FS: Cavalli Liquid Crimson Schiit OG Freya, Maybe OG Gungnir Multibit

Discussion in 'Closed (Archived) Sales' started by aamefford, Oct 21, 2020.

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  1. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Edits in RED

    After a year of waffling, I've decided to sell my Liquid Crimson. It is not getting the use that it should from me. Someone in the "family" ought to get it and enjoy it. I have a few strong desires for this particular sale:

    1) It has an occasionally scratchy volume pot. Deoxit seems to fix it for a while. I'm number 2 owner, and I got it this way 2 or 3 (or 4? I forget) years ago. I have never bothered to look into fixing it, as it never causes problems once a listening level is chosen. It just scratches while turning it. You have to be OK with this. I won't entertain any remedy for this. It is disclosed. I might throw in a can of Deoxit... I won't get it fixed, but feel free to make an offer. I will throw in Deoxit on a local sale, but I don't want to ship it with an aerosol can.

    2) Really, really, really (really) strong preference for a "local" to the San Francisco / Sacramento area in person sale, cash money, covid safe. We can probably meet at a convenient public halfway point. Or halfway house, should either of us need one of those... Still a strong preference for local so that it can be inspected, and I can get a pile of cash... I'll open it up within CONUS, with AK and HI as possible after discussion. Shipping and fees on buyer, unless we strike some other deal.

    3) I'll just plain be a little particular who this goes to - it is a unicorn, it will be most appreciated in this community, and I've been around long enough to be a cranky old guy who just might want to pass it to another cranky old guy. Or not... I just reserve the right, etc. Friends, probably contributors, maybe almost made. No Randos for now.

    4) You have to be patient with me - work is ramped up, staff is ramped down, I'm tired, cranky and frustrated - much like the rest of the world. Still.....

    5) My target price is $2000-ish net to me but this one will be kind of a negotiation, based on what is included (tubes, cables, rest of the rig noted below), where it sells and what might be offered in trade (midfi HD800S rig). At asking and local, I'll include a Siemens CCA, an Amprex Orange Label JAN 7308 and the original Gold Lion. You *might* pry a bugle boy out of me as well, but the other three are better in my opinion. Float me a fair, reasonable offer, just be pleasant about it. If it's low, I'll probably say no, at least for now, and if there is limited activity (Covid has ben hitting pocket books after all), I may consider your offer at a later time. I'm not desperate to sell, but anxious. I've shifted my funding to the "other" hobby so many of us seem to jump into - photography. I "need" a tripod, a medium to telephoto zoom and a mid wide angle prime.....

    Oh - I've bought into the Fijifilm X system with an X-T4 that I found on Craigslist. I'll consider lenses in partial or complete trade as well.

    I think it is in excellent condition, but call it an 8 for age, and probably be pleasantly surprised. There will be dust. It is hard to get the dust out of the heatsinks on the sides. It's in really good condition in my opinion.

    Also up - an OG Freya with the stock tubes, and another set of new issue something or other. PM me and I'll dig the box out and see what they are. Figure $350, or whatever it may be worth. Pitch me a fair offer. I'll make it a good deal if it goes with the LC and the Gungnir Multibit below. Gungnir Multibit has been sold, Freya is still available.

    SOLD OG Gungnir Multibit. Price to be discussed, but fair. I don't really know what the going rate is - $600? Again, take it with the LC and the Freya and we'll come to a nice agreement on the lot. Gungnir Multibit is SOLD. uhhh, guess I said this twice .....

    Pricing is somewhat variable, especially if there is something along the lines of a Modi MB and Vali2 or Bifrost2 and something or other, or something that will pair well with my HD800S's and leave me with the lion's share of the cash deal. The LC will be fairly priced, but not a bargain. The other two maybe. Especially if you take the whole rig. See the part about floating an offer up above. Also the part about Fijifilm X mount lenses.

    Local Ca$h preferred, otherwise PayPal - fees probably on the buyer, shipping definitely on the buyer if I can't work out a local deal. I think I said this twice also.

    Pics if you need them. It looks pretty much like a brand new LC, though the little cloth thingie that says Cavalli Audio on it and covers the amp when not in use is a little faded. Still

    I have all the original boxes, including the Cavalli double box. Still

    PM's are best. I may be a bit slow to respond. If you seem to be a lowballer, or are not nice, I may not respond.

    Edit - it's ok to ask politely to float a lowball offer - just be nice. Worse case, I say no, and we trade a laugh or two.

    Friends only for now. See above about contributors and almost made, etc. Bottom line, I reserve the right to pick the eventual owner. It's a pretty wonderful amp - it should go to someone who will enjoy it, or one of our incorrigible collectors.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  2. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    Damn, that OG Freya deal
  3. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Looks like the Gungnir is sold.
  4. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

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  5. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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  6. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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  7. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    I’ll try for a local deal on the Cavalli for a few more days and then open it up. I’m open to reasonable offers. I’m interested in partial trade for a decent midfi HD800S rig. Less than $500 used equipment dollars.
  8. Ringingears

    Ringingears Honorary BFF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    This is tempting.
  9. k4rstar

    k4rstar Britney fan club president

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    this amp is the bees knees. after buying and trying every amp that has been FOTM on here for the past 4 years, I can say this is maybe 1 of 2 that made me actually want to listen to more music. good luck with your sale
  10. tommytakis

    tommytakis MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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  11. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    And you are so close by.... There is sure be a convenient halfway house uh point near by....
  12. Hammy

    Hammy Friend

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Someone local to the San Francisco area needs to buy this amp so I don't get tempted to do a 9 hour drive to buy it and pick it up.
  13. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    A bunch of bright red updates to the first post. Summary - I'll ship, I'll consider offers, I'm still tired, frustrated and grumpy. I need a tripod and 2 or 3 lenses for my new old hobby.

    @Hammy - I might meet you in Redding or something.......

    @Ringingears, you're kinda, sorta local to me aren't you? I'd probably deliver, masked with blue rubber gloves if you want.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  14. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Sorry, bozo fingers. I quoted my own post. See the part about tired....
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  15. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    How is this still available?
  16. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee

    Nov 26, 2015
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