Moondrop In-Ears Reviews, Impressions and Discussion

Discussion in 'IEMs and Portable Gear' started by shotgunshane, Oct 10, 2020.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Less crazy, but different, changing times. Many Asian countries went from agrarian-age poor with uncertain futures to information-age wealthy in the span of 1.5 generations. People, including entire families, live up in tiny apartments and instead of out. Not much room to have fun or start a family. No opportunity to get stoned or even try because drugs are looked down upon and referred to as "poison" because of what the British did during the opium wars, forcing drugs down upon the throats of yellow people. Also, in a weird way, Asian cultures are inherently more socialist or orderly - the people are adaptable to this. Stuff like Waifu culture is the result of all these factors. It's not much different in North America - where the genus of the Waifu species is known as Incel - despite more space to go play outdoors. Blame the Internet.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  2. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Wasn't sure where to put this, so feel free to move if it is more appropriate elsewhere. Has anyone come up with an alternative to the stock wax-guards/filters for the Blessing 2? I cannot take any of the tips I have tried off of them without ruining or losing the filters. I have even had them fall off inside my ears without removing the tips (twice, one of them has vanished, hopefully not still in my ear). The tips that worked ergonomically the best were the spinfit dual-flange tips-I think my ear canals are quite deep, and I have always had the best results with a deep-insertion fit with most iems. The spinfits are also long enough to make me not be too concerned about cerumen/debris getting into the nozzle, due to the distance between the end of the tip and the sound tubes. So I used them without the filters.The stock tips and all of the others I have tried are almost flush with the end of the tubes, so I am pretty concerned about them being ruined.

    Unfortunately, the spinfits have stretched out to the point that every time I take the iems off, the tips remain in my ears, so they are not a sustainable solution. Should I just wing it and take the chance, or.... I have ordered a set of comply foam tips that have an integrated filter just to see if they fit, but I am not a big fan of foam tips due both to their typical effect on the sound (and this may be worse with the filters) not to mention the cost/lack of durability. I really like the sound as they are, so really don't want it to change. I have been thinking of selling them, but would rather make them work instead. Suggestions? Warnings? Laughter?
    • Agreed, ditto, +1 Agreed, ditto, +1 x 1
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  3. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

    Staff Member Pyrate Flathead IEMW
    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don’t use the filters with mine. They are just protective and have no bearing on sound (unlike Starfield). So if you just inspect them and clean them ever so often, it should be ok.

    I can’t really help with the tips themselves. I use the stock tips since the nozzle are so wide.
  4. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I leave the filter off of the B2. They do not serve any sonic purpose. I like using the Azla tips (Sedna Light and Xelastic) for the same reason - they don't fall off on my ears and sound fine.
  5. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Bird-watcher's paradise
    Thank you for the replies. I am actually using the Xelastecs without filters currently, and always check/clean them after every use, I just don't want to ruin the iems with cerumen getting inside. I wish they had a raised ring around the sound tube to help with retention of the tip, and have even thought about roughing the nozzle with some fine sandpaper to help with that. I don't really think that would help much though. Thanks again amigos.
  6. Jeff Watts

    Jeff Watts New

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Between Monarch and M9, which one would you pick for classic rock and metal?
  7. Altrunox

    Altrunox Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Anyone here tried the Sparks?
    I already have a TWS IEM (Realme Q2) that I use mostly for running, but I'm looking for one with better sound quality.
  8. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

    Staff Member Pyrate Flathead IEMW
    Sep 26, 2015
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    Clear, clear water
  9. archerious

    archerious New

    Oct 17, 2020
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    I wish this wasn't so true, but I cannot deny any of it. Hell, the entire reason I bought my first Moondrop IEM (Aria) was the waifu on the box. Then I ended up with Blessing 2 Dusk (waifu Crinacle), Ikko, SeeAudio Bravery, Tanchjim Hana, etc.
  10. Claud

    Claud Living the ORFAS dream

    Dec 23, 2018
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    Have just finished breaking in Moondrop Kato and SoftEars RSV. SoftEars is the premium Moondrop brand. Both are paired with Satin Audio cables. The Kato has the Chimera II cable and RSV has the Medusa II.
    NOTE. SoftEars IEMs and Satin Audio are both available from Andrew @ MusicTeck.
    Twister 6 has reviews of both of these IEMs on his website.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
  11. PacoTaco

    PacoTaco Friend

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I'm late to this, but Monarch is pretty fantastic for classic Rock and Metal, though the Oracle is nearly as good for 200-300 less.
  12. philipmorgan

    philipmorgan Member of the month

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    Sep 28, 2015
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    In the wind, so to speak
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    The Moondrop Aria is a delightful IEM, for the price of a dinner for two at a nice restaurant.

    Compared to the Moondrop Kato and the JVC HA-FD01, these are a little bit polite or recessed in the midrange, but still a very satisfying listen if you don't expect the very best in technicalities, and they make the FD01 sound quite rude, spitty, and rough by comparison.

    I got a chance to listen to a few recent Campfire Audio IEMs in that loaner tour, and I hate to say it because I like CA as a company and I really liked my OG Andromedas when I had those, but the Aria absolutely murders the CA Satsuma and Honeydew both in SQ and build quality. Those CA IEMs are dead in the midrange; the Aria, though recessed and unable to resolve every single last detail, is not.

    The Aria's build quality is very good. I don't prefer 2-pin connectors and memory wire cables, but I think Moondrop implemented these well enough with the Aria. They're not a PITA to use, and the black cloth-sleeved cable is nicely ergonomic.

    Because I prefer a low-key vibe with IEMs, I think the cheaper Aria has a better finish and cable than the more bling-ey Kato. I don't want people staring at shiny IEMs while I'm just trying to get my grocery shopping done, but from the OH MY GOD IMMEDIATELY BURN THAT BOX WITH THE CREEPY FEMALE ANIME CHILD ON IT packaging that Moondrop uses, I suspect I'm at the fringes of their target market, not at the center of it. Anyway, the Aria's finish is a nice implementation of low key.

    I've been looking for quite some time for an IEM I don't need to use EQ with. I'd kind of resigned myself to some significant bass shelf EQ with the JVC HA-FD01s to make them listenable, and with the EQ in the picture they're quite good, but the search for something that doesn't need EQ at all continues.

    If I hadn't listened to the Moondrop Kato (and wasn't waiting to hear the Zen Pro and 7Hz IEMs), I'd have ordered the Aria after a few days of listening. It's quite close to perfect for my tuning preferences. Its shortcomings in terms of technicalities are a good tradeoff in light of its price and they make it a nice choice for lengthy listening sessions or out-and-about errand-running.


    I got to hear these as part of the loaner program. Thanks, Apos and @rhythmdevil!

    Preferences: I prefer a warmer tilt, bordering on basshead, but I find an overly-recessed or lifeless midrange unlistenable.

    Listened out of a MusicBee -> MOTU m4 -> Magni 3 stack, and out of an Apple 3.5mm dongle and Spotify. Mostly used Spiral Dot tips.
  13. Rockwell

    Rockwell Friend

    Feb 24, 2019
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    Poor Campfire. Whenever anyone says "wow! I just received ______ IEMs and they blow ______ out of the water" it always seems to be some CFA IEMs leaving the water.
  14. Claud

    Claud Living the ORFAS dream

    Dec 23, 2018
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    I really enjoyed my Arias yesterday, I took them for a walk for my health. Chain was HiBy R3 Saber > PWA #5 >Moondrop Aria. Going to switch to See Yume IEMs today.
    In my experience, CA makes good somewhat expensive IEMs ( Solaris, Andromeda, Dorado 2020) but their recent less expensive ones do not compete with Moondrop's less expensive ones by their price and performance.
    I will say this, There are very few IEMs that can sound better than my Solaris SE with its Effect Audio Leo II cable.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
  15. goodvibes

    goodvibes Facebook Friend

    Jun 21, 2017
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    If you've got S8s, you need to try some Complys and a silver cable. I'm usually not a comply fan because they more noticeable change the sig than some others but, for me, it's a marriage made in heaven. May not be right for those that like more pina gain and bass than I do but I think they sound more linear and open this way and have plenty of bass.
  16. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Moondrop Aria

    Got these as part of the Aria/Kato loaner.

    Nice weight and fit. Very secure. Cable is kind of posh at this price point - I like the black twisted cloth. Not super premo, but a nice thought and design. Normal two pin connectors, and normal black silicone ear tips in three sizes and two each.

    Right off the bat these are pretty smooth. Super easy to drive and will work well with any source. Low end is a bit soft and somewhat quick for a DD, and not super weighty. Kind of missing some low-mid body, but some might like a dynamic that the lows don’t dominate or aggressive. Kind of one note punchy around 150Hz. Makes the rest of the spectrum sound somewhat disconnected. Top end is a bit scratchy and not super detailed. Coming back from Kato, the Aria can sound a bit diffused, but it is not noticeable at all at first listen.

    The mids are slightly shouty/hot. Vocals stand out up front, but I still would not call this W shaped…it is pretty balanced and fairly neutral overall. If any spectrum is emphasised, it is the mids just a touch.

    Dynamics are very good. Drums sound fantastic and boomy and really good separation of instruments at this price range. Decent sense of space despite the other shortcomings. Even if you feel bass light, it is still pretty even across the board and more enveloping and involving that other IEM’s at this price range. Overall, there is just a diffused sound, yet there is still a notable amount of space that does not sound like flat 2D front row.

    Same price as the iBasso IT00’s and I would still choose these over the IT00’s since those can be very loose in the bass and sound more dead on the top end. The Aria just sounds more refined, even more space and detail; it makes the IT00 sound like boomy, bloated, flat garbage.

    Overall, very nice for the price. They remind me of AH-M40’s - same kind of neutral tone and get the job done. Certainly better than Shure SE215’s and if you want to dip your toe in the water of IEM’s or have something around that sounds fairly neutral for those few times you need isolation, these are a decent buy. They are super easy to drive, have plenty of transients and clarity. I would just be worried about brighter sources being lighter on the low end. With it being some bass light and ever so slightly mid-centric, it might come down to a synergy thing. Overall a decent IEM for the price. It won't knock your socks off, but one of the better IEM's under $99 I have heard and with good build quality.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2022
  17. imackler

    imackler Key Lime Pie Infected Aberdeen Wings Spy

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Has anyone here heard the S8 or Variations? Any impressions?
  18. goodvibes

    goodvibes Facebook Friend

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I own the S8 and love it with some minor tweaking. I find Comply tips a must and a silver cable desirable. I found anything outside of complys had a bit too much pina gain for my tastes but with the complys they are a great earphone. I seem to be sensitive to phase/time domain and these are extremely cohesive for a multidriver earphone. The Comply tips smooth out the pina gain and somewhat drop the bass which is great for what I would consider a natural presentation. They also open them up a bit like Adel does because they're porous. I like a decent gauged pure silver cable to finish the voicing but a good silver plated copper like the Line K is pretty good as well.

    It's a very natural and what I consider accurate sound this way. I haven't been a fan of Complys in the past because they have a noticeable sig but in this case, it's an awesome synergism.
  19. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    Apr 1, 2018
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    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    Moondrop Aria Impressions:

    This will not be a long post, because my impressions is just the same as the Moondrop Starfield. In matter of fact, I barely detected a difference between these two IEMs. I prefer the stock cable of the Aria over the Starfield and maybe I preferred the build quality of the Aria over the Starfield. However, these are minor differences if I have to be honest.

    Aria like the Starfield is a great all rounder warm sounding IEM that sounds good with everything you throw at it. Has enough bass response where it is tasteful, mids are still relaxed a bit, and highs are rolled off slightly. Still have the DD driver benefits. Cheap sounding IEM, so don't expect TOTL performance out of these.

    The only real con like the other Moondrop products is their use of waifu anime/animu virgin artwork on their packaging. Burn it, 3D > 2D if you get the reference.

    If you don't have either pair, get the Aria to save some money. If you already own a Starfield, keep it and skip the Aria.
  20. bixby

    bixby Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    For folks who have heard the Arias, would they be a worthy upgrade over the Sony MH-755 for those that have heard both?

    And regarding fit, are they lightweight enough to stay in place on a walk? I trust they are not as big as some of the budget AT iems which constantly had me fiddling with them. If they fit like Shures they will be great for my ear.

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