Comments on Profile Post by robot zombie

  1. robot zombie
    robot zombie
    ...I'm guessing "reading buzzword-heavy self-help listicles" isn't on the list. Dunno - didn't read it, as I have no interest in making my feelings smart. My phone, watch, and TV are smart enough that I no longer need emotions - they handle those. Shame, too. Be a great article if that was #19! Probably help a lot of people out there. Bad for readership levels tho.
    Feb 2, 2021
  2. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Then you wonder: why not 20? or why a prime number?
    Feb 3, 2021
    Cryptowolf, crenca, JayC and 5 others like this.
  3. robot zombie
    robot zombie
    Bahah, indeed! Why not make it more satisfying number? If I even want to read it after seeing that number, I'm probably gonna feel like it's not finished after I read #19. Like, where's the rest man? Got 11 eggs to sell me next?

    Oh, maybe it's not finished then? Not much life help to give if you can't even motivate yourself to finish a simple list!
    Feb 3, 2021
    Deep Funk, Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
  4. robot zombie
    robot zombie
    But really, 19 feels long for a list. That's more like a whole report with numbered paragraphs. ...unless it's one of those obnoxious picture scrolley thingies where you click an arrow to see each individual sentence, a dozen or two slides of basic sentences with hilariously arbitrary stock photos for each one. Then it's only 19 sentences and it contains twice as much stupid. Efficient writing!
    Feb 3, 2021
    crenca and Lyander like this.
  5. luckybaer
    I thought about reading it, but then, I realized that with my ADHD, I wouldn't get past #2, so I passed.
    Feb 3, 2021
    Thad E Ginathom and robot zombie like this.
  6. crenca
    I was going to read it, but after reading this profile post I no longer have either the time or the emotional energy! ;)
    Feb 3, 2021
  7. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    I'm glad to say that I haven't even seen it.

    Occasionally Google finds me something relevant from Lifehacker. I read this blog for a few days, some years ago, and ran away screaming. It struck me as a school for potential victims of OCD and other similar syndromes. And actually dangerous in that it could push the vulnerable over the edge into mental health problems that are no joke at all.
    Feb 3, 2021
    robot zombie and Cryptowolf like this.
  8. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    @robot zombie: make your own list. You /are/ emotionally intelligent. So you could just pick 19 things. But... why would you?
    Feb 3, 2021
    Deep Funk and robot zombie like this.
  9. Cryptowolf
    I occasionally wonder if the right answer is not to “optimize”/gamify every aspect of life? I mean, I’ve managed to live this long and only found a few “life hacks” as actually useful and not pedantic compulsive ways of organizing a task that only adds to the mental burden. A time saving way to do something better? Sign me up. A listicle of 19 items to make my CDO (see what I did there?) worse, nope.
    Feb 3, 2021
  10. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    42 is always good ;-)
    Feb 3, 2021
    Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.