Comments on Profile Post by willc

  1. zonto
    Saints preserve us.
    Aug 18, 2017
    Cryptowolf and Dino like this.
  2. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Will you sacrifice us like Griffith (Berserk) or is it a matter of total anarchy? In case you say anarchy, well Changstar was anarchy in general.
    Aug 18, 2017
  3. gaspasser
    Will there be a return of the banned? A trolling festival of madness?
    Is it to coincide with the solar eclipse?
    Aug 18, 2017
    bengo and Dino like this.
  4. Scott Kramer
    Scott Kramer
    Hmmm, maybe @Marvey locked his keys in the car.... and it's rolling backwards down the hill
    Aug 18, 2017
    bengo likes this.
  5. Mystic
    Revenge of the Sith or Empire Strikes Back?
    Aug 18, 2017
  6. Ringingears
    I was taking a break, but if the end is coming, I wanted to thank all of you for all the work you have done. If not see you after the eclipse. If there is an after.
    Aug 18, 2017
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  7. Grahad2
    See y'all after the scattering.
    Aug 18, 2017
  8. bengo
  9. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    I vote for less drama.
    Aug 19, 2017
    Cryptowolf likes this.