Prism Callia: Flush your Schiit

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by HitmanFluffy, Jun 8, 2020.

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  1. Bill-P

    Bill-P Level 42 Mad Wizard Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I just erased a 3000-word essay. It's moot even to just click "dislike" so I'll try to make this brief:

    - This whole thing is bad taste. Some may find that post funny, but I find it uncalled for. I dislike some Schiit gears, but some others like them and that's okay. Jason has no say in what his customers claim. I don't see how Jason has to take the fall here.

    - Jason and Schiit are doing very well and I support their direction. Literally no other manufacturer on the market currently is making a $199 balanced DAC of any kind, let alone one that actually sounds "good". Everybody else is too busy coming out with $2000 Astell clones or $4000 luxurious headphones. Shame on them.

    - It's a hobby. I come to this site to seek cohesive and understandable thoughts on new gears I may consider. I don't come here to read about rich kids showing off expensive new toys and shitting on everyone else's toys. I'd hope we have all graduated from kindergarten by now.

    @purr1n on that note, please take your time with my stuffs. I don't pester you because I know everyone is busy. Hell, I'm busy myself. I've been stuck finishing up on a project for the past 3 weeks. The pandemic has only put more tasks on my table (on top of my day job, I also have to help my parents with extra COVID paperworks now too), and I can't just relax when the house is full of people. I think it's all too easy to forget that some of us actually live in the real world and have real worries as well.

  2. Jay

    Jay Facebook Friend

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I read a scientific paper a few years ago that basically said internet trolls are psychopaths and sadists.
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Yeah. This WFH deal has been devastating to companies large and small. Lots of heated discussions and I've surrendered to my cynical instincts by being a grumpy smartass at work.

    It's clear now that the OP intended to shitpost. I wished it was written better with a comparison methodology more rigorous than what is typical of HF and without the Schiit disparagement. The points are probably valid, but the delivery undermined their believability.

    Looking back now, Torq's thread Life After Yggdrasil where every DAC compared to Yggdrasil seemed to come up short, has probably done more harm than good. But then again, that was years ago and we are seeing a lot more good sigma-delta and ladder DACs today.
  4. brencho

    brencho Friend Pyrate

    Dec 18, 2015
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    Jason is a mensch. Regardless of whether or not I use schiit dacs or amps or whatever. Full stop. That said, I think online forums invite hyperbole, tomfoolery, and I say this as a extremely hyperbolic person. This thread and others like it serve a valuable function of proposing alternatives to status quo. That is a valuable thing and I’m all for exploring the hobby.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Hyperbole is one thing. Shitposting is another.

    TBH, don't see a "status quo". Of the people I am close to, maybe @Ringingears and @zerodeefex still run DACs (I favor Gungir A2 to Yggdrasil). And probably because we bought our DACs years ago, upgraded them, and because we are older with growing families or are retired on a budget.

    If I go down the list, it's PSA PWD2, RME ADI-2, Cambridge, Denon CDP, Rockna Wavedream, Matrix XSP, Chord Hugo 2, Motu Ultralite, DM Convert-2 Sonic Frontiers SFCD, Metrum Pavane, Holo Spring. I honestly can't think of any others, at least close to me in terms of proximity or personally close, who run Schiit DACs.

    The ph33r of Schiit world domination on the high or mid end is much exaggerated and based on personal inadequacies of the likes of @HitmanFluffy.

    On the low end, I'd rather see Schiit dominate than Topping or SMSL (same company BTW in case you didn't know). It wouldn't even be different if China were a more responsible world actor. A nation cannot survive in the long term without manufacturing jobs. Can't have a society where everyone either works in high-tech or at Starbucks.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  6. mokobigbro

    mokobigbro Acquaintance Contributor

    Jun 16, 2018
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    I beg to differ that Dan Lavry's less talented in comparison to Fred and Dave. I used to own a Cranesong HEDD 192, and I use a Forssell MADA now (only the dac side). In my studio, there's a Lavry Gold ADC.

    Lavry Gold's ADC and DAC is still one of the most respected converters in the mastering world. He is also an adamant designer who stand by his choice.

    One day I hope I can have a Lavry quintessential dac.
  7. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend Pyrate

    Mar 20, 2016
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    First of all keep in mind that i just had a 15 h shift with everything that u can imagine, from Covid patients to a 50y old man sticking a can of some sort up his ass and a 37y thinking he could play Tarzan, drunk, in the middle of the forests of Sweden with his friends and broke his right side extremities, yes it was that type of shitty night and i am grumpy. I admire you @Bill-P because i am too grumpy to erase this.

    I feel the original post was good and a nice perspective of a less-known (for me at least) piece of gear and, by that time, i thought that the tittle was just a funny poke/shot at Schiit lovers and i didn't think, at that point, that it could be a cheap, low and bad tasting, shot at the brand, products or their representatives.

    Unlike @purr1n I won't assume that original intent was to shit on schiit but if it was than it's a bad joke BUT if it wasn't OP has presented/introduced to us an alternative to the "usual suspects" and i always appreciate that, or rather did until i read the situation that followed. So now what i thought was a very good contribution will be seen with suspicious eyes and i will always wonder if the gear is actually good or was "elevated" in order to undermine Schiit products. You really fcked up @neomax and, by dumbness synergy, all the ones that found it funny. The original title was already "pushy" but could be viewed with humor but it had to go lower and personal...

    Let this be a lesson to haters, stupid people and all of us in general, you can easily (and stupidly) destroy a good contribution you have made.

    Also about Torq's topic i will always be thankful for his reviews and insight. He helped me and, i am sure, quite a high number of other members in acquiring and avoiding certain gears and i will always be thankful for it.
    His contributions were perfect for that specific time period.

    I don't play favors, not in real life and not here, and knowing pretty well that i can't influence the administration decision in any way, i would like to think that the long-term, long-contributing, members that, in a moment of less clarity or high trollness, liked that post can have their ban lengths shortened. If no one falls in this category than that's that.

    Absolutely but unfortunately it went where it shouldn't have and the bans were well deserved and, hopefully, it will serve as a future example for anyone of us that thinks that it's funny to go to far, so consequences are well deserved.

    In the end i am grumpy and annoyed for the fact that the thread became tainted.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  8. Josh83

    Josh83 Friend Pyrate

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Totally agree. I appreciated the review of the Callia, but the “Flush Your Schiit” thing was just trolling. I reviewed the RME elsewhere, and I put the Modi 3 in the mix of comparisons. The basic takeaway IMHO is that the Modi 3 is like 80-85% of the RME in sound for 1/12th the price. I haven’t heard it yet, but signs point to the Modius being superior to the RME by a wide margin. The Topping stuff isn’t even worth mentioning. Schiit’s price to performance ratio is off the charts.

    As Marv said above, I think Torq’s “Life After Yggdrasil” threads over-hyped the Yggdrasil, creating its own backlash. But saying that a few similarly priced pro converters are Yggdrasil’s equal or, depending on one’s preferences, slightly better is far different from saying “Flush Your Schiit.”

    I bought my Forssell used, and the previous owner had kind of bunged up the faceplate. It was a good deal, but I wanted to have it checked out and get a new face place. Had the seller ship it to Fred Forssell. He was super responsive and kind — replaced the face place, gave it a clean bill of health, and shipped it to me for a quite reasonable amount.
  9. Josh83

    Josh83 Friend Pyrate

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Something something “kink shaming.”

    More seriously, thanks for taking care of people, especially in times like these.
  10. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays Pyrate

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I cannot imagine going to so much trouble to appear to be someone else. I can't figure out the motivation. Maybe that's because while I am an asshole, I am not a troll? I dunno. Color me confused.
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I got a apology from @RobS today. I will accept it but need some time. Same ol' same ol' from the private anti-SBAF anti-Schiit Discord(s). At this point I don't even mind a scorched earth campaign, banning everyone and anyone who has set foot there recently. Exhausted. Tired of people pretending to be my friend to my face but screwing with me behind my back.

    Please, if you don't like SBAF go away. Restart Changstar even. LOL, I see some of you guys reading this thread. I'd cop up now. Send me a PM to ask me to kill your account if you don't want to suffer further embarrassment.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  12. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays Pyrate

    Oct 26, 2015
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    You will all decide for yourselves if this is funny or sad, but I don't even know what discord is. I mean, I know what the word means but I am pretty sure that is not what you are referring to.
  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Discord is a text and voice chat app. Think of it as the gamer version of Slack (commonly used by IT and people who hate Microsoft Teams).

    Being populated by mostly kids (or adults) that don't go out much, Discord has a tendency of being toxic and bringing out the worse in human beings. Depends on the Discord channel. My son has a channel for his friends who play Minecraft. Properly used, it's a great way for the kids to connect during this pandemic.

    The problem is that sometimes there's is no daddy. So it's easy for things to take a bad turn. People receive threats of swatting on Discord. When a group of people get together, it's all too easy to get into a mob mentality and get someone to do something dumb that they otherwise wouldn't do, just for kicks. Not any different from the dumb stuff that kids dare each other to do on the playground, except magnify it x10 times because everyone is behind the keyboard.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  14. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis Pyrate

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Discord is great. We have one for our old World of Warcraft guild. We've known each other for 15 years and even though most of us don't play anymore it's still fun to chat and send memes and whatnot. Certainly easier than Ventrilo or (heaven forbid) mumble.
  15. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays Pyrate

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Bird-watcher's paradise
    So I am not missing anything.
  16. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired) Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Marv, I think you should close this thread. It's only serving to bring the "and I too agree" crowd out of the woodwork. You banned who you banned, and definitely scorched some earth. Let's move on, lord Vader.
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I kept it up this long to drag things out while pontificating, stating my intentions, while monitoring behaviors of people I suspect to see if they deviate from baseline. It works. I have what I need now.

    I can't resist a good investigation. You know my area of expertise. You also said I was like the Ed Harris dude in Snowpiercer.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
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