and vicious. To make us hate each other, to divide the society into multiple tribes that hate each other, and can be easily incited to violence.
    The ultimate objective is control.
    When being a Republican or Democrat becomes more important than being a good neighbor, if your tribe is more important than your family, if you are separating from friends because they voted in a wrong way, their job is done.
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is why I like stats and have presented stats. People say all sorts of shit not backed up by stats. Or they make assertions on the effects of public policy, but show one cherry picked stat, but ignore others.
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Since you want to get political about it:

    Unions also become weak when we outsource everything to China. People can't buy houses when we engage in endless war and make weapons instead of houses. I blame 16 years of Neo-con hero W and the Democratic hero Obama. The latter more because there were already indications from the prior 8 years of W that shit wasn't working.

    The idea that China would become more democratic as they got richer and more integrated into global commerce is laughable. Yes, my dad believed that, until the mid 2000s, when it become clear that China still wouldn't play ball after Clinton got them into the WTO. The idea that unga-bunga peoples can suddenly become democratic is also laughable (when it took Europe hundreds, thousands of years of almost constant war, to get its shit together)
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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
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