What It Really Means To Be Real, i.e. What Gear Do We Actually Use

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by purr1n, May 17, 2023.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is because Schiit's bread and butter is entry level, while the top of Schiit's lineup is merely Upper-Mid-Fi™. No self-respecting audiophile wanting the best to be able to tell their friends or cover up their insecurities would ever buy Schiit. Schiit's not True-Hi-Fi™.

    I am dead f'ing serious. @zerodeefex and I have laffed about this many times. This is because we both have some really good stuff and crazy setups, but we keep it very real even though we can afford more, preferring to spend money taking the family on awesome vacations.

    I take that as the STEM geeks + money = high potential for high-spending audiofoolerly.
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  2. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    You are forgetting small penis syndrome.
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  3. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Some of us prefer equipment that are growers not showers.
  4. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    There are definitely some whales out there showing off some stupidly expensive, what-are-you-trying-to-prove-really? systems, and I appreciate the "summit-fi" skepticism on SBAF and the interest in equipment that has a solid price to performance ratio or can be modded toward same.

    At the same time, I'd also argue that a lot of stuff that's repped on here is so esoteric/unicorn/OOP that someone getting into the hobby and wanting to skip mid-fi would have no way of even getting hold of it. At least the likes of Feliks and McIntosh and, I dunno, DCS can actually be seen and heard in a hi-fi shop. And some of their stuff, expensive as it is, sounds pretty darn good. Envy, MHA150, etc. DCS I don't much care about personally.

    I'd also point out that a lot of folks have spent on, say, HD800 set-ups (hunting for low serial numbers, JAR mods, cycling through long OOP EC amps, tube rolling, DAC rolling) the kind of $$$ that could get easily get one into Susvara and appropriate amp territory. Whether one prefers the former or the latter, the Sus set-up is *a lot* easier to go out and hear and buy.

    Sometimes I think there ought to more space for summit-fi explorations on here before cries of ORFAS go up. At the same time, the ORFAS stuff that goes on at What's Best Forum drives me pretty nuts, too.

    Finally, out of all of my TOTL auditions last year, the stuff I liked best--Verite Closed, Meze Elite, Susvara, LCD-4--was kinda all over the map for price and availability and sound signature. It was my fourth favorite of the bunch, but if someone wanted close to TOTL and was willing to spend, IDK, $5000, I'd just tell them to get the Meze Elite and a Jot 2 or similar. Elite hardly gets mentioned on here, but its easy-going sound doesn't need much in the way of amp or DAC matching, IMO.
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  5. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Correct. We believed he looked down on Schiit as a value brand, and he had money, so why bother?
  6. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    The other piece of it is we've owned weird expensive summit fi shit.

    I don't post about side adventures over the years with TOTL MSB stuff and trying out dartzeel amps.
  7. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Also synergy matters the most. I've heard systems in the high 6 figures range that were meh due to poor synergies and systems in the low 4 figure range that were insane because they were so well put together.

    Also, Fang is a butt so hifiman is out for me these days outside of my code X.
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  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Hard to strike a balance. There been a conscious effort to steer the site to mid-fi and entry level because that is where readers will want the most help. I see coverage of summit-fi stuff, when is there any, like the car magazines covering the Porsches and Aston Martins. And anyone into high-end cars knows that doors on McLarens don't close right.

    As for summit-fi, the lack of coverage thereof or general ambivalence, here's the deal:
    1. People don't write much about them and generally keep it to themselves. Totally understandable that people don't feel like showing off or worse, be subject to ridicule.
    2. People who can afford summit-fi gear generally know what they are doing or what they are getting into. 99.85% of SBAF readers are mere mortals or lesser-beings to them. Thus they have no interest in sharing.
    3. It's a PIA to do a write up. Some have admitted they just don't have the words to express sound. Another factor is although people can afford summit-fi gear, they can't quite afford to cycle through or line up a bunch of similar competition to do a comparo. Reviewing gear without comparison is hard in the context of SBAF expectations.
    4. Every now and then, someone at SBAF will send me summit-fi stuff to check out and tell everyone about. They can turn out to be duds (Denafrips Terminator, STAX T-8000, or anything that sounds like it was named by Skynet) or awesomesauce (Rockna Wavedream). Another example of awesomesauce would be the DSHA 3F. However, my glowing review and @CEE TEE democratization of the 3F with Nitsch Audio, has probably made the DSHA 3D lose it's luster to the point where its not exotic enough, too "mid-fi". Hah!
    5. Sometimes I will write about my own summit-fi experience, like my $10k VPI Classic 4 table with two arms, one a $8k arm that is obviously part audio jewelry too. The problem is that someone will find another table even better than the Classic 4 for $30k. Thus we end up with ORFAS schlonging all over again, despite the fact that I will highlight cheaper low-end $350 and mid-end $900 carts, implying they really aren't "lesser", but rather different than the $3k cart. Of course that only means that I didn't get the $12k cart. The handful of people who really get summit-fi have several systems, usually at different price points. All of them have the components of their system meticulously curated with very gradual changes over time. And these people will never say that any one of their systems is purely better than the others.
    Talking about summit-fi just scrambles my brain. Personally, I feel confident enough to share, even pointing out weakness in the summit-fi stuff I own. With most others, it too often ends up a schlong or us vs. them thing, especially in audio. Car people can be a little bit like that, but audio people - it's just bad. People are so wrapped up emotionally with their audio gear, more than they think. Can't even joke about it without hurting feelings.

    The USA in certain areas, SF Bay Area and Socal, it's probably just as easy (or maybe even eaiser) to get hands on an HD800 + random EC or DNA amp. Outside of California, the it's different, but lots of amps work with the HD800S, some inexpensive: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/best-amps-for-hd800-2021-edition.10330/. Not to that mention that experiencing a Sus setup outside of NY and CA are probably next to impossible. Most Hi-Fi dealers in the USA have closed and the USA is huge geographically. South TX has nil. People prefer their trucks, 4x4s, and modded lever action guns. The latter I actually think are pretty cool. There's something about a firearm with a mechanical action controlled by the user.

    The low serial # stuff is an old wives tale (I had some hard data at changstar.com) and pretty much moot now with the HD800S. As for EC amps, plenty go around because they are easily available, they are cheap, stay in the "SBAF family", and the models don't have a consistent sound like DNA. Craig has sold hundreds, thousands of them. Most people I know keep them, stay happy and away from the forums.

    Anyway, what I am getting at is that people make excuses. Although in the UK/EU, not having access to DNA, EC, ECP, heck, even some of the more limited Upper-Mid-Fi™ Schiit offerings, is truly a limitation.

    As for Sus and Abyss, I can crap on them all day long like how I crap on the deficiencies of the HD800, HD6xx including the JAR variants, heck even the ZMFs I like I will admit their shortcomings (Caldera) or as weird (Verite Closed). As of 2023, I don't dare say much negative (if any, it will be in passing buried in a thread as an innocuous reply) for fear of hurting feelings.

    The other reason Sus and Abyss are not exalted as much on SBAF? There's a slight traditional dynamic bias which is very evident. However, I think the real reason is that SBAF people have been around the block, and that most (at least the ones I see at meets or in person), have gravitated towards source-first from transducer first-over time, whether they know it or not: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...ource-first-transducer-first-amp-first.12719/ Lots of members run TOTL sources with TOTL amps with what would be considered "shitty" headphones. (Who was that goober that we banned around 2016 because he repeating the HD6XX sucked balls, the average entry level planar is better, and we were like: yeah, we know, we know, the HD6XX sucks balls, but it does some amazing things too).

    Unless I get a piece of summit-fi gear shipped to me by a member with the implication that I share my thoughts, this is what I have to say about any piece of summit-fi:
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  9. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I think it goes back to what's long been established: the bare minimum of not-shit sound has become insanely affordable in recent years; it's still more than many people with any degree of inner peace or good sense will ever spend on a mess of audio components (not counting audio jewellery like the Airpods Max, which one sister has been wanting forever and parents finally got her one-- that's more a status symbol than something that's just good), but while I was alarmingly ignorant over a decade ago (and still remain so to this day), it seems to me that if anyone from circa 2011 got to get ears on, say, an HD6xx out of an iFi Zen DAC without seeing the upstream chain they'd likely think that the total system cost would HAVE to be four digits USD minimum.

    Other than that, never mind what J. Gordon Holt says, it seems like the higher up the ladder you go there's a profound element of "my-fi" that takes over the design language of a system. Not everyone listens to the same music, and keeping in mind that hearing something "as the artist intended" is at its core a duplicitous concept, optimising a chain for whatever music genres you're partial to or even whatever media forms you most often consume (e.g. video games, movies, series on streaming, CDs, cassettes.... MiniDisc?) is fully valid.

    Heck I doubt I'll ever actually own anything even close to high-end but just seeing how much variance there is in the presentation of "nicer" gear (I have no meaningful experience whatsoever with DACs so strike that from the record) at the midrange level or better, many of which aren't very apparent in meet and demo conditions save for transducers cuz they tend to cause the most notable changes, I can see why there's a contingent of folk who're strongly against hi-fi, because it spits in the face of the notion that there need only ever be one goal to attain. It keeps things from being simple, and as Bob's most excellent thread on distortion surface illustrates, typical people crave simplicity and abjure anything that might complicate matters.

    On the topic of source-first, I'm actually really happy with the HD600 and Piety/MCTH, and other than having a decent portable rig I'm just looking at a ridiculous tier of DACs for whatever year I'm able to justify such an expense, so yeah that fits lmao. Vacations and dates sounds like a much better use of cash. Doesn't mean I'm not keen to try more stuff out of pure curiosity, though.
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  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I'll be a dick as say this: unless you are running 1/2" tape (no more than second or third generation copy) or a vinyl first pressing (ok maybe second pressing may be OK too) with an entirely analog chain production with a minimum of mixdowns during post, you aren't anywhere near summit-fi or True-Hi-Fi™. The limits of fidelity are not with the gear. I already struggle to get good enough recordings with the Upper-Mid-Fi™ ET3+YggyMIL-B / BL-91+DL103 -> MJ3
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  11. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

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    Time spent - probably simpler than initial post may seem. Let's say we have Joe with 2 years of basic high school science and 0 exposure to anything "science" at work and is 40 years old with a family and life. We have Bob with the same educational and work background but he is 75, widowed, and retired. It's going to take Joe and Bob way more to learn about the technical back end of X audio DAC vs say Tom, a DSP engineer who works on AD / DA circuits and writes white papers on the topic.

    Slippery slope comes in due to the circumstances above - even if Joe loves learning about this stuff, should he neglect the rest of his life, kids, vacation, other hobbies, etc. to take the 100+ hours it will most likely take to learn about this all in a month? Bob may hate learning about this stuff but he most likely has the time and if anything, taking the time to learn about this will probably help him stave off some form of mental decay or another. The 30-60 minutes Tom takes to figure this stuff out is at the very least adjacent to what he does for a living and if anything, may actually help him along one day, and given his situation, it probably doesn't matter if he even enjoyed learning about audio DACs or not.

    Note that this does not correlate to ability to hear things or enjoy music. This is only talking about time and money spent.
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  12. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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  13. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    I bet Tom would tell you nonstop about his offline convolution filters ad nauseum and how he must go past 24 bits for true fidelity higher than 3.141 MHz samples and Realtime processing is no longer listenable to him even with his paralleled processing on his cuda farm blasting away next to him. Infiniband fiber channels for his Dirreta network because it has lower latency all while he blasts 2400 watts from the processing 24/7 and convinces himself the fiber link will help remove the ground noise.
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  14. wbass

    wbass Friend

    Feb 10, 2019
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    These are all fair points, and I don't disagree at all and approach my interactions with SBAF in basically the same frame of mind.

    At the same time... You can get a refurb Susvara direct from Hifiman now for $3800, and they'll let you return it no questions asked in 30 days. That's only $300 more than a Caldera (new, granted) and $1k less than the updated Utopia. If the Sus works well with something like the MJ3, then you're definitely in the same territory, cost-wise, as Utopia or even HD800 with a EC tube amp or similar.

    I guess what I'm saying is that some of the TOTL options that don't get a lot of play here aren't really as ungodly expensive as they once were. I know this is all (very) relative, of course, and that this is a crazy amount of money for audio no matter how you slice it. But I've found some of these high-end planars to be really very good--better than their dynamic cousins to my ears--and I had to mostly go read about them over on Head-Fi and comb through a ton of noise. When I get my other stuff out of storage, I'll try to do some comparison posts.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Well, I was one of the first to get my hands on the Susvara: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...hifiman-susvara-review-and-measurements.4462/

    I truly wanted to promote the Susvara. Just that nobody here really cared about it around that time. On SBAF, there's more a preference toward the Abyss offerings. We asked for a Diana from Abyss after ASR did that hatchet job of a review to balance the Force. Abyss told @rhythmdevils that "our gear was too shitty" or "not good enough". This with Abyss running their headphones of the Woo WA5 at shows. FWIW, I owned an OG Abyss. (And yeah, the irony of that statement considering my thoughts on Summit-Fi schlonging)

    As with HFM, I don't want to get into it too deeply, but one of their employees obtained credentials with high access on Changstar. It was spying all right and they were quite poor at it. I initially thought someone inside was relaying information, until after I checked the detailed IP address logs and geolocated them.

    Yeah, now you know, airing the dirty laundry. As for how I feel, or how some of the old-timers feel about this? You can guess.
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  16. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    I don't understand what the heck your point is? Susvara literally has hundreds of posts here and I see people recommending it and praising it constantly. Just because you don't feel like it gets the love it deserves doesn't mean it's invisible here.

    Even I don't use my modded HD800 at all other than as a background for video calls in my office with my floating sneakers; most of my time is with the RAAL SR1A at home. I ran an NHB-108 last year for a while after auditioning many amps with the RAAL. I moved to the Tyr and sold the Dartzeel when it turned out to be a better fit in my system.
  17. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    I mean, I'll get into it: Fang basically used someone's elevated privileges to spy on the forum in an incredible display of SDE. Super weird behavior. I have the pleasure of serving an awesome team at a growing startup now and I can say, unequivocally, I would never do this kind of thing.
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  18. wbass

    wbass Friend

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    My point is that I'm going to try to put my mouth where my money has been lately and eventually add some content about different amp options with higher-end planars, including the Susvara and LCD-4, information about which I would love to have seen more about on here when I was looking around.
  19. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    That story about HFM breaching any sort of trust is part of why I'm disinclined to give them money, but there's also the fact that I just prefer how Audeze headphones present sound. The HFM ethereal sound is fun, but not something I'd ever want as a mainstay.

    Tangential thought: the whole planars vs dynamics thing has always been of interest to me because I hear some people opine that the HD6-- series has a three-blob headstage when I, as a person to whom imaging and headstage are pretty damned important, decidedly do not hear that. Makes me wonder about whether it's all just HRTF chicanery, accustomisation to specific gear or how things "should" sound during developmental years, or just differences in our hardware (pinnae, ear canals, inner ear systems) or software (brain compensations for the same)

    This video @Armaegis shared via @gixxerwimp offers something of an explanation, but I doubt it's so simple a matter:
  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    The problem is that we got to the Susvara too early. I was too early on the hype train. When it came out, $6k was a lot of ask, farther than anything out there, especially from a Chinese brand that back then had a reputation for failing headphones (which appear to have been fixed).

    Since then, I've noticed in the personal audio space greater participation of traditional high-end dealer networks. Let's face it, old people are dying taking two channel with them. So they need to capture a new audience: younger people. With the CanJams, the shows, more intense marketing efforts including those from dealers, the Susvara has gained traction. The SBAF old-timers don't care because we already back in the day, had our Susvaras, HE1000s, Abyss, and figured out how to amp them, and then quickly moved on, or stayed happy (and away from forums).

    Keeping in mind that UK/AUS/Canada tend to have stronger dealer networks in their fewer major metropolitan areas, the following data confirms my observations per Ozymandias's TV screens. I hear Susvara mentioned a lot with Feliks Envy and Holo Bliss.



    Holo Bliss

    @zerodeefex: our experience is different. It's been there, done that.

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