Psalm gives his opinion on speakers from his mom's basement

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Taverius, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. Taverius

    Taverius Smells like sausages

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Rapallo, Italy
    Ridicous, you should all train yourselves into lvl 99 ascended woodworking archmages and build troels obs with baffles the size of a '64 Lincoln Imperial Le Baron, and build your house around them, anything else is just wasted money!
  2. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    Benchmark products are for music what chugging bleach is for your guts. The amp sounds like the it has an underspecced power-supply type of wimpiness.

    Audiophiles have this refusal to buy stuff that extends, gets loud enough cleanly, and then actually listen to it at a reference level where they can hear everything at their listening position. Audiophiles tend to want the esoteric and nice appearances over stuff that actually works.

    Listening to 6.5" woofer two ways a dozen feet away at 65 db? You're hearing nothing. There is no point. Then $8000 6.5" woofer two ways a dozen feet away trying to reproduce 90 db bass will horrifically compress, distort, and fall apart. Maybe they might be okay up close if they don't extend too far but there are better, cheaper pro options for that with 6.5" woofers which will do the same crap a couple meters away. And if you don’t care about anything under 60hz, an ATC SCM50ASL is about the tightest thing you can buy and will only scale with your room and gear with no tweaking fetishism or making everything sound like a cave or blown car subwoofer allowed.

    Very few audiophiles have cleanish sounding three-way speakers with a big but still tight sounding woofer(s), detailed midrange drivers, and non-etched tweeters. There is so much flabby, etched, and wimpy crap out there or speakers that have to have truly horrific crossovers or cabinet resonances murdering any detail they might have. Most people have vintage speakers with blown out distorted woofers, shitty pioneer towers, and B&W cancer type of crap. At every dealer showroom or speaker show, I hear only a couple models of three-ways and towers that do not totally suck. Anyone with Maggies or LS50s or using DSP baby dick woofer monstrosities like Kiis as full range speakers pretty much hates music and makes you want to drive home and listen in your car.

    Not even typical mid-priced, mid-field type three way active monitors that cost a few thousand dollars will get you there; they lack necessary volume and bass extension even up close sometimes so stuff like Neumann, Dynaudio, and Genelec can be “WTF I paid for this smooth bullshit with flashy red lights?” When you sit back, relax, and try to crank it.

    Huge ass cabs with biggish, low excursion, clean woofers with great power handling backed by clean, high headroom amps just make flabby bass sound like getting whacked in the chest with a pool noodle. Babydick woofers in full range speakers? Lorena Bobbit time.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  3. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    Getting some wimp speaker to “synergize” (What are you doing? Aligning your chakras at a yoga class?) with that fleawatt amp you bought to post pics and a tracking number on a web forum is supreme idiocy. Versus the aforementioned, it’s like like a Nerf Bow and Arrow versus an AK47. You can’t kill a fly. This is a Jon Snow short idiot vs Dolph Lundgren Fulbright scholar fight.
  4. Victor

    Victor New

    May 8, 2017
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    The Netherlands
    That all makes sense Psalmanazar, but so far I pretty much just read about what speakers suck and what to avoid. Besides your ATC recommendation (and in another thread you said ATC is overpriced and we should just get Yamaha HS8's, which I worked on in a pretty neutral studio and they are very bright and have a weird mid-range), I see very little speakers that we at least sort of can agree on as being decent.

    I do apologise if this is taking the thread to far off topic. My initial question sort of remains, what speakers did you guys use to test the Aegir (single or mono), and how did the different speakers work out. With these crazy amount of variables, I'm looking for a starting point.
  5. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer

    Pyrate Contributor
    Jul 18, 2017
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    ...said no one ever, until now. :p

    Folks have pointed out the types of speakers that we think will go well with the Aegir up to this point. If Psal thinks that Purr1n’s massive speakers are “wimps”, that’s his opinion.

    If you want general speaker advice and recommendations, please take it to another thread.

    By the way Victor, you won’t get specific examples or recommendations - that’s not how Psal rolls - that would preclude him from trashing it as easily later (although as you’ve pointed out, it happens all the time).
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  6. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    ATC are horrifically overpriced for what you actually get but look at those magnets. Nobody else is making that stuff and shoving it into a big, well-damped cab with killer power amps included like that.

    HS8s are bang for buck, don’t suck, and nothing more. All 8” two ways have weird mid-ranges, that’s the least weird one due to Yamaha not trying to hit 35hz for FL Studio users, and You need to spend double to better it as near fields. Treble is actually veiled on them like a typical soft dome but worse directly on axis and smeared / “bright” / Yamaha off.

    If you want to listen to edm and soundcloud whine pop to listen on iems and horns that roll at 125 hz to preserve your hearing for the second coming of Christ, that’s fine. I’m going to listen to Beherit and Van Halen super loudly in cars, glorified PA systems, and detail monster monitors so I can hear and feel when the bassist fucks up.
  7. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    JBLs are the opposite of wimpy. Purrin restored some huge ass old JBLs and then got some amps he likes that work with them. If you think that I think that JBLs are wimpy, that’s incredibly f'ing stupid.

    Fools are buying first watt fleawatts or the ps sprout to flex and expect to power something killer. That’s like buying vintage 1993 NOS nerf darts for your unowned Moisin Nagant. What purrin did in comparison to the idiocy of eBay sniping NOS Nerf arrows is like restoring a tank first and then getting some shells to blow up trees like Lemmy from Motorhead did.
  8. msommers

    msommers High on Epipens

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Whoever made the thread title...

    *slow clap*
  9. restrav3

    restrav3 Likes Audio-GD

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Listen to led zeppelin instead, the bassist never fucks up.
  10. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    No, you can listen to the classic rock station and sit through 40 minutes of Pearl Jam and Toto just to hear Black Dog
  11. restrav3

    restrav3 Likes Audio-GD

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Sick burn bro.
  12. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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  13. winders

    winders boomer

    Feb 13, 2017
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    San Martin, CA
    i'd rather listen to Toto......
  14. elmoe

    elmoe Friend

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    Apr 23, 2019
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    You wanna feel when the bassist fucks up, sell your KEFs on eBay and get a decent pair of Dynaudios :)

    - a bassist
  15. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    Well you race Power Wheels instead of banging out Wheels of Steel.
  16. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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  17. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  18. RobS

    RobS RobS? More like RobDiarrhea.

    Feb 21, 2019
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    So what's your speaker setup like in your mother's basement, Psal?
  19. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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    I think my parents still have some store brand bookshelves from the mid 90s that have bass distortion from loud rap. There's also a cardboard box or two full of broken 90s pc speakers and some broken 2000s cheap nearfields somewhere.

  20. Psalmanazar

    Psalmanazar Most improved member; A+

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Sep 27, 2015
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