Comments on Profile Post by Cspirou

  1. Cspirou
    Jun 19, 2019
  2. Lyander
    I will say that my hair is significantly shorter now than it was a few months back when I had a scraggly mop, and that that might have been a factor in my changing feelings about the Meze 99 bass :))
    Jun 19, 2019
  3. Hands
    *wears thick-framed glasses, has thick, long hair, possibly even wears a hat, and listens to a pair of headphones*

    "wHy DoEs ThIs HeAdPhOnE hAvE nO bAsS fOr My AnImE wAiFu MuSiC?"
    Jun 19, 2019
    Ash1412, Lyander and Cspirou like this.
  4. Lyander
    @Hands that's called an "image song" thanks very much.

    Jun 19, 2019