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Mar 29, 2024
Jan 12, 2016
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Jun 19, 1996 (Age: 28)
Part time at parent's place; classic degenerate

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Acquaintance, Male, 28, from Bulgaria

MODI MULTIBIT 2 IS OUT. Cant wait u guys to hear and review and compare it to original modi mb. Dec 21, 2022

Renekton was last seen:
Mar 29, 2024
    1. Renekton
      MODI MULTIBIT 2 IS OUT. Cant wait u guys to hear and review and compare it to original modi mb.
      1. neogeosnk likes this.
      2. JayC
        Jason beat you to the annoucement by 1 hour and 54 min ;)
        Dec 21, 2022
        Renekton, RestoredSparda and Philimon like this.
      3. Renekton
        :ccc ye, I noticed later. Didnt know he status posts about new products so wasnt expecting it. Im crying :ccc jkjk it's ok.
        Dec 26, 2022
    2. Renekton
      Embarassing. Before they banned n2o here, I got to notice harmonic distortions in my breathing. And rewatched fav anime. Great with alcohol.
    3. RobS
      Since you're a degenerate weeb, think you should serialize your therapist encounters as romantic manga. Gold mine $$$$$$$$$
      1. Renekton likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Renekton
        ... You would? I'm still not used to filtering out my honesty, or, like, blurts... Like, the personal about her stuff or all of it? Society is hard enough to me, girls even harder.
        Jan 30, 2020
      4. Case
        About her.
        Jan 30, 2020
        Renekton likes this.
      5. Claritas
        Jan 31, 2020
        Renekton likes this.
    4. Renekton
      Wait, so growing up is about helping eachother? That's great and scary.
      1. Renekton
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        At first, I thought you'd been watching Sesame Street! :)
        Jan 29, 2020
        Renekton and DigMe like this.
    5. Renekton
      Cause and effect? My ass.Ungatherable quantum blockchain. That's more like it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zonto
        Iā€™m worried about you after reading your recent posts and status updates. Please shut down the computer and go outside.
        Dec 24, 2019
        elguapo, Case, Jinxy245 and 1 other person like this.
      3. Renekton
        This last status was after a nice walk with my cute lesbian friend and her 3 dogs. I ran into ex-boss, whom I had insulted deeply and I couldn't just pass by so we had the weird talk where I agree with his nonsense so that he can feel better. I just had some good sleep.
        Dec 24, 2019
        obsiCO likes this.
      4. Renekton
        I just had some good sleep. Today is looking to be very nice. Thank you, zonto, sir, you took good care of me way back when I joined SBAF and it's hearwarming that you are helping me again. GLHF, all.
        Dec 24, 2019
        obsiCO likes this.
    6. Renekton
      BTW my cat is the best and my mom just got lvl 50 on Honkai Impact.
      1. purr1n likes this.
      2. Lyander
        Just to be clear, only reason I disliked this is because I assume you got your mother into HONKAI IMPACT of all things. Jeebus :P
        Dec 19, 2019
      3. Renekton
        I did and I partly regret it, she got hooked af.
        Dec 19, 2019
        Lyander likes this.
    7. Renekton
      Also, I need to point out, I feel lucky. Not only am I hanging in there, but I have a great life.
      1. spwath
        If you feel giving up on everything and living with your parents is a great life then you do you. Just saying that's not my ideal life.
        Dec 19, 2019
        Renekton likes this.
    8. Renekton
      23 and retired... No, I'm not rich, I just gave up on everything. My parents graciously feed me and keep me as a pet.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Josh83
        I would love to have the type of family wealth that would allow that, but I'm not going to blame or shame you for taking advantage of it. Most work sucks, and people wouldn't do it unless they needed to in order to live. Just pay your taxes, don't complain, and realize how lucky you are.
        Dec 20, 2019
        Renekton likes this.
      3. Renekton
        This embarrassing old convo, I love it. Thank you all. Btw I'm going strong! I'm a better pet now than I ever was! Legit. I'm mom's bff and support!

        Gracefully; Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down!
        Feb 6, 2021
      4. Renekton
        Thank you, everyone.
        Marv, I think I did it, I havent been feeling evil, I'll be ok.

        Lol im listening to the same ā†‘ song rn āœ“
        Oct 25, 2023
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  • About

    Jun 19, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Part time at parent's place; classic degenerate
    Gear List:
    HD600; JVC HAS-160 (on-ear, 20USD on amazon, very comfortable, faaar from audiophile grade, but not terrible either).
    Some weird ass ancient B&O; ATL HD310i, now botched.
    Pioneer a445; Some cheap Onkyo.
    schiit: Valhalla 2, magni 1, modi multibit, modi 1, eitr, 2x wyrd
    Ancient panasonic radio - high enjoyment factor - more fun to drive a slow car fast than a... You get it.
    I don't play CSGO while on stuff. But I do drink extra coffee when I decide to play.