Pictures of your speaker system

Discussion in 'Speakers' started by Cspirou, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. Serious

    Serious Inquisitive Frequency Response Plot

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    @Josh Schor You managed to get the actual speakers Troels himself built? Very cool.

    How do you like them? How's the coherency between what I felt was a somewhat damped (but of course super effortless and controlled) woofer and the zippy ribbon?
  2. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Seconded - I'm also very interested in hearing some impressions of implementations of that woofer. I was a bit surprised/miffed there was only one room at CAF last year that had a Purifi based speaker...
  3. Josh Schor

    Josh Schor Friend

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    running them with a push pull 6l6 amp 30-35 watts per side. At first I thought the woofer was lacking in mid bass tone and meat, I compared them to my Omega super alnico speakers and they are all mids and meat. Now after 3 days on I am amazed at there choerance, balance . the woofer is so clean it plays up to 2,200 where it crosses to the ribbon tweeter. Coming from the Omega the top end was at first to much, now its sweet extended and very revealing.. They are not set up well and I am moving to a new large room where I am looking forward to finding the best placment for them. Being front ported they can go fairly close to the back wall so lots to work with. I have decided to sell the Omega. I will keep updating this thread.
  4. Pocomo

    Pocomo Friend

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    Another new Purifi owner checking in - Buchardt A500 SE


    I am halfway through Buchardt's 45-day home demo and as of now I plan to keep them. While not as finely detailed and lively and my tubes/horns setup they throw a bigger 3D soundstage and are quite enjoyable up to the SPL limits of my smallish room. Bass is excellent and they maintain midrange clarity as the volume increases. The speakers do double duty for TV as well as music, and their intelligibility is excellent. Also they do sibilance very naturally, a pet peeve of many (including me). Not the most magical sounding but I don't have any trouble getting into music (like Pavement's Wowee Zowee right now) through them.

    Happy to host anyone who would like to take a listen here outside Boston.
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  5. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Quite a few speakers with 6.5” purifi woofer, however I’m curious what the 4” midwoofer is like
  6. Josh Schor

    Josh Schor Friend

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    the ones I got from Troels Im going to sell them, I am used to single drivers, no crossover and rool off top end. They are great speakers clear, clean and beautiful just not my cup of tea.
  7. Josh Schor

    Josh Schor Friend

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  8. AdvanTech

    AdvanTech Friend

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    I see that painters tape. Nice.
  9. Puma Cat

    Puma Cat Friend

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    Some pics of my current system...

    After much streamlining and "system consolidation" this year (and selling a fair bit of that gear to some of the nice guys here), I thought I'd post a couple pics of my current 2-channel loudspeaker-based system. My previous system was excellent-sounding, but what with a standalone LampiZator Baltic 3 DAC, C-J tube power amp, First Sound 3-chassis preamp (main control unit aka "MCU" and two external power supply "boxes"), EtherREGEN, SOtM Network Bridge, AfterDark Master Clock, EAR phono stage, TT, and all the attendant power cables, interconnects, and digital cables, yadda, yadda, yadda, was all too much. And...way too complex.

    So...I decided to simplify. I bought a Lumin P1 which is now my streamer. DAC, and preamp, and a Constellation Inspiration integrated amp. I've always liked a nice integrated amp, ever since I bought a NAD 3120 many years ago. With the simplication of this system I removed, get this...15 pieces of gear (!) from the main rack alone.

    So, here's a couple pics of the current set-up. First photo of the overall system also shows the speakers: Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary on Resonant Woods figured maple stands. Cables are all Shunyata Research as is the power distributor (Everest).

    Close-up of the main rack:
    The Lumin P1 streamer/DAC/preamp (top lieft) and Constellation Inspiration integrated (bottom left) are on the left side and my Michell TT with SME V arm, Koetsu Urushi Vermilion cartridge, and EAR324 phono stage on the right side of the rack. Acoustical panels by GIK Acoustics.

    The Lumin P1 and Inspiration integrated amp are fully dual-mono internally. You can also see the Shunyata Altaira SG ground-plane noise reduction hubs on top of each component, one dedicated to the Lumin and one dedicated to the Inspiration integrated. These specifically reduce ground-plane noise and are transformative in the improvement they provide for the system overall.

    The P1 uses the LEEDH* lossless digital volume processing technology, which easily is the best volume control "technology" I have EVER heard, so I simply set the Inspiraton to Unity Gain, and adjust the output volume with the P1's LEEDH volume control/technology. D/A conversion is handled by Dual ES9028PRO SABRE DACs in Mono mode and a Femto Clock System with precision FPGA distribution.The P1 also uses dual-toroidal mono Plitron transformers housed in an "internal chassis" that is fully shielded from the rest of the circuitry, and also uses fully dual-mono Lundahl transformers for the DAC section. Moreover, the P1 has an SFP cage so I can simply run Corning simplex 9/125 LC/LC fiber directly into it from the remote server room. No hassling with Ethernet and USB cables anymore (woot! :punk:).


    The solid-state Inspiration integrated puts out a conservative 100 Wpc. The "preamp section" of the Inspiration integrated amp is literally the standalone Inspiration preamplifier combined with "half" of the output section of the 200 Wpc Inspiration power amplifier into a single chassis. Both the "preamp section" and the "amplifier section" are a fully dual-mono architecture.
    The nice thing about this system is that it's considerably simpler than my previous system, and it A single pair of ICs connects the P1 to the integrated and I now only need 3 power cords instead of...7!

    Simpler really is better, as Linn used to say back in the day, and I have to say this system sounds...FANTASTIC. :cool:

    Oh, I should also mention the P1 is a fully-functional AVR for Home Theatre applications, as well.

    *-LEEDH was developed in Switzerland, and is used by very high-end audio companies e.g. Soulution, Wattson Audio, Vermeer, and Metronome, etc. You can read about it here:
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    Last edited: May 14, 2023
  10. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

    Sep 27, 2015
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  11. Puma Cat

    Puma Cat Friend

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  12. Puma Cat

    Puma Cat Friend

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    Thanks for placing my post in the correct area, gents. When I was putting up the post, I looked and looked for the appropriate thread, but did not find this one. Thanks again! Cheers.
  13. Ishcabible

    Ishcabible Friend

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    Managed to fit the Liis in my living room better than expected. There’s a bit of a bass hole but that can be mostly rectified by moving the speakers out a bit.

    I’ve owned Moth Audio Cicadas in the past and have heard a few Lowther designs which I thought were a little shouty for me but the measurements of the Silver 10 speakers were promising and they look prettier than the DIY things I had in their place prior so I decided to blind buy the pair that Ron was selling. While I do think they’re a bit elevated in the center mids, it does give me shades of the engagement I felt with the Klipsch Fortes I owned a couple years ago with the added benefit of being less strident overall.

    Bass extends quite decently—I’m getting bass down to 35-ishHz in my room which is more than I could ask for a full range driver.

    Treble was my biggest worry, as I expected some nasty beaming but while it’s somewhat of an issue, I’m not tempted to add an external tweeter and cross it low, as it’s really only noticeable if I listen for it. If I’m not in the sweet spot, I do hear it without much effort, but I’m only sitting off-center when we’re using the TV, so I’m not too fussed.

    Most of the time they’re plugged into my NAD M10 for convenience, but they really do sing out of my Oliver Sayes amp. They aren’t great with EDM or fast, complicated music, but for the calmer music I usually listen to, they feel right at home.
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  14. charles hidalgo

    charles hidalgo New

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Decware Taboo Decware (Telefunken EL84's, Amperex Bugle Boy GZ34, Sylvania 5751 blue tip)
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    GPA 604-8H III Jon Anderson designed Stonehenge V cabinets
    GPA matching crossovers
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    Last edited: May 17, 2023
  15. bobboxbody

    bobboxbody Friend

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    I want me them GPAs but I would also accept Altec 604 in pretty much any form.
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  16. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend

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    Any 7.1 Home theatre folk have suggestions for the rear pair? The system is about 88-90 dB - 4ohm and I have ~ 250 rms for them. They will be right behind head basically, but I'm running Dirac Live - it does a great job of handling timing and balance.
  17. charles hidalgo

    charles hidalgo New

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    He makes great stuff. I have a pair of Faital 3WC-10 builds that are featured on his website. Appropriate stands were built and these were the final result. Some of the longest driver break-in but they really shine after.

  18. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

    Sep 30, 2015
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    small island claimed by China
    Due to unavailability of the Viawave ribbon tweeters, Jantzen Audio can no longer supply the complete kit.
    The kit is there for officially discontinued.

    So were they used?
  19. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

    Sep 27, 2015
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    It's the 2021 speaker Troel's built himself in the link
  20. bobboxbody

    bobboxbody Friend

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    Altec 604-E Super Duplex with original N-1500A crossover in Model 17ish heavy duty cabs with pretty walnut and bird's-eye maple veneer. Front baffle is 3" thick laminated Baltic birch. Just got them into rough places last night and listened for a couple hours, it was amazing. They're on the long wall of an 11x18' room, will need some treatment eventually, but room effects didn't seem too bad sitting midfield last night. I do need to build some short stands to get the drivers up towards ear level a bit more and keep them from shaking the floor as much.
    Edit: this is my 15" BWC application submission.
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