Loaner: JAR800S

Discussion in 'Closed Loaners' started by Erroneous, Oct 18, 2022.

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  1. MellowVelo

    MellowVelo Friend

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    I didn’t notice this at any time. Which cable is cracked? The only one I took out and used was the balanced cable with the blue tape wrapped around the XLR jack. I left the rest in the bag.
  2. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

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    I'm not 100%, but I believe this is the SE cable, it had a bit of fraying on one side leading to the connectors when I got them, should have posted a pic here like @dubharmonic did, but I was dumb and so excited to listen, I didn't.

    However, when I had the loaner, the cable didn't look nearly as bad as it does now... It looks like the sleeving on both side is completely cut away now.
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
  3. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

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    This was a difficult decision, but I think it is best we end this tour after @ThyDanMan99. Not pointing fingers, and not trying to start any witch hunts, as I think all the damage that has happened during this tour has been circumstantial and not malicious but this tour has been a bit cursed unfortunately. Already had to yoink the JAR 800s due to damage, notes of smoke smell on items, a headphone cable destroyed, and lots of delays (would you believe this tour has already been going 6.5 months?).

    I am happy that we have been able to get some extra ears on the JAR 800 as I think it is a really special project Jupiter has cooked up, and this most recent version I feel is really his culmination of experience with all these Sennheiser mods he has done. Personally probably going to dethrone my beloved JAR 600, really a great TOTL goldilocks for Sennheiser fans (just waiting on a LSN version for me to hear from Jupiter and then finally going to do my write up for the impressions thread)

    This was not an easy decision, but I think is a necessary one at this point. I am still happy to try to hook people up with the chance to hear these on a case-by-case basis (in my exploration of different serial number ranges I have ended up with some extra pairs). So feel free to reach out to me directly if you have a serious interest in the JAR 800 and want to give it a listen. I will bring a pair along with me to Pacific Audio Fest for any PNW folks that are interested as well.
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  4. dubharmonic

    dubharmonic Friend

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    It's the single ended cable.
  5. ThyDanMan99

    ThyDanMan99 New

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    Received from @dubharmonic! And they work with the SE cable and sound amazing!
  6. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I’d like to hear these if it’s not too late. I live close to @CEE TEE and could pick them up from him or drop them off with him. I would prefer being before @CEE TEE so I can drop them off with him because it’s hard for me to ship things on an exact day and I don’t want to delay the tour. But if I’m at the end maybe it doesnt matter.
  7. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    I believe the tour is ending early based on @Inoculator 's post above
  8. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    Oh doi hickey. Thanks @Inoculator for sharing your headphones! No worries about ending it early.
  9. Northwest

    Northwest Friend

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    I went back and forth whether I should request to be part of the loaner because it was well underway. The JAR600 and JAR650 experience have been so pleasant I definitely want to give the JAR800 a listen so I'll plan to make it to Pacific Audio Fest.
  10. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

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    I wasn't involved in this loaner tour, and I'm a nobody on any forum or platform anywhere. But ...

    I've been chatting with Jupiter and he's very disappointed with how this loaner tour went. From what I've read and seen, the damage to these headphones and cable doesn't seem "circumstantial". It's pretty obvious they were mistreated by one or more people on the tour who didn't own up to it and just past them on to the next person on the list. And others who received them afterwards didn't check the condition of what they received so there's no way to know who was responsible. We've done JAR a great disservice. It's not like he's an MOT with a big company behind him. He's just one guy who loves Senns, wants to make them sound the best they can, and share them with the world.

    I think it's in SBAF's best interests to make this right to Jupiter. The coffers could come up with the funds to buy a blown out pair of HD800(S) that could be stripped for parts so that Jupiter could put that pair back together. The headband itself is not available anywhere, only the headband pad. So Jupiter is basically out a pair of HD800s that he spend time and money modifying, and then generously shared with the SBAF community, who subsequently trashed them.

    Just my 2¢
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  11. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

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    If I could like, heart, epic & ditto this all at the same time, I would.
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  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    The loaner tour needs to STOP ... NOW. It's pretty obvious why*. DO NOT GIVE A CRAP about people wanting "me too" and wanting to sneak in a quick listen. We just can't do this, that is continue, with other people's gear like this.

    *From the sounds of it, would not be surprised if someone tried to erotically auto-asphyxiate themselves while smoking weed. If it wasn't David Carradine, it was the delivery guy.

    P.S. Someone let me know who to compensate and how much.
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    Last edited: May 25, 2023
  13. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

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    ibid. all the good ratings for Marv's generosity!!! (but I'll settle for an "epic".)
  14. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

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    While the 800 (both the V1 and the V2 that was recently swapped in) was a personal loaner from me, none of this would not have happened without Jupiter's generosity with his time/resources, and coordinating things with him. The 800s is a personal pair of his. The stock cable that was destroyed had come along with the 800s and was Jupiters if I am not mistaken/remember what cables went out on tour with the various cans. Getting some funds Jupiter's way for international shipping costs/broken 800s headband/cable/etc would be the best approach.
  15. ThyDanMan99

    ThyDanMan99 New

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    Sent back to Inoculator! I want to mention that I spoke with Inoculator before I received them, and he personally approved a handoff from @dubharmonic. They are still in proper working order and should be received soon.
  16. ext1

    ext1 MOT: Jupiter Audio Research

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    Thank you so much for the help everyone! It's true I feel bad about suddenly ending up with an unusable 800S - but also more especially because basically my understanding is that the compensation is coming from forum funds, which is made possible by many people here on the board.. and essentially everyone who pitched in to the forum funds, is paying for the mistakes that some unknown individuals made. It's not a situation that should have happened, and I'm angry moreso that people unrelated to the event are having to make up for other mistakes others made.
    But yes, thank you for the support. Hope this reaches a good conclusion for everyone.
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  17. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    This tour was instrumental in deciding to acquire my own pair of HD800-JAR which are now my most favored headphones. So sorry to hear the tour degenerated. @purr1n I've sent a donation to help.
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  18. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    This is disgusting.

    Maybe make it a rule that participants film the unboxing of loaner gear moving forward.

    Everyone that's making amends here is an amazing person. You (allegedly) make spectacular gear, @ext1, and are a very kind person besides. Hope things work out.
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