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Audiophile™, from East Coast

Pyrate MZR

Large orchestration + Susvara is still undeniably hella good to me. What a synergy. May 29, 2024 at 4:18 PM

    1. Vtory
      My room temp was 83-84F in the past two days. Decided to give Aegirs summer vacation.. El cheapo class-d incoming to take over summer duties
      1. Cryptowolf and yotacowboy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. yotacowboy
        Ayima A07 highly recommended!
        Apr 15, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      4. roughroad
        Your room must be damn small. You don't know what heat is until you're running Atma-Sphere MA_2 Mk2.3 power amps. Didn't run those much in summer.
        Apr 15, 2022
      5. Qildail
        This will be my first summer working in this home space on a continuous basis. I’m really hoping the new siding we just had put on keeps the HVAC from having a nervous breakdown, or it’ll be headphones only for July.
        Apr 15, 2022
    2. Vtory
      Taking a break from audio expenditure.. Love my sus, love my way cheaper gus dac and sm amp nicely harmonizing with sus.
      1. Vtory
        Tentative findings: 1) 9038 pro offers prol way more than I want. Huang made it sound right. 2) Sus amp talks in HF almost don't apply to me (tested several stds but.. i'd digress). 3) Smsl used to be mostly disappointing.. but this amp is exceptionally not shitty. Analytical sounding done right.
        Apr 13, 2022
      2. Ksaurav402
        Interested to read your thoughts on Susvara and its comparison with dynamic drivers like ZMF VO etc. I have never ever heard Susvara at a quiet place but I hope I get a chance someday to have a listen to it.
        Apr 13, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
    3. Vtory
      Messed with cvx solver for days. Finally succeeded in running super high-dim models I research. Memory profiler helped a lot.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    4. Vtory
      Hope the TAR successful enough to keep going. Seems highly complicated under the hood. That's prol difference bw audio shows and local meets
    5. Vtory
      Two aegirs are obviously heat-generating machine for a small room. I might have to get class-d for the upcoming summer..
      1. Qildail, Kernel Kurtz and Justin S like this.
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      3. Armaegis
        @PTS technically you can't reduce how much heat comes out, merely the rate at which it does. On the downside that means the M22 will run hotter. Probably not enough to put you into the danger zone though.
        Apr 10, 2022
      4. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        Same deal with two Vidars. I got my first headphone rig primarily for those hot summer days that the central AC just can't cope with the 2 channel.
        Apr 10, 2022
      5. PTS
        @Armaegis Technically you can reduce the heat by rebiasing Class A to run cooler, but it probably wouldn't sound as good. The wood absorption method seems to make a big difference though. Less airflow, true, but these amps are build like tanks.
        Apr 10, 2022
    6. Vtory
      Successfully transitioned to ess, op-amp, and hfm. Hella content with them. I must be belonging to the weirdest minority cluster in sbaf.
      1. 3X0, Cryptowolf, Gazny and 1 other person like this.
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      3. Vtory
        Except for very recent ess variants, all previous modi (1-3) were akm I think.
        Apr 8, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Guess we better cancel Vtory
        Apr 8, 2022
        Erroneous, Cryptowolf and Vtory like this.
      5. Claritas
    7. Vtory
      EDITED: Rolled back to PCM in the end. DSD resampler plugins seem buggy..
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      2. Vtory
        I'm thinking AKM is rather weird for their default? process. But whatever, I'm content with what the dac is doing!
        Apr 5, 2022
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      3. SoupRKnowva
        yeah as long as it sounds good that's all that matters! the only time id say my points are anything more than academic is if you were doing high end DSD oversampling with HQP, it'd be a waste of processing power on those advanced modulators if its getting remodulated anyways by the ESS chip
        Apr 5, 2022
        Lyander, Cryptowolf and Vtory like this.
      4. Vtory
        Just have read the akm doc and compared it to ess one. Now I see your concern. I may later try out different digital volumes and observe how the device reacts. Also need to try out bypassing feature (Gustard offers it).
        Apr 5, 2022
    8. Vtory
      My primary rig is now fully Chi-fi lol (dac-amp-hp). Worth gambling myself. Yeah, I'm a weirdo hipster.
      1. Ksaurav402
        I recently got Gustard U18. It’s a DDC but first time I have any Chi-fi item in my desktop setup and it’s very good. Some Chi-fi items are good and punch above their price point.
        Apr 4, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      2. Vtory
        I did own u18 before! Along with x26 back then. Gustard is pretty good with digital devices imho (at least in recent years). I give more credit to Huang@Gustard over Topping/SMSL any day.

        (SMSL isn't too bad but lower products are intentionally designed mediocre to prevent carnivalization)

        Btw my current main dac is gustard again. haha
        Apr 4, 2022
        Ksaurav402 likes this.
    9. Vtory
      My audiophile blood prol has hipster DNA. Finding sth unexpected from unusual pairing feels damn mesmerizing!!
      1. Vtory
        And perhaps that's why I could never settle down forum-proven/approved combos. Mostly very silly but that's just me..
        Apr 2, 2022
    10. Vtory
      Cleaning a keyboard takes time but always feels oddly satisfying.. Now it feels like a mint refurb one!
      1. Cspirou, crenca and Qildail like this.
      2. dubharmonic
        Apr 2, 2022
        PTS and Vtory like this.
      3. Qildail
        Eight years on my Das 3 now. An air can blast and a damp cloth wipedown every other month keeps it snappy.
        Apr 2, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      4. Vtory
        @dubharmonic Never used it. I followed kinda old-school ways -- using soapy water to soak keycaps. I'd like to know if dishwasher can do any magic!

        @Qildail Awesome. My kinesis split mech kbd has been here for 5-ish years. They really last long if properly cleaned.
        Apr 2, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
    11. Vtory
      Singxer amp is really good at least with bal in bal out. This is exactly what I wanted asgard 3 to be..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FlySweep
        What gains are you hearing when going bal in (vs SE in)? I've been waffling on a bal DAC to pair with mine. I like the SA-1 a lot, too. I've had it since July 2021. It's basically my daily driver.. and I can't remember the last time I've used a solid state as much as this one.. let alone for ~9 months.
        Apr 1, 2022
        nishan99 likes this.
      3. Vtory
        I found bal input tightened sound a bit, also transient got sharper. tonal balance was very subtly better, too. SA1 to me is inherently warm, laid back and on the polite side, so, bal-in gain seems very large to me. YMMV tho!
        Apr 1, 2022
        FlySweep likes this.
      4. Vtory
        @FlySweep Just another thought. My point/guess here is to get amp input balanced. SE dac with some SE-Bal converters (active or transformer) will prol work equivalently. This might work better particularly if you're content with the current dac.
        Apr 2, 2022
        FlySweep likes this.
    12. Vtory
      Sus is destroying my sense of finance. Really wanted to hate its value but my exp failed to suggest anything that can be even close.
      1. SoupRKnowva and Gazny like this.
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      3. 9suns
        Yes, sooner or later someone has to do it! PS: that driver you are working on is so interesting...I know you are price conscious but don't price it too low, don't be the next Vapor Audio (which ended bankrupt, with lots of angry customers because prices were too low to be profitable). 1/2
        Apr 1, 2022
        E_Schaaf likes this.
      4. 9suns
        Don't be shy with prices, as long as you don't pull up a Fang everyone will understand if it costs ie 1400$ instead of 900$. Of course, just my opinion. 2/2
        Apr 1, 2022
      5. E_Schaaf
        Oh yeah the plan was to keep using the current drivers with the single N52 magnet and more typical graphene diaphragm (which still out-specs 99.99% of dynamic drivers IMO) in all of the 3d printed builds for the value-minded ppl out there and use the new double mag pleated diaphragm/copper coil drivers in CNC builds, maybe made of solid metal with much more robust build quality and accessories at a higher price tier.
        Apr 1, 2022
        9suns likes this.
    13. Vtory
      Revisiting recent 9038 d/s dacs again made me confused. They're not as poor as I thought. Damn.
      1. Maven86 likes this.
      2. Maven86
        As far as d/s goes, the 9038 was pretty solid. I believe it was the 9018 that got a bad rep.
        Mar 29, 2022
      3. Cellist88
        Revisiting many things, is not as bad as we made them out to be
        Mar 30, 2022
    14. Vtory
      I may have a couple of chi-fi pieces or more incoming for evaluation. Hope they don't suck.
    15. Vtory
      I feel like to switch between single and dual aegirs every quarter lol. Now it's monoblock's turn!
      1. Justin S, Inoculator and hifiandrun like this.
      2. Qildail
        Honest question: Other than the obvious power capabilities, what qualities bring on the switch?
        Mar 28, 2022
      3. Vtory
        Theoretically, single ended vs differential amplification. Subjectively I hear edgier transient, less bloom, and cooler expression with the monoblocks. Single and dual just sound like two different amps.
        Mar 28, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
    16. Vtory
      Still wanting to hear Atrium. Really curious what highly-resolving biodyna sounds like.
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth likes this.
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        The loaner thread will go up as soon as I get my thoughts about the new mesh and post up on the thread
        Mar 28, 2022
        Jinxy245 and Vtory like this.
    17. Vtory
      A company *publicly* called out a (yt) reviewer that he had "obsolete" gears to evaluate their 4.5k hp. This doesn't look right at all..
      1. Raimei Templar likes this.
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      3. roshambo123
        From what I gather synergy isn't what Abyss is concerned with, it's preventing their hp's from being discussed or heard on anything other than TOTL gear.
        Mar 26, 2022
      4. rhythmdevils
        They’re just concerned about negative reviews and they’re such snobs about their headphones that if anyone dislikes them they blame the upstream gear publicly. It’s pathetic.
        Mar 26, 2022
      5. JeremiahS
        It's a great shame because the Diana TC are actually excellent headphones that are tuned quite tastefully as well. I actually prefer them over the similarly priced LCD-5, in terms of both sound and construction. The company rep could be a little more gentle in their approach.
        Mar 27, 2022
        Gazny likes this.
    18. Vtory
      What happened to LCD-5? I've seen 8 new lcd-5 fs posts in HF only in March. Weird.
      1. Maven86
        People remembered they had a mortgage to pay.
        Mar 24, 2022
      2. nishan99
        That's what you get when you do a 180° on your house sound which your fans loved.
        If I were Audeze I will never do that or even have the balls to do it.
        Mar 25, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      3. Vtory
        3 more found.. lol. As of now there are 11 f/s ads of lcd-5 posted in March.. Interestingly many. Prol we can see some drop in used prices very soon..
        Mar 25, 2022
        Maven86 likes this.
    19. Vtory
      Susvara are still growing on me. Easily outclassing anything I owned/heard before. Very engagingly analytical.
      1. Maven86, Tchoupitoulas and Sqveak like this.
      2. Vtory
        No eq, no signal processing for now. Frankly I've been failing to identifying correction points. Pretty close to perfection I can think of.
        Mar 23, 2022
      3. Qildail
        What’s the chain? I know you were moving stuff around there but I think I lost track of an amp change recently?
        Mar 23, 2022
      4. Vtory
        2541 > Zen Sig > Sus.

        Maybe should try out more appropriate amp later but the zen is too decent to shop others urgently. Also see my previous profile post.

        For DAC, LIM was slayed. Spring 3 was good.. but not for that price. So can't move haha.
        Mar 23, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
    20. Vtory
      So far my sus experiments indicate speaker amps are not the right way to go at least for me. All beaten by ifi zen sig. Much surprised.
      1. Vtory
        To be specific, single aegir, dual aegirs, and accuphase clone were tested back and forth. They commonly obtained marginal benefit in authority over the control (ifi), but drastically lost delicacy and texture. The necessary level of attenuation seemed to kill the magic. To their credits, I like them all with speakers and he6.
        Mar 22, 2022
      2. BenjaminBore
        I had a similar experience comparing a Vidar to Mjolnir 2 with LCD-2C and a 1266. Though the 2C did have a notable improvement in dynamics, slam, and tacility. But the Vidar was just outclassed in every other way, it was more like a low end HP amp. I got a LOT of intolerable noise from it too. - Given the huge differences in power delivery vs size/cost it's no surprise.
        Mar 23, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
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  • About

    East Coast
    Gear List:
    Headphones: HFM Susvara (mod), Sivga SV023 / Amps: Topping LA90, SMSL HO200 / Dacs: Gustard X18, SMSL M500.3
    Team Susvara : Can't find anything sounding better than Susvara under 5k new yet.
    Team NFB: I realized a strong global NFB made me happier eventually.
    Team Delta-Sigma: I gave up R2R because anything below Spring 3 did not give me enough clarity/articulation in ways I wanted to hear. Moderately implemented 903 was pretty much good enough for my taste..



    Team Planar, Team On-Ear, Team NFB, Team Delta-Sigma
    Music Rambling: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/vtorys-music-re-discoveries.12622/