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Oct 9, 2024 at 9:43 AM
Mar 8, 2016
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Friend, Male, from Illinois


Haven't been around much lately. Been working on fixing up a house, man i miss my headphone setup... holy shit i forgot how amazing... Apr 7, 2023

e.schell was last seen:
Oct 9, 2024 at 9:43 AM
    1. e.schell
      Took my first stab at building a headphone stand from scratch... 2x8 piece of oak cut up with a router then stained and some copper...
      1. LetMeBeFrank, Elnrik and L'Orfeo like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        Interesting. I just bought a coffee mug rack from Ikea.
        Apr 16, 2018
        powermatic likes this.
      4. e.schell
        I was bored, had materials, and enjoy building stuff!
        Apr 16, 2018
      5. DigMe
        Good on you! Wasn’t trying to minimize your excellent work. More highlighting my laziness. :)
        Apr 16, 2018
        e.schell likes this.
    2. e.schell
      Lyr 3 arrived today, just happened to be my birthday as well. Run errands... then rush home and music time for rest of the night!
      1. brencho, Lenroot77, Soups and 5 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. e.schell
        Thank you! With only a little bit of listening time the Lyr 3 is turning out to be an awesome birthday present! Only tube i've tried is a Sylvania '52 3 hole BB and it's pretty fantastic. Will have to compare to kenrad vt-231 and raytheon vt-231
        Mar 29, 2018
        Vtory and dmckean44 like this.
      4. gaspasser
        Happy Birthday!
        Mar 29, 2018
      5. brencho
        hey man it was great meeting you the other day over pho with marv and nice meeting your ladyfriend too. hbd and looking forward to lyr3 impressions!
        Mar 29, 2018
    3. e.schell
      Glad i saved the single Sylvania '52 3 hole bad boy after one of a pair died, lyr3 on order! Knew i would one day have a good use for it!
      1. yotacowboy and Elnrik like this.
      2. Elnrik
        Those are damned hard to find. Expensive too. Let us know how it sounds!
        Mar 21, 2018
      3. e.schell
        I will...if it ever ships! i mean...i ordered it yesterday afternoon and no shipment notification?? I was expecting it to be here already!! er... i want it now! haha...
        Mar 21, 2018
        Elnrik likes this.
    4. e.schell
      Ordered a pair of Octal LISST to play around with in the output stage of Freya with KenRad or Raytheon VT-231's in gain. Anyone tried this?
      1. yotacowboy likes this.
    5. e.schell
      All this excitement over Yggdrasil Analog 2... can anyone say for certain us Gungnir Multibit owners have something similar on the horizon?
      1. ButtUglyJeff
        If they know, they can't tell you...
        Jan 16, 2018
        Dino likes this.
      2. e.schell
        I'm sure we will get something of the sort down the road...looking forward to it...will be a great excuse to send in to also get the Gen 5 update as well even though i'm plenty happy with my lynx e22... YIPPIE... more audio goodies to look forward to this year!
        Jan 16, 2018
      3. DigMe
        I can certainly say but I can't say for certain.
        Jan 16, 2018
        e.schell likes this.
    6. e.schell
    7. e.schell
      Hoping for an Aeon Flow Open loaner tour!!! Seem like what i have been looking for!
      1. A1Gear likes this.
    8. e.schell
      First experience with planars... initial impressions: Gungnir Multibit + Freya + Jot + HE-560 balanced = Highly enjoyable. Focus A Pads still on way...
    9. e.schell
      After weeks of waiting for Freya on back order...just got shipment notification! WoooHooo
      1. Merrick likes this.
    10. e.schell
      Here's to Freya starting to ship again this week!! Anyone with back order gotten shipping notification yet?
    11. e.schell
      Freya ordered to pair with Gungnir Multibit/Jot/HD650KM. Now to find some tubes... Common Schiit, start shipping these babies this week! WoooHooo
      1. Vansen likes this.
      2. Vansen
        New Tung-Sol are probably your best bet for transparency at a reasonable price. Stuff like Sylvania 6SN7GTB are great, but can have a bit of bloom.
        Apr 3, 2017
      3. Changeling
        Or 7N7 with adapter :)
        Those Sylvania 7n7's are a well kept secret :)
        Apr 3, 2017
    12. e.schell
      Lynx E22 setup and running. Buhbye SU-1 and USB. from what im hearing, good riddance.
      1. Garns, auri and zonto like this.
    13. e.schell
      Funny...lost a few more points of respect for head-fi, all i did was say SBAF in a post and it was deleted. HaHa
      1. DigMe
        Mar 15, 2017
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It'll be automated. They'll have systems that automatically delete spam, and they'll just include "SBAF" etc on the list of keywords. Chances are that no human ever even saw your post.

        But, of course, a human set up the rules.

        My interest in headphones is nowhere near big enough to support two sites and hey, head-fi? I've forgotten it already.
        Mar 16, 2017
      3. spwath
        Mar 16, 2017
    14. e.schell
      Just my luck, finally have the funds available to order a freya today..goto's shiits site: Backordered until week of April 7th. GRrrrrr!
    15. e.schell
      Have that feeling you get as a kid the night before xmas... Gungnir Multibit going out for delivery in the morning.
      1. yotacowboy, Gravity, Pyruvate and 3 others like this.
    16. e.schell
      Been thinking about it for awhile...time to get Gungnir Multibit to replace DAC-19. Excited.
      1. brencho, Pyruvate and Psalmanazar like this.
      2. e.schell
        Shopping list for the year:
        Gungnir Multibit ASAP
        Freya / Jot / Replace SU-1 with Lynx E22 (as budget allows)
        I foresee a great year in audioland for me.
        Feb 17, 2017
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Source: Built PC with Lynx E22
    DAC: Gungnir Multibit A1 + IsoMax PI-2XR
    Headamp: SW51+ / Liquid Platinum / ZDT Jr
    Headphones: Auteur / Clear / HD650K
    Speakers: JBL LSR308


    E22 » GumbyA1 » ISOMax 1:1 » SW51+ / Jot2 » Auteur / Clear / HD650K