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Oct 23, 2024 at 3:30 AM
Oct 25, 2015
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Cape Town, South Africa
Technology strategy

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Evil Dr. Shultz‎, Male, from Cape Town, South Africa


Spring 3 KTE is back, preamp fixed. Finally just listening to music. I think I'll have this until it or my ears crap out. Oct 22, 2024 at 9:31 AM

GoodEnoughGear was last seen:
Oct 23, 2024 at 3:30 AM
    1. GoodEnoughGear
      Spring 3 KTE is back, preamp fixed. Finally just listening to music. I think I'll have this until it or my ears crap out.
      1. atomicbob, rlow, M3NTAL and 2 others like this.
      2. atomicbob
        As will my three Holo DACs, Spring 3 KTE included.
        Oct 23, 2024 at 9:52 PM
    2. GoodEnoughGear
      Got a great deal on Spring 3 KTE with preamp. Of course, the preamp is borked. Still worth the hassle but f**k the hassle is a hassle.
      1. zottel, Cryptowolf and atomicbob like this.
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        Shoutout to Tim at Kitsune for helping figure out how best to get this fixed, even though it's not his problem (being on the ass-end of Africa). Top class customer service.
        Sep 10, 2024
        zottel likes this.
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        Dac is fixed, Magna neglected to remove two resistors that need to be desoldered when installing the preamp board. I should have it back on Sunday.
        Oct 18, 2024 at 12:18 PM
    3. GoodEnoughGear
      Anyone here heard Holo Cyan 2?
      1. rlow and atomicbob like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. crenca
        I have one on order but don’t expect it till mid April. I will report on it sometime after…
        Mar 10, 2024
      4. atomicbob
        I want one. Mid May to June likely delivery. Maybe I'll have the Spring 3 Technical Measurements posted before it arrives.
        Mar 11, 2024
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
      5. Eric Rosenfield
        Eric Rosenfield
        I have one. Sounds great. Very natural, detailed, and neutral.
        Mar 11, 2024
        atomicbob and GoodEnoughGear like this.
    4. GoodEnoughGear
      I have 2 letters to sign in front of me: a severance notice after 22 years, and an offer at a new company. Pausing a sec right here.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Commiserations and congratulations.

        Quitting a long-term employment is always tough, even when it is voluntary. I was surprised to find that leaving a company after 16 year and various roles turned out to be much like leaving home had been! Except that didn't make any of my hair fall out.
        Mar 21, 2023
      3. Cryptowolf
        It sounds like a great moment to pause to reflect.
        Mar 21, 2023
        zottel, GoodEnoughGear and Justin S like this.
      4. atomicbob
        You too, wow!

        My last day was Mar 31. No thoughts of another corporate position as I think 50 yrs has been enough. Best wishes on your future endeavors. I hope they are a good fit for you.
        May 19, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    5. GoodEnoughGear
      Drunk juking on Qobuz...cheezy Neil Diamond shit my parents listened to during their 'war years' that's lodged in my brain.
      1. Cryptowolf, Justin S, Riotvan and 3 others like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        So... No more flowers, then?
        Oct 23, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        LOL no indeed. In true irony they are both passed, cremated and sitting quietly together (in a drawer) for the first time in 50 odd years. My bothers are coming down next month for us to finally send them on their way.
        Oct 23, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        That's sad. Do play Neil on an annual memorial day for them.

        I think I saw him on TV once, long ago. Not exactly my kind of music, but I enjoyed it because the concert was done with such flare. Very professional entertainer.

        Like Tom Jones.
        Oct 23, 2022
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
    6. GoodEnoughGear
      Damn, the first Omicron infection was a joke, the second is like being hit by a truck. 2 days down, only just got off the couch.
      1. bixby and Thad E Ginathom like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Damn! It really does seem to have largely gone away here: I spent this evening with a mask hanging round my neck.

        Fingers crossed, garlic hung up, horseshoe over the door...

        (Oh, and three vaccination shots)
        May 24, 2022
      4. bixby
        Sorry to hear. Since everyone got test kits free, the infection numbers are probably a fraction of what is going on, there is no required reporting. Wear a mask, it ain't over. The media did report this wave, but most people just do not care, they think it is over. Going for second booster tomorrow.
        May 24, 2022
        atomicbob, Cryptowolf, Josh83 and 3 others like this.
      5. atomicbob
        Very sorry to hear you are experiencing another bout. Get well soon!
        May 26, 2022
    7. GoodEnoughGear
      Considering starting a thread for recent releases for recommendations on new music. Good idea, or leave it to the genre threads?
      1. Syzygy, Jinxy245, sheldaze and 3 others like this.
      2. Erroneous
        Sounds like a good idea to me. Notable new releases, regardless of genre.
        May 18, 2022
    8. GoodEnoughGear
      Got a used set of Auteurs in maple today. DAC2541-->MHA100-->Auteur is kicking ass.
      1. atomicbob, Cryptowolf, Vtory and 3 others like this.
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        I've now had the sensation of headphones disappearing and being left in an open space of sound instead of in a 'head bowl' for lack of a better term.
        May 7, 2022
    9. GoodEnoughGear
      Cleaned the listening room. Dusted and wiped everything, down to the last cable. Like a freshly washed car is faster, system is awesomer.
      1. atomicbob, Deep Funk, Qildail and 9 others like this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        i do a full dust like that every sunday, i hate dust, getting rid of it makes me happy
        Apr 30, 2022
    10. atomicbob
      My condolences at your loss. It is one of life's greatest challenges to say goodbye to a parent.
      1. Azimuth, Kolohe, Huhnkopf and 15 others like this.
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        Thanks, Bob, I appreciate it.
        Apr 12, 2022
    11. GoodEnoughGear
      Digging 'Warm Chris' by Aldous Harding.
      1. Inoculator likes this.
      2. Inoculator
        I love Aldous Hading, another phenomenal album.
        Apr 8, 2022
        ColdsnapBry and GoodEnoughGear like this.
    12. GoodEnoughGear
      ASMedia usb card is in. Soekris still sounds good. I feel betterer.
      1. Soups, Justin S and Gazny like this.
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      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I remember that you were interested in the LIM. I sold my 2541 to buy the LIM but am now looking to go back to the 2541 for my office which is small 8020s+7040 and Focal Clears with the JOT2. I think it'll be a better fit.
        Mar 1, 2022
      4. GoodEnoughGear
        Some nice validation :). We don't have much chance to hear a lot of gear down here, and I find it hard to conceive of springing for 3-5x the cost to get into theoretically 'significantly better' territory or risk a sidegrade. Care to share your experience?
        Mar 1, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Sorry - I was unclear in my comment. I have been making a number of changes and got this out of order. I do LOVE the LIM and have it in my home system now (though i also love it at work when it has been here). In my office, I have just tried a BF2 chasing the sound of the LIM, but it was not an ideal combination. I am returning the BF2 and have another 2541 on order. I remember it sitting very well here.
        Mar 1, 2022
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
    13. GoodEnoughGear
      Replaced my fanless CR-80EH cpu cooler with a Noctua NH-P1. What a champ! 10700k on stock settings idle went from 70+ deg C to 50 deg C.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SoupRKnowva
        I was replying to ti_leo
        Feb 19, 2022
        Sqveak likes this.
      3. Sqveak
        Feb 19, 2022
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        I suspect it must be my bad installation or something. But since the full load temp can hardly reach 80, I think it's fine? So I just leave it there...
        Feb 19, 2022
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
    14. GoodEnoughGear
      My new Aeron just arrived - the old one is suffering the ravages of 23 years of daily use and will be refurbed for my mom. Viva Aeron!
      1. Justin S, spwath and dubharmonic like this.
      2. spwath
        Nice how all the parts are available. I got a used aeron cheap a while ago, just replaced the seat a bit ago as it was torn
        Feb 15, 2022
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I picked up a used one this year and will never look back. My back has never been better.
        Mar 2, 2022
    15. mitochondrium
      @Merrick according to wiki slimProto TCP (whatever that is) I am a noob in these things
      1. Merrick likes this.
      2. mitochondrium
        There is a plug-in which provides UPnP and DLNA server capabilities, an easy way to try it would be Daphile (x86 only no ARM)
        Jan 23, 2022
    16. GoodEnoughGear
      Qobuz Windows app sucks balls, so now I'm trialling Audirvana, which sucks balls. WTF is with all this shitty software?
      1. Cryptowolf and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GoodEnoughGear
        Despite my prior prejudice, Roon has come out ahead. Integration with HQPlayer is excellent and fast, and it does the better job of managing Qobuz' API vs Audirvana. It doesn't hold a candle to JRiver for local library management, but in terms of the two main shifts in my playback experience (Streaming + HQPlayer) it's a clear win. f**k.
        Jan 22, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        What do you like the most about JRiver for local library mngmt? Would you suggest running Roon and JRiver?
        Jan 23, 2022
      5. GoodEnoughGear
        @Cryptowolf I have been looking at this and I'm going to go Foobar2000 and MP3Tag for tag management. I use a fair number of views in FB2K and JRMC to ensure tagging is consistent, but FB2K can do everything I need for free.
        Jan 23, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    17. GoodEnoughGear
      Well, I suppose it was a matter of time, but Omicron has got me. Positive diagnosis on day 2 of symptoms. Mild for now.
      1. Jinxy245 and AdvanTech like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. mitochondrium
        All the best! With omicron I think it is not a question of if but when for most of us, got my third jab 2 weeks ago
        Jan 19, 2022
      4. atomicbob
        Damn! Sorry to hear @GoodEnoughGear and @Koth Ganesh have become infected. Please take care, get well soon and hopefully neither of you suffer any long term issues.
        Jan 19, 2022
      5. Cryptowolf
        May you recover quickly.
        Jan 19, 2022
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
    18. GoodEnoughGear
      RIP Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The world was made better by your work.
      1. bixby, Case, Kunlun and 11 others like this.
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      3. Claritas
        @dematted It's not an attack: it's a fact, borne out every decade in every survey. I care about all of the Jewish people! I care about you. And I wish the facts were different, or that the surveys would come back with different results. So please don't shoot the messenger (especially when I am the messenger).
        Dec 27, 2021
        crenca and YMO like this.
      4. crenca
        Related to the situation in Judaism (not that it is a 100% correlation) Archbishop Tutu himself was part of the rapidly dying liberal wing of the Anglican church. What the children of these kind of believers have firgured out is that if your Christianity is just the conventional social mores "at prayer", well Christianity is superfluous. You don't need the Cross to be "a good person".
        Dec 27, 2021
        YMO likes this.
      5. crenca
        The only part of Anglican church that is actually passing the faith on to their children is the "continuing Anglican movement", somewhat ironically led mostly by African bishops who have themselves resisted the colonization of theological liberalism and "wet finger in the air moralism" from their Euro/North American peers.
        Dec 27, 2021
        YMO likes this.
    19. GoodEnoughGear
      Sundara vs HD600: initially more different than better/worse. Now Sundara is growing on me. MHA100 also likely to bring the best out of it.
      1. Walderstorn and Cspirou like this.
    20. GoodEnoughGear
      South Africa, the Covid Bogeyman. Ooogaboogabooga!!!
      1. Biodegraded
        WHO might have been optimistic choosing a scheme with only 24 categories. I suggest names next, like for hurricanes but reflecting region of origin - eg Sheila & Trev for Aus & NZ variants.
        Nov 27, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
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    Cape Town, South Africa
    Technology strategy
    Gear List:
    Mobile: LG V60, CA Andromeda
    Portable: GO2A, KEF M500
    Home: DAC2541 >> MHA100 >> Genelec 8030B+7050B/Auteur