Comments on Profile Post by penguins

  1. purr1n
    Eat like old school Asians - that is only eat until you STILL feel a little bit hungry. You will lose that last 10lbs.
    Nov 5, 2020
    Syzygy, Deep Funk and Priidik like this.
  2. Priidik
    In addition - change that last 10 LBS to muscle. Also, fasting is significantly underrated activity.
    Nov 5, 2020
    Syzygy and Deep Funk like this.
  3. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Focus on eating just enough. Make sure you have enough energy to get things done and train your endurance. It takes time but the gains really toughen you up.
    Nov 6, 2020
  4. penguins
    Yeah definitely going to need some new eating habits to get the last 10 off. Main worry is the last 10 will come off w/ "a diet" but come back when "eat normally" again.

    First 35 came off via minor lifestyle changes + eating a little less.
    Nov 6, 2020
  5. dubharmonic
    Well now I want a burrito too!
    Nov 6, 2020