Comments on Profile Post by purr1n

  1. ChaChaRealSmooth
    There won't be enough capacity because CA government still doesn't understand that CA imports the majority of our electricity and thinks "ban gas cars" solves everything
    Oct 2, 2022
    YMO, sheldaze and crazychile like this.
  2. Biodegraded
    Same issues up here: although >85% of BC's electricity is hydro, that's only 20% of total energy use. ~70% of that is fossil fuels, thanks mostly to transport. To electrify everything would need ~ the eq. of 20 more dams like this:
    Oct 2, 2022
  3. crenca
    Toyota's commitment to hydrogen notwithstanding, I think they are spot on when they say these electrification targets/goals are not in the least realistic.
    Oct 2, 2022
    Cryptowolf and YMO like this.
  4. purr1n
    Hybrid cars make sense. But that makes sense, so politicians won't go for that.
    Oct 2, 2022
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  5. Jinxy245
    WTF ever happened to hydrogen? I was hopeful for some advances there...
    Oct 3, 2022
  6. crenca
    It's in the application - the energy creating it, liquifying it, and integrating it into a passenger vehical sized application is difficult to say the least.
    Oct 3, 2022
    Tachikoma likes this.
  7. crenca
    Oil is a gift from God - you can poke a hole 1/2 way across the world, ship it and refine it, deliver it, and integrate it's use in a passenger vehicle so easily (and thus $cheaply$) it's hard for anything else to make any kind of sense...unless your a true believer of a planetary apocalypse ...
    Oct 3, 2022
  8. purr1n
    Oh, the planetary apoc is coming, from overconsumption and overpopulation. However, those are very convenient truths for the rich greenies. They think they can buy their way out with Teslas.
    Oct 3, 2022
    Jinxy245 likes this.