Comments on Profile Post by FlySweep

  1. imackler
    Because it doesn't sound so bad?
    Jul 20, 2016
    Pyruvate likes this.
  2. Pyruvate
    Exactly why I keep my Modi around. And every time I go back to it, I'm wondering why I even bother chasing the DAC-dragon.
    Jul 20, 2016
    FlySweep likes this.
  3. FlySweep
    @imackler .. laughing at myself because of how one can come full circle (gear-wise) in this hobby. Regarding sound.. The GOv2+ definitely sounds better than the RealTek audio chipset in my T440p.. golden ears not needed.
    Jul 20, 2016
    imackler likes this.
  4. imackler
    I had the same experience a while back when I found myself listening to my HD600 out of my laptop. It was way more enjoyable and revealing than I expected.
    Jul 20, 2016
    FlySweep likes this.
  5. insidious meme
    insidious meme
    Jul 20, 2016
    Mystic, FlySweep and Pyruvate like this.
  6. Mystic
    I still have my old HD595 which was my first high end full size can I bought after years of only using iems. Plugging it into my PC is still an enjoyable experience.

    Still doesn't hold a candle to my main setup though.
    Jul 20, 2016
    FlySweep likes this.
  7. jowls
    What are you making room for?
    Jul 20, 2016
  8. FlySweep
    Unsure, atm.. the GOv2+ was sent back to LH to get the new aluminum plates (which were coming apart from the plastic/resin frame when the unit heats up). Might sell it when it gets back cause I wanna try something non-Sabre (or a different SABRE flavor) as a mobile dac/amp.. will primarily be driving IEMs.. and used as a DAC. ideas? I'm guessing Mojo will be many people's choice,eh?
    Jul 20, 2016
  9. ButtUglyJeff
    Be careful. Once you go "non-Sabre", you never go back...
    Jul 21, 2016