Comments on Profile Post by Josh83

  1. Josh83
    Originally, I didn't like the Kato, because I was using foam tips. Using the silicone Spring tips that are included changes everything.
    Mar 28, 2023
  2. Josh83
    Having spent the past year buying IEMs, I feel pretty confident saying that one needs to get to the $1k range (like the Nair) to feel certain they're getting something better than the Kato. (At least for my FR tastes and focus on resolution/technicalities.)
    Mar 28, 2023
  3. ChaChaRealSmooth
    I try not to recommend things I think are complete shit. Good to see it worked out for you
    Mar 28, 2023
    Josh83 and Claritas like this.
  4. DigMe
    I have really enjoyed mine as well!
    Mar 28, 2023
  5. JayC
    I liked the Kato, but REALLY liked the S12 with micropore tape. RD offers one with an airflow/tuning mod on it which might be even better..
    Mar 30, 2023