Audeze MM-100 $400 for full-sized Audeze

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by Philimon, Apr 13, 2023.

  1. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    USA built, "light-weight" chassis, giant planar, $400.
    Screen Shot 2023-04-13 at 9.13.07 AM.png
    lol @ weight to be determined

    If MM-100 is roughly LCD2C sound quality but with lighter weight then it will be a hit. LCD2C doesnt have uniforce so maybe MM-100 will share more sonic traits with other Audeze like LCDX which does have uniforce.

    According to ecoustics, MM-100 is 385g. Compare that to LCDX 2022 (612g) which was a deal / neck breaker. ecoustics also mentions something about MM-500 type tuning so Im glad I have EQ.

    edit: pre-ordered, estimated shipping is June
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  2. tranq

    tranq Friend

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    I pre ordered a pair a couple of hours ago. Looking forward to em. Will be my first pair of Audeze and my first pair of US made headphones.
  3. PTS

    PTS Friend

    Jan 27, 2016
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    I kinda miss the sound of my long gone 2015 LCD-2F, but I don't miss the weight. If these sound as good and are actually comfortable, I see them being a hit for Audeze.

    I'm not actively looking for more headphones, but I expect when these hit the 2nd hand market for $250-300, I'll have to give 'em a try.

    I'm glad they're moving away from the metal yoke rod adjusters. These look more sleek/modern, less steampunk.
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  4. Climber

    Climber Facebook Friend

    Jul 27, 2019
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    This is basically Sundara weight, fwiw (372g) -- ̶I̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶$̶3̶5̶0̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶r̶o̶d̶u̶c̶e̶d̶?̶ EDIT: They were $499 initially.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  5. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Looks like Audeze will have pairs at both NAMM and Axpona this weekend. Missing Axpona this year but going to NAMM this weekend so should be able to hear it soon.

    I am guessing since it was developed with Manny Maroquin it will be more of a studio reference sound like the MM-500 but will wait to see.
  6. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    What’s the difference between reference and studio reference?

    Hopefully better than LCD-1 (sbaf impressions). LCD-1 had the benefit of being ~100g lighter than MM-100 (based on ecoustic’s info).

    Studio reference sounds like MM-500? No thanks then. Andrew / resolve impressions and measurements of MM-500 makes it look like it was designed by an old studio engineer with natural hearing loss so result is lots of upper mids following equal loudness curve.
    ^ No one disagrees with that assessment?

    My post shouldve been, “What’s the difference between reference and studio reference?” The rest was bullshit to invoke a response. The natural hearing loss bit was to say that Manny Maroquin listens loudly due to his occupation (naturally), sorry Manny if that is not the case (I've no evidence so stupid assumption, I understand if you've had enough of my bullshit). And with that I inferred equal loudness contour (And now Im suspecting I don't quite understand equal loudness contour. What seemed most important to me in terms of preference would be the difference in 3kHz loudness perception. I am less sensitive or demanding of bass and highs, I think. Vocal forward tends to bother me most since I tend to choose playback levels depending on vocals, i think.) from Resolve's impressions and measurements of MM-500 (Just my interpretation, proving would be impossible or require more effort than preferred. I shouldve just commented "reference vs studio reference?").

    Audeze pretty much claims on all their headphones that they are reference for professionals. Of course no two Audeze sound alike so which of their headphones is reference (They are more similar to each other than not, but none are exactly the same. And some are way different like LCDX-C.)? What is the distinction? Is it just marketing fluff or is there a basis for reference vs studio reference? (It did cross my mind to email Audeze but they didnt respond to my last email when I asked about MM-100 and if padrolling is within terms of warranty.)

    The marketing and the ghost of LCD-1 (a guess based on SBAF impressions but one should form opinions on their own experiences so my comment is a bit left-field) have me worried and considering cancelling pre-order.

    edit: (edits in parenthesis)
    edit: organized junk into junk piles
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
  7. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    @khbaur330162 heard the MM-100 at Axpona and shared pic and quick impressions here.
  8. PTS

    PTS Friend

    Jan 27, 2016
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    If this were true, they'd focus more on comfort. Using headphones for tracking/mixing/mastering involves wearing them for long periods. How many few studio professionals wouldn't find Audeze planars heavy and uncomfortable after a few hours of use? I'm glad they're finally trying to shave weight from the new range of studio focused planars.

    Sonically, they've maybe moved towards a flatter/less exciting sound in recent years. I'm basing this on a pair of 2021 LCD-X I briefly owned. They were so lifeless, I had to remind myself that music was playing. Good reference headphones maybe, but not great if you seek an emotional/visceral reaction to music.

    The headphones you mostly see in studios (Sony, AKG, Beyer) are used for musicians to hear themselves while isolating monitoring/playback from hot mics. These dynamics are currently smaller/lighter than anything from Audeze.
  9. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    MM-100 impressions:
    Heard it twice, Friday and Saturday on the RME ADI-2 DAC FS first and made sure it had no EQ or anything applied. And then some Apogee DAC/amp that I didn't get the model name of, it was probably some audio interface. Listening environment was probably best described as being like a Guitar Center that was the size of a convention center so not quiet at all. At least better listening than the year Audeze was stuck between a DJ mixing console vendor and a manufacturer of drums.

    Sound wise, MM-100 definitely is going for a similar sound like the MM-500 which makes sense with Manny Marroquin designing both of them. Great bass though it doesn't slam, fairly good treble and a solid package overall. Compared to headphones in the similar price point, techs on MM-100 is a step above the Sundara. Heard the Sony MDR-MV1 and at the same price it is not even close, the MM-100 is better built, has a better FR, better techs. The MM-100 to me was pretty legit, comfy and leaps and bounds better built than the LCD-1/Penrose/Mobius.

    Asked Sankar and other members of Audeze a bunch of questions about it.

    Is the driver from the Maxwell?
    Nope, its more similar to the MM-500 but uses different material. The only thing the MM-100 shares with the Maxwell is the headband.

    Is the single entry cable system on the MM-100 the same as the LCD-1 where you can plug it into either side? And for folks who want to try to use a dual 3.5mm cable, does it work?
    Yes, same as the LCD-1 where you can put the 3.5mm cable into either side and it will still work. For people that are guitarists for example, if you are a righty or a lefty, you can position the cable either way. For using the a dual cable on either side, it probably depends on how the cable is made but it should work though he wasn't too sure why most folks would want to do that (speaking for pro-audio contexts)

    Is the pads similar to any existing or past Audeze headphones?
    Completely original to the MM-100, shares tech or material from existing headphones but the MM-100 is pre-production so we are still tweaking things on the MM-100, pads themselves are still a work in progress.

    The weight is listed as TBD, any info on that?
    The MM-100 is still pre-production so we are still working on them so there are things that we are working on but it should not have any major changes from this unit we are showing today.

    The website lists June 2023 as the launch, is that accurate?
    Yes we are planning on launching it in June but that is an estimate currently.
  10. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    ^ Thanks @netforce . Looks like MM-100 will be more new-school Audeze than old-school Audeze (LCD2C). I guess that was pretty predictable based on specs and trends. I was hoping for an LCD2C but in light weight form.

    Maybe some of the weight savings on the MM-series is because they went to a single-side magnet array? Anybody know? I saw mention of it in this headfonics review of MM-500 which also states LCD-5 is the same. Makes sense since these are all "light-weight" Audeze. I can't find such driver info on Audeze's website though. Might explain why I read comments on how LCD-4 sounds preferable to LCD-5.

    Audeze info says that Audeze's magnet tech allows them to have stronger magnetic fields compared to "most non-Audeze planars" so Audeze single-side could be the equivalent of a HFM double-side, I dont know.:

    Fluxor™ Magnets - The power behind the sound. Audeze’s planar magnetic drivers use ultra-lightweight, micro-thin diaphragms to attain the pinnacle of transparency and resolution of sound. Keeping the diaphragm’s mass as low as possible is crucial to the design, but without the driving force of the Fluxor Magnet Array it doesn’t matter how light or thin we make the diaphragms, we’ll never be able to get the absolute most out of them. In other words, Fluxor magnets help harness the lightning so you can hear the thunder.
    Interesting because I bought the Nectar Bee because it went the opposite approach: thick and heavy diaphragm chosen for fatty bass. However the R&D behind Audeze is colossal in comparison to Nectar's one-man-and-a-garage. Should be an interesting comparison but not sure if I want to pay to play since I dont think Ill have a use-case beyond that for MM-100 based on these early impressions.
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  11. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Can indeed confirm the LCD-5/MM-500 and MM-100 are single sided. I would comfortably say, in my many years of selling Audeze the biggest reason we had cited for returns was comfort and weight related more than sound related.

    Back a few years ago my old Audeze rep was dropping some hints to me before the LCD-5 was released that Audeze was really wanting to go back to its roots in a way with 3 new products aimed for more of the Audiophile market. Little bit after there was LCD-R/CRBN and the LCD-5. The LCD-5 was bit of a departure from the LCD-4, going from a big double sided magnet, heavy weight, and a notable ebony cup to a single sided, a 270g weight reduction and now an acetate cup on their new flagship.

    The MM-500 continued this single sided magnet trend and so does the MM-100 as well.

    I want to say in personal observation, the new Maxwell is mega hype in not just audio community and also the gaming space at least amongst friends I have talked to. Audeze seemed blown away by this as well when I talked to them at NAMM so they seemed to really upping production on Maxwell to keep up. Given the widening spread of Audeze now, they do seem to have greater economies of scale now to up the build from the old plasticky build of old to now using much metals.

    The lighter weight and better comfort of the new Audeze does seem to have wider and wider spread that has been popular. The LCD-4 did eventually get discontinued but even 6 months before the LCD-5 was announced in 2021, Audeze closed dealer orders for the LCD-4 until they ultimately discontinued it.

    I would personally love the LCD-4 to return in possibly an updated chassis/cups as the ebony ring seemed to be the big bottleneck. 2020 had rather big effect on wholesale wood prices and I can only imagine for exotic woods like Ebony.
  12. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Audeze saw my post on HF and had just two points they wanted to clear up as well but also towards what folks were discussing there and asking:
    MM-100 has a unique driver, newly created just for this headphone, and does not appear in any other Audeze product. It is NOT made from cast-offs, reject parts, things with sloppy tolerances, etc. It has been specifically designed by our engineering team to perform optimally in this chassis for the sonic goals we have for the MM-series of headphones.

    The connectors on the headphone are 3.5mm, and can be used with single- or dual-entry cables, single-ended or balanced. The stock cable is single-entry, single-ended with a 6.3mm on the amp side, with an included adapter to 3.5mm.
  13. HotRatSalad

    HotRatSalad Friend

    May 4, 2018
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    Any possibility of a loaner ? Also if you already have a 3.5mm with 4pin XLR can you just use it in other words ?
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  14. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    I asked Audeze for a loaner but no response. Im a nobody though.

    They said they’ll provide pin-out info for balanced connectors. Not sure what they mean.

    I changed my mind. Im going to sit this one out and cancel pre-order if possible. Doesnt sound like something Id choose to use over other headphones.
  15. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    If there is enough demand for it, I can see what can do about providing some loaners. The MM-100 is probably going to popular as heck so if it comes out of the pre-order stock it may be in a couple of months.
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  16. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

    Sep 27, 2015
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    glad to see these can still be run balanced. I’d really like to know what kind of wiring they are using to make this work. Are they switching jacks like in some headphone amps?

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