robot zombie
May 11, 2016
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Aug 1, 1990 (Age: 34)
Ennui, FL
Maintenence / HVAC

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robot zombie

Friend, Male, 34, from Ennui, FL


Somewhere out there somebody is facing the unspeakable horror that is Zuck-rage. Assuming they are still alive now. Oct 6, 2021

    1. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Somewhere out there somebody is facing the unspeakable horror that is Zuck-rage. Assuming they are still alive now.
      1. Biodegraded
      2. NationOfLaws
        I love so, so much that their door locks used the same systems that their sites do so many people were effectively locked out of the building. I love it so much that I might divorce my wife and marry that thought.
        Oct 6, 2021
    2. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Sometimes I wish I could ask youtube "What did I say?!" Thier comment filter AI is insane. Or it hates me specifically.
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
    3. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      That moment when your HD6-- pads are totally flat, but you don't change them because you know you've adjusted to them... <_<
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    4. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      How they can sell hoses with aluminium couplings? Crush resistance means nothing when the galvanic reaction seizes it to the brass bib.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kunlun
        Big Hose is responsible for many of the calamities of our times, friend. Your realization takes you the first step down a path that leads to my newsletter.
        Jul 27, 2021
      3. Cryptowolf
        Cause people don't trust scientists and engineers any more?
        Jul 27, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Big hose... Panty Hose.
        Jul 28, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Kunlun like this.
    5. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      he5xx and LP aint bad sometimes. It's a nice relaxed, light, spacious sound. Kinda in the ether, it's such a change from the usual.
      1. Cryptowolf, dark_energy and penguins like this.
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      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Interesting, I really can't compare. But my takeway from comparisons here was a good 560 wins out on overall technicalities and tonality. Bass, too. Different headphones. But the 5xx's definitely are quick in what I'd bet are similar ways. Quite light on their feet. Emergent would be the word. It's interesting how they can be almost be a little dark/mellow, yet resolving and dynamic.
        Jul 19, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        I gotta say, these things are treating me well tonight. The right headphones. They sound great! More resolving than I gave em credit for. The amount of 'peel' on synthesizers is like confectioner's sugar. The wide spacing in image sections pops-out everything.
        Jul 19, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Stereo shifts/marches are also exaggerated in a neat way. Percussion sort of bursts into these large spaces like pressurized fresh air - to each element a discreet section.

        These things are pretty rad. It's a unique sound. There's some magic going on with dynamics that goes on an upwards climb starting from the midrange. Lil sub bass backing it up, it can have some oomph too. But the top punches past it.
        Jul 19, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    6. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Passerby spotted my porta pros. Just stopped and yelled "porta pro!" Thats new.
    7. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Thought I finally singed a tweeter on one of the old LSR305s for like 3 days. Turned out I needed to reset the modibit.
      1. Cryptowolf and Sqveak like this.
      2. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        I considered going significantly up from them for a while. But at this point I admire the fact that they haven't died to the years of abuse yet. Blessed 305's. I long for certain things, but at the same time, they sound pretty okay. It feels like spitting on the universe to ditch em. Gotta die eventually.
        Jul 9, 2021
      3. Sqveak
        Why not add a LSR310s to the mix? Let the matching subwoofer take over the bottom end. It'll take some strain off of the midwoofers in the 305s and allow them to perform more effortlessly.
        Jul 9, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Hah! I would... if not for the SVS SB-1000 I already have :P I do take advantage of that crossover feature, too. No splitting off of the DAC, and they really do open up. Betting the matching ones are better, but it still does the job.

        I figure I'll use em till they quit. By then, I can build myself something much, much better and throw the rest at a really solid amp.
        Jul 10, 2021
        Sqveak likes this.
    8. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Dang, one of the EH 6922's that came with my LP is already failing. For once I'm glad that the seller threw in a coupla rando Russian NOS!
      1. Gazny likes this.
    9. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Never really thought about it... but "I did my good deed for the day." isn't the best mindset to have. Are you then bad the rest of the day?
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I was a Christian for half of my life. I had to stop counting sins and the good deeds. You will end up a worrying to death or becoming an arrogant saint. Take care of the people you care about, avoid being an asshole.

        What even is "a good deed"? No, are the people you care about happy and you can have a good/interesting conversation? If the answer is yes, good job.
        May 22, 2021
        Cryptowolf, robot zombie and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. Lyander
        Always thought of it as a reminder to be slightly better than a pass to be an arschloch save for one brilliant instance ever 24h or so, but I suppose there are those that might interpret it that way?

        But yeah, call me an optimist but I'd much rather see it as a persistent reminder to actively seek to do nice things. The way it's phrased there's a lot of leeway for reading.
        May 22, 2021
      5. Jinxy245
        Just add the word "first"..."I did my first good deed for today...."
        May 22, 2021
        robot zombie, Syzygy and Lyander like this.
    10. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Charged up for summer. Growing stagnant after everything these past couple years, I think I finally got tired of myself... in the best way.
      1. Gazny
        Time for change
        May 15, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
    11. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Imagine seeing (and hearing) a Tesla coil when it was first invented. No knowledge of anything like that. My god.
      1. Jinxy245, Gazny, DigMe and 4 others like this.
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      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        @DigMe Hah, imagine the confusion running through them if they realized that he was a dropout! "Is this even science?!"
        May 8, 2021
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        @m17xr2b The cage definitely adds a lot to it!

        I think it would've been like "deer in headlights," just frozen in fear and awe. The power of god is pouring out of a strange tower in a metal cage. Even for those educated on it, I think it would be a big shock!
        May 8, 2021
      5. DigMe
        We hear SpaceX rocket testing all the time around here but I remember the very first time I ever heard (and felt) it standing out on my front porch in awe just pondering the level of energy that has been harnessed by man.
        May 8, 2021
    12. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Thanks for the broken update at work, Spotify. Though even if it worked, its still awful. Why are they like this?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Thanks. I do not keep auto-update on, and will avoid this update.

        Mostly I use it on the PC. Linux version.
        Apr 21, 2021
        robot zombie and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. zonto
        All the streaming services seem to suck lately. In the last couple weeks, it appears that Tidal updated something on the backend that effectively broke the Tidal / Oppo integration. Currently trying to escalate a report ticket for them to fix it...
        Apr 21, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Haha, they've got us by the balls. I'll never get why, though. All most of them need to do is figure out how to start listening to people instead of coming up with fancy ways to say "Maybe later (/never.)" while making more frustrating changes.

        Spotty's arguably the worst offender. They have burned me so many times. Keep saying I'm done but never leave. I don't think the frontend has ever improved.
        Apr 21, 2021
    13. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Buy one or two cheap watches and suddenly I feel like I need to own ~10 watches. But why tho? Brain, don't do this. Why watches, brain?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cryptowolf
        I recall Two Broke Watch Snobs having one or more podcasts about building a collection for $1000. For my money, I’d go with a Seiko Cocktail series, an Orion Hellcat, and a Casio Casioak. I think that would be right around $1000 and cover the tool, dive/sport, and dress watch categories.
        Apr 22, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Ha! Already had a Presage in mind! White dial with the blue hands. Though that line has so many great combos. That Hellcat though... with a burgundy dial? That's really something. Thanks for the recommendations!
        Apr 22, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        I have the Hellcat with a burgundy dial. It shifts colors depending on the color temperature of the light being reflected. Fantastic watch, acceptable movement (Minolta).
        Apr 23, 2021
    14. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Timex watches are cool to have because they have Indiglo, but bad on battery life because I have ADHD and it's dark in here so...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Syzygy
        I thought you were gonna say they were cool because they keep on tickin.

        But maybe that was in an alternate world.
        Apr 16, 2021
        Cryptowolf and robot zombie like this.
      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        @fraggler I have two Expeditions, one chrono and one not, and the ticking is barely audible. I kind of find it satisfying. Can't really hear it down at my waist.

        I think the ticking was for syncing... military field watches and such.
        Apr 16, 2021
      4. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        @Syzygy I mean, they do take a lickin.

        That's why they're my work watches. Though actually I think they can look really nice. Just really solid watches with bitchin and unique backlights that don't cost watch-head money to have a couple.
        Apr 16, 2021
        Syzygy and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    15. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Gotta say LP actually does look legitimately nice in person. Big difference!
      1. Sqveak and Lyander like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        The black round discs? Or post-Cavalli amp?
        Apr 16, 2021
      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Well... both. But in this case the PC-LP.

        The casework all just looks so cheap in person, but it's only the visual style. The materials are actually nice!
        Apr 17, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        Yup, the outward appearance of the amp does nothing for me either. Never heard of though.
        Apr 18, 2021
    16. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      DEQ2496 has ended up being more rewarding than expected. Wish dedicated processing units like this were more commonplace.
      1. Deep Funk, PTS and gixxerwimp like this.
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      3. GoodEnoughGear
        Watching...curious to see if this stands the test of time and doesn't introduce sins (either commission or omission) that are only evident after some 'unprimed' listening.
        Apr 7, 2021
      4. PTS
        "If freakin Behringer can make one for $350... where's the nice audiophile EQ? Build it into a preamp, or even a DAC."

        That's what the RME ADI-2 is (if that particular DAC is to your liking).
        Apr 7, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @robot zombie, audiophilia stole the tone controls. You can't expect it to give full EQ now.

        But @PTS points out that, RME, coming from the semi-pro field, has no such sensitivities.
        Apr 8, 2021
    17. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      I don't wanna give this Jot 2 loaner up, mannn... bet i'mma have a hard time finding a better value balanced amp for my LCD2Cs. Dang dude!
      1. aamefford, FlySweep, Jinxy245 and 5 others like this.
    18. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      My mom managed to get a movie out of walmart that throws Cinavia code 3 lol
      1. Perot likes this.
    19. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      Two questions for people who use 'cooling body soap':
      1. YMO likes this.
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      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Come to think of it, I'm betting I've been gifted some at some point and never used it. Maybe buried in one of the bathroom cabinets. Those things are basically graveyards for gifts like that.
        Mar 6, 2021
        YMO likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Back when aromatherapy wasn't even a word, people experimented with stuff. Once, with flu and feeling very feverish, I put a few drops of essential oil of peppermint in the bath.

        You know why mint makes your mouth cold? Because it's actually a mild local anaesthetic. Yes: you can, I found, do that to your whole body. Not advisable. Especially if you're steaming feverish inside.
        Mar 7, 2021
        robot zombie likes this.
      5. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        Oh sure, a nice eucalyptus bath is fine. I just draw the line at directly and vigorously applying lathering mentholated goo on sensitive areas. And its not like it is subtle. Open up a bottle and 'feel the rush' in your nose.

        That's the other thing. They tend to be marketed as energizing more than soothing. For people who rub menthol on their nipples I guess.
        Mar 7, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    20. robot zombie
      robot zombie
      One of the reccomended articles when I opened firefox was "19 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Do" and...
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @robot zombie: make your own list. You /are/ emotionally intelligent. So you could just pick 19 things. But... why would you?
        Feb 3, 2021
        Deep Funk and robot zombie like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        I occasionally wonder if the right answer is not to “optimize”/gamify every aspect of life? I mean, I’ve managed to live this long and only found a few “life hacks” as actually useful and not pedantic compulsive ways of organizing a task that only adds to the mental burden. A time saving way to do something better? Sign me up. A listicle of 19 items to make my CDO (see what I did there?) worse, nope.
        Feb 3, 2021
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        42 is always good ;-)
        Feb 3, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
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  • About

    Aug 1, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Ennui, FL
    Maintenence / HVAC


    |> SW51+ > Droppenhieser HD6xx
    Eitr > Modi Multibit >-|

    |> Sys > JBL LSR305 Gen2 + SVS SB-1000