Comments on Profile Post by YMO

  1. dasman66
    That's ridiculous. It's bad enough that employers/clients expect immediate response at all times of the day/night because of cellphones. Now they are going to require people to take work with them while the whole point of vacation is to get away from work and recharge?

    And they'll wonder why burnout and high turnover is a problem...
    May 28, 2021
    Josh83, atomicbob, Cryptowolf and 4 others like this.
  2. YMO
    On the plus side they are going to give me 20%-25% pay bump from my current job with slightly cheaper health insurance. But I lose almost 10 days worth of PTO, I have to be in the office in DT Jax three times a week (which is meh), and it is slightly less flexible.

    The pay bump is nice but you know....I kind of have a life you know...With the differences in benefits it is more of 10% bump to me.
    May 28, 2021
  3. dncnexus
    I would think about it before jumping just for more pay. I think having someone say that to you in an interview is a big red flag and might be indicative of a pretty toxic work environment. Would just be careful.
    May 28, 2021
    sheldaze, FlySweep, atomicbob and 5 others like this.
  4. YMO
    @dncnexus don't worry..I'm heavily leaning on not continuing with this anyway. I was leaning on no since I would be losing too much PTO and there's no negotiation on that after me asking. On forcing to take holidays that I don't want off (which I don't have to use PTO for that on my current job), even thinking about being available for work on PTO is no dawg.
    May 28, 2021
    Josh83 likes this.
  5. Phantaminum
    When I hear hiring managers say that it gives me PTSD. If they don't have a back up for me then that means they don't have a really great contingency plan.
    May 28, 2021
    dasman66 likes this.
  6. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Ask him/her if he likes being on call 24/7. If he says yes, get out. If he says no, ask him about the long-term perks. There must be something worth it or there is nothing...
    May 29, 2021
    YMO likes this.