RMAF 2017 Impressions

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by Scott Kramer, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. wnmnkh

    wnmnkh Friend

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    It was great lunch. It was very nice talking to Tyll and CEE TEE.
  2. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Disclaimer: All impressions from a noisy show floor and largely with unfamiliar rigs. Also, some of these are not new products, but stuff I hadn't heard before.

    ZMF Auteur - Definitely a show highlight. Zach did a great job with these. I found the two pad variations left a little bit of emphasis either in the upper-mid or lower-treble, but they sounded kind of like an HD600/HD650 hybrid with less mid-bass and more bass extension. Yes, I do think they are better than the Eikon and Atticus so far.

    Schiit Gadget - Honestly, I was so unfamiliar with the music, and there was too much background noise. I couldn't tell a difference. Or, if I did hear a difference, it was so subtle that I don't have real confidence I actually heard anything. But this is something I will definitely need to try at home before making any sort of judgement. I have faith in Schiit!

    MrSpeakers Aeon Open - So, I actually gave Dan some feedback on a couple prototype iterations recently, and while the last pair I heard was near production, he was still tinkering up till RMAF. I really think the effort has paid off. The Aeon Open sounds pretty darn good! It kind of has the bass of the original Ether Open but with more Sennheiser-like treble in terms of balance. I personally like them with some extra front damping he had me try, which reminded me a bit more of my HD650. This is probably his most balanced sounding headphone yet, IMO, and well worth checking out.

    MrSpeakers Electrostatic Headphones - From what I was told, and heard, these are much improved over any previous prototypes. I wasn't familiar with the rig at all or the music, but it sounded fine, I think? Good bass presence, didn't hear any major nasties in what various (unfamiliar) tracks I tried, so I think it's worth keeping tabs on.

    Klipsch HP3 - Lots of bass, but the good kind you'd expect from this sort of driver. Midrange and treble seemed nicely balanced without the usual dips or brightness I've heard from Foster/Fostex/Denon variants. The reps shared a tip on how one could vent the pads to lower the bass, which could make for a killer sound. And, of course, the headphones are gorgeous. Tons of attention to little details, even in packaging. Really good if you want that sort of Fostex sound.

    Focal Clear - Take the Elear, make the upper-mids less forward (or at least blend in more), somewhat fill in the nasty dips, make it sharper, clearer, and a bit brighter sounding, and just improve the sense of coherency overall, and you get the Clear. It sounded pretty good! Tonally it was more akin to the Elear, just less weird. But in terms of clarity and speed, it sounded more like the Utopia, but less lean, and less bright overall. Not bad! But, for my tastes, I'd still take the new ZMF.

    Fostex T60RP - Still in development. They had two pairs with different tunings that they wanted feedback on. I thought one pair was a little U-shaped, but the other had too much bass bleeding into the mids despite having smoother treble. I'm a bit tired of these sorts of headphones myself, but the wood housing is nice, the pads are comfortable, and they have the potential to make them into a rather good sounding headphone. I'm happy they are actively seeking feedback.

    HE-X v2 - Yeah, not new, but had really nice tone overall like the v1. Still sounded bad when turned up loud.

    HFM Sundara - Finally, a HFM headphone with a sensible headband. And they're super light. They sounded kind of like an HE1000 without the nasty, splashy, ever-rising treble. They did have a bit of splashy, steely treble to them, but it was rather minor and only particularly noticeable coming from the HE-X. I thought they sounded good overall. Almost didn't work from my phone, since I had to maximize the volume. I hope these are priced well, since they listed the driver being thinner than the HE400 series. I hope they're trying to replace that line with this.

    RE2000 - Not bad, but too bassy and a bit sizzly sounding for me. Probably good for loud commutes or something.

    Massdrop Plus IEM - Tone was good, but a bit too bassy for me. More agreeable treble than RE2000 from a tonal perspective. HOWEVER, I just did not like the timbre. Everything sounded like it was playing from crinkled up paper, which got in the way of crisp sounding details and transients. NOTE: Anyone that knows me knows I do not like the timbre of basically any BA, multi-driver IEM. Something just doesn't work for me with them. I know a lot of folks really love them, so take their opinion over mine.

    Advanced Alpha Planar - I think this is going to be $500 on Massdrop. Not bad overall, though not entirely to my tastes. Strong bass, but the treble was a bit too bright and sharp. U-shaped tone. Rather comfortable. Comes with two sets of pads. Later, I tried the non-leather pads, which helped dial in the bass and made them less bright sounding, but there was still some stuff going on in the upper end of the spectrum that wasn't quite my thing. They said these headphones work best with classical and jazz recordings, which I guess I could understand.

    Advanced Semi-Open Planar - Will be a Kickstarter thing eventually. I thought these had a more neutral tone than the above, and they'll be a bit cheaper ($400?). Something in the midrange sounded a bit emphasized, which gave them a sort of hollow-ish sound. Still, it's nice to see a new company take on full-sized headphones, and their first attempts definitely don't suck even if they weren't for me.

    Advanced M5 IEM - Sort of like the Massdrop Plus in tone, but maybe a bit more neutral (a bit less bass, slightly smoother treble). I think these are $400-500? Still, they have that weird multi-driver IEM timbre that I just do not like at all. But for those that are OK with it, it's possible this may be worth a listen.

    Abyss Diana - Honestly, pretty damn good sounding. Very balanced overall. However, the pads are shaped weird and didn't want to fit me perfectly. Supposedly production pads will be better in this regard due to inner material. But, worst of all, the headband was rather flat/square and didn't have much in the way of cushion. I don't think I could wear these very long. And they're $3000. Still, I can't dismiss that they did sound quite good.

    Well Milo - Zach had this at this table. It sounded pretty good on most stuff, but I hooked it up to my HD650 and can see why people don't like it. It's rather thick, warm, and a bit slow sounding. I mean, I thought it was OK, but not great. I guess it's solid state, so it's not bad for that. I think this would work well with specific amps.

    Elekit 8600 (w/ Lundahl OPTs and stuff) - OK, a bit too soft and warm, but Victor did mention you can adjust settings, like output impedance, to change the sound. I think he had it a bit high. And the tubes are obviously rollable, so, you know...different sound from that. BUT, this had a lot of potential looking past that on the HD650. Even with the warmth and softness, it had a great stage, good sense of power, sounded clean, had good details (as far as I could tell), and just left me feeling good, is the best way I can explain it. I would love to play around with this, as I'm sure you could dial this in for a great sound. And the best part is he can build then with upgraded parts for less than $2K, it seems. Damn.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  3. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo

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    Awesome group of guys! Pleasure putting faces to avatars. :p
  4. TheIceman93

    TheIceman93 El pato-zorro

    Dec 17, 2016
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    How do you pull off this venting?
  5. imackler

    imackler Key Lime Pie Infected Aberdeen Wings Spy

    Oct 1, 2015
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    @Hands What was your source for the Massdrop Plus, if you don't mind?

    That Auteur sounds fantastic, from your description.
  6. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    You just put little tabs where the magnets hold the pads on to increase the spacing, and it vents the pads a bit more decreasing bass. Simple and easy to do.

    I thought these sound great, and found that while their bass emphasis was not as strong as the Teak/Th-X00, it was plentiful and about as much as you could tastefully do without it being overdone. Mids! It has mids! Treble was a little up there for me, but ever so slightly. Overall a great headphone. I'd buy it.
  7. 9suns

    9suns [insert unearned title here]

    Jan 19, 2017
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    @Hands Thanks for the impressions!
    Btw, have you had the chance to listen to the Final Audio D8000?
  8. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator

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    Told you the Diana was gonna be good. ; )
  9. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    I think they said you could just use like 3M tape to give a hair of a gap between the pads and baffle. Helps vent more bass.

    Just my phone. Galaxy S8+.

    Nah, I forgot to look for that one. Spent more time talking to friends!

    Back to HP3, I personally found the mids and treble rather balanced and smooth. Maybe a bit of tizz, but minor. YMMV. They were easier to listen to than the usual biocellulose stuff to me.
  10. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    Yeah, but...how do you wear it with any mild semblance of comfort? That's my big hang up.
  11. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator

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    Yeah, that’s a bummer...
  12. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Had a great time! Thanks all!

    I thought I'd post a few pics. I didn't get a chance to see nearly as many booths as I wanted, and I always seem to forget to take pics. Nevertheless, here goes...

    We kicked things off with a nice lunch. Pic posted by @AllanMarcus already. Very fun!

    20171007_155539.jpg 20171007_160337.jpg 20171007_160358.jpg 20171007_160420.jpg 20171007_155500.jpg 20171007_155518.jpg

    Klipsch. :) I posted brief impressions above. I liked them very much and might end up with a pair. Show conditions kept me from really getting a sense of head stage, but I thought it was pretty good.

    @cskippy brought out his transportable rig so we could demo headphones. Zenith PMx3, ZMF Eikon, hd650 modded like crazy, hd600 stock, and the codex. I really liked those zenith cans. Like super hd650s, on crack, with sprinkles on top. I think they were @AllanMarcus headphones? I'm jealous. Anyway, this was very awesome to sit and chill and listen then discuss the various headphones. Thanks fellas!

    20171007_181032_HDR.jpg 20171007_181027.jpg
    I tried some Campfire IEMs. (Literally all of them.). The Andros were ok. Treble City. I'm not sure I got a fair shake on them as the tips were too small. I took a photo of my favorite two. The Orion was magical. Fit is odd, but I'd probably get used to it.

    And... Then there was the ZMF booth. I got to demo the new open Auteur. I hated them. I hate Zach for making them. Damnit! I can't afford new headphones! These were frigging fantastic. :mad:

    They come with two ear pads, of which I liked the perforated Eikon vs Auteur pads more. Sounds like the Eikon a little, but more balanced, and better extended up top. Head stage was better. f**k. Me. Running. I must have a pair. I forgot to get pictures, but the blackwood looks great. Damn you Zach! *Shakes fist at the sky*. :p ;)

    Anyway, thanks all!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  13. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince

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    Exit stage left....
    more of these shirts need to be for sale on CafePress at all times.
    plenty more SBAF dudes would wear them if in production.

    @Hands is entirely too sober for posting such a wide ranging (superb) overviews on hearing gear.
    since i'm not. i won't type tonight.

    my highlights were:
    pyrate dudes at lunch.
    @Tyll Hertsens asking us for $5 a year.
    @Hands and @Elnrik loaning me closed cans.
    @schiit at lunch doubling up with beer+coffee. da man.
    @CEE TEE with awesome new Massdrops and asking for quality feedback
    Zach ZMF talking white sox! baseball and knowing more than audio crap!
    @baldr telling me "how the F*ck" to turn the knobs and switches up and down quickly on gadget.
    and I swear if @cskippy started taking about how awesome his Aficionado is when mine is days away from shipping, well- um. oh nothing.

    now back to Eikon with chartreuse.
    fade to black.
  14. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    I'd buy it. $30 with proceeds going to the site? Hell yeah.
  15. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    Another highlight: I loved that I saw a SBAF'er photobombing Tyll's interview of Jood while wearing the pirate shirt. You'll probably see it on innerfidelity soon I hope.
    |\/| |{

    Edit: it was Jexby. I'm so friggin bad with names. *Sigh*
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  16. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo

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    That wasn't me but if I had a pirate shirt I probably would!
  17. AllanMarcus

    AllanMarcus Friend

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    As for the klipsh headphones, I spokes with the project manager and audio engineer for quite a bit of time yesterday about the bass and mods. I even asked if he would write something up and post measurements, which he said he had. Hopefully he will.

    The idea is to lift the ear pads a little away from the base to open up the port slots. An every dot label or maybe some electrical tap might do the trick. The magnets that hold the pads to the base should still hold, according to the engineer.
  18. AllanMarcus

    AllanMarcus Friend

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    As for the Diana, I listen to Up in the their room where it was supposed to be quiet, until a dick hole sales guy decided to explain everything under the sun in his putside voice to a couple that might have been gullible enough to think this dill hole knew what he was talking about. I'll admit I wasn't listening to him as I was trying to listen the phi and the Diana, but he ruined the whole experience. I might try again Sunday..

    I'm mightily impressed with the phi, and I thought the Diana was ok, but didn't hold a candle to the Phi. The Diana was quite uncomfortable to me. The clamp was too much, combined with half on ear and half over ear pads, it just didn't feel good. The phi was like a pillow in comparison. If I listen tomorrow, I will compare directly to my utopia. Of course the DAC was a Manhattan, and the amp was a Woo WA33 (I think), which way outclasses what have, but I'll still compare.
  19. AllanMarcus

    AllanMarcus Friend

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  20. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

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    I suspect you didn't get a good seal. What source did you use?

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