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The Deep South

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Lana Del Gayer than you, Male, from The Deep South

Pyrate Contributor

@Merrick spiritually advanced...? what does that mean? Nov 13, 2023

caute was last seen:
Nov 23, 2023
    1. caute
      Prima facie, not hearing a difference in the output from Pangea XLRs vs my $9/two pack RCAs from Amazon. Am I missing something? Bad ears?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rott
        The biggest difference to me of the A1 outputs is gain, with XLR being higher. I've been using RCA out to Lyr 3 for so long now, I don't mind whatever haziness that may be present via RCA vs. XLR. Didn't notice differences between interconnect cables in different price tiers.
        Oct 12, 2022
        caute likes this.
      3. caute
        Ah! Figured it out, according to @rhythmdevils in the LAuX thread: “Balanced input or SE input is the same with this amp, both are converted to a balanced signal. Same with the LP.”

        Glad I’m not crazy…
        Oct 18, 2022
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        That's what I was told. And I didn't hear a difference, but I imagine XLR input is a bit better.
        Oct 18, 2022
        caute likes this.
    2. caute
      Milquetoast observation of the day: a well-driven hd650 handily outperforms a mediocrely-driven hd800(s). Hotter take: bass is better, too.
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I suspect that my hd600 sounds better, in some ways, out of my modest Motu M4 headphone-out than my hd800 does, even though it doesn't really have the power for either.
        Oct 8, 2022
        caute likes this.
    3. caute
      Yep, Pi2AES is the real deal. PiHAT > BNC > Gungnir > RCA > LAuX > bal out HD6XX is kicking my ass right now. I get the HD6XX hype now...
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      2. Cspirou
        Why aren’t you using balanced output from the Gungnir?
        Oct 6, 2022
      3. caute
        Unfortunately, still waiting on balanced cables from the post...
        Oct 6, 2022
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      4. yotacowboy
    4. caute
      Even with gen2 USB & via RCA, the gungnir A1 is so good, just so. good. with the Liquid Gold X > bal out to HD6XX. Impressions next weekend!
    5. caute
      Ah, the platinum standard of going source first, amp second and headphones third—everything in its right place! lol
      1. ergopower
        What, what was that you tried to say?
        Oct 4, 2022
        caute likes this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Amp goes on the table, not on the head. Headphones go on the.... well, you know the rest.

        But as to whether the story of the sound you are listening to should start in the middle, the beginning, or the end, I guess that's a story with no, erm.....
        Oct 5, 2022
        caute and Cryptowolf like this.
    6. caute
      LauX here tomorrow, Pi2AES on Friday & Pangea XLR, BJC BNC cables on Saturday. Got some HD6XX to stopgap me until LCD-X time, super excited!
    7. caute
      Just received a Gungnir Multibit, to pair with... my AirPods? An expensive paperweight for now, but once i get a LAuX and some LCD-Xs...
    8. caute
      "Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kommt darauf an, sie zu verändern."
      1. nishan99 likes this.
      2. Claritas
        No, the point of comprehending the world is to change yourself. I'd translate "TdIE" as "How to Get Smart."
        Aug 23, 2022
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Needs more Rammstein...
        Aug 23, 2022
        caute likes this.
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    The Deep South
    Gear List:
    Pi2AES/Marantz CDT > [BJC coax] > Abbas .11SE > [Furutech OCC RCA] > HLF/Tommy modded Crack > LSN800
    4 years after n+1 magazine's Mark Grief autopsied the dead specter of the hipster, in Lana del Rey’s satirical-autobiographical “Brooklyn Baby” there’s an easy mondegreen when she sings “my jazz collections rare”—she could just as easily be singing “my jazz collections real” —either way, this liberal postmodern obsession with “authenticity” and nostalgia-as-radical-chic cred fetishizes and amasses cultural capital, bc that’s all it can do: see and be seen as countercultural, taking revolutionary symbols of the not-so-distant past as fashion icons, as totems, as fetish objects, all the while caching sprezzatura as reified capital. It’s the same move when the hippies turned into the pioneers of Silicon Valley.


    after all these years wrestlin' gators / i still feel like cryin' when i think of what you said to me