Comments on Profile Post by robot zombie

  1. gixxerwimp
    I love mine, even though I can't get any of the "stereo width" stuff to work. Great for tweaking FR just to my liking.
    Apr 6, 2021
    robot zombie likes this.
  2. robot zombie
    robot zombie
    Clean para and gfx EQ with buttons! Completely discreet, rock solid hardware EQ. More presets than you could ever need. I use it with everything now - it's the icing on the cake. Really feels like it should be a common item... something everyone has a variant of.

    EQ visualizer is cool, too. And the little VU meters. I mounted mine under the top shelf of my little headphone station. Looks serious.
    Apr 6, 2021
    Ksaurav402 likes this.
  3. robot zombie
    robot zombie
    And yeah, I could never get the rest working either. The EQ's alone are worth the money though. I don't understand how there's only one HQ EQ unit like this. It really should be a staple, like a good preamp. If freakin Behringer can make one for $350... where's the nice audiophile EQ? Build it into a preamp, or even a DAC.

    I mean, c'mon. When Behringer has the proof, everybody should be doing it.
    Apr 6, 2021
  4. GoodEnoughGear
    Watching...curious to see if this stands the test of time and doesn't introduce sins (either commission or omission) that are only evident after some 'unprimed' listening.
    Apr 7, 2021
  5. PTS
    "If freakin Behringer can make one for $350... where's the nice audiophile EQ? Build it into a preamp, or even a DAC."

    That's what the RME ADI-2 is (if that particular DAC is to your liking).
    Apr 7, 2021
    gixxerwimp likes this.
  6. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    @robot zombie, audiophilia stole the tone controls. You can't expect it to give full EQ now.

    But @PTS points out that, RME, coming from the semi-pro field, has no such sensitivities.
    Apr 8, 2021