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May 26, 2018
Jan 26, 2017
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Red eyes from too much anime, from Singapore


I think SGP customs likes my speakers, because that's the third time FedEx says it's clearing customs................ For Thor's sake. May 3, 2018

Grahad2 was last seen:
May 26, 2018
    1. Grahad2
      Somehow Singapore's Schiit distributor thinks 1USD = 2SGD. (Jot for 799??? Fulla2 for 219???)
      1. Friday likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Grahad2
        Yeah, was looking to get a Fulla 2 for work to replace the Geek Out 450 with the digital only volume control. Maybe I'll get a colleague to pick it up while in the US instead. (I can already imagine the "You want me to buy what???")
        Apr 5, 2017
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        lol. Hey, get me some schiit in America, would you? haha.

        But at least it's small schiit.

        A friend of my wife's carried my HD600s to India for me. Not a huge box itself, but you know how Amazon pack things: she was horrified at the size of the carton that arrived at her house!
        Apr 6, 2017
      5. alubis
        I think SLT Technologies is the distributor of schiit in South East Asia. Just bought Freya from them for roughly USD 826 delivered to my house. I think that's a decent price for Freya considering shipping, tax, etc. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
        Apr 9, 2017
    2. Grahad2
      Hate cleaning the aircon
    3. Grahad2
    4. Grahad2
      Time to see if iFi iPower is audibly better versus the standard LHLabs SMPS. Nothing blew yet so it's all good.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Grahad2
        Seems to have added some lower level refinement - more evident edges to musical notes, some paucity of additional bass (??), some lower level garni brought forth better, etc.

        Pretty sure I'm still with the same settings, although I'm dog tired so will have to revisit this tomorrow.
        Mar 20, 2017
      3. Azteca
        For what product? Pulse? I've been very happy with my Jay's Audio LPS. Or is it for a Pi or something?
        Mar 21, 2017
      4. Grahad2
        Using it on a Pulse Fi now. Was ordering one for the Pi, so got 1 more for the Pulse Fi as well, since the total is only about 84USD; I've burnt more on Kickstarter.

        Doing research for a 2.0 set up (DAC'll be replaced last, but will still be replaced) so the cheapest Jay's I can find locally is about 80USD, so might as well try the iFi first.
        Mar 21, 2017
        Azteca likes this.
    5. Grahad2
      Ewan McGregor and Sir Ian McKellen carried autotuned Beauty and the Beast.
    6. Grahad2
      ...when you abide by one password per use so much that you forget your own password (and suspect the ID) for UBNT Controller...
      1. Grahad2
        Mar 16, 2017
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        I use and really like 1Password. The fact that it syncs between my iPhone and desktop also really helps.
        Mar 16, 2017
    7. Grahad2
      1. kevnin
        OMG I have some of that first chair they show in my house. Supposedly a great example of design but horrible as actual chairs - expensive and completely useless for sitting in!
        Mar 13, 2017
      2. Grahad2
        The second one looks dope but it'll probably be a sauna in the equatorial heat.
        Mar 13, 2017
    8. gixxerwimp
      Is your regular account acting up again?
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    Gear List:
    Schiit Jotunheim
    FutureSonics MG6pro
    Campfire Audio Andromeda
    JBL LSR30X

