What's Your Job IRL?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by MoatsArt, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Pharmaboy

    Pharmaboy Friend

    May 3, 2018
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    Jupiter! Hope you're doing well at school. Masters? PhD? Both?

    You may be jobless but you already have serious audio achievements under your belt. Anyone who heard the JAR650 knows that...

    As for "fade into nothingness" -- everything does sooner or later (sic transit gloria mundi).
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  2. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Only if YOU let that happen...
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  3. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I don't know how much you love headphones or the idea of turning your mods into a full-fledged company, but there are a number of folks who have done so and could provide some input/guidance. Personally, I had the option a couple of times to make cables my full time thing, but it didn't appeal to me, but if the only other option was corporate work, I would reconsider. I stayed an entrepreneur, but on a different path. Honestly, since you are a student, I say play for as long as you can. Unless you are in a professional trade that requires specific schooling and licensing, go as far as you can following your passions. Soullless corporate stuff is always available when you are young.

    PS And to echo some thoughts in the review threads, your mods are a hit. You could easily come to some sort of production/licensing agreement that would allow you to reap the economic benefits of your exploration without the headache of running a company. Give you a buffer while you explore different careers.
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  4. ext1

    ext1 MOT: Jupiter Audio Research

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Thank you for the kind compliments, I don't deserve them! The countless people who have helped me get where I am now deserve them, and a lot of them are in this forum.

    There's the issue of money too but it's mostly because of people who ask me to do unreasonable things. I wish they would stop contacting and harassing me. I keep having to do things for them because of their threats and money issues, and I wish it would all just stop. I started out to make nice things for myself that didn't exist in the world yet, and then I did a couple for a few friends who were willing to just stick around and understand no matter how long I took to make them etc.

    Since I'm a filthy engineer, (electrical to be precise) I am hoping that if I got into some company I would at least have enough fuel (money) to continue my cans as a personal hobby and service for close friends who won't keep breathing on my back with a knife near my throat. In the end I won't ever stop making stuff because I primarily do this to satisfy my own standards of audio, but there's always risk. I can't just suddenly jump as a full time can maker. As thankful I am of the encouragements, it's much easier said than done. I have to support my dad soon financially and there's a ton of debt to be paid off thanks to some stupid moves my mom pulled on my dad (that gives you a good picture of what happened, without the full story). And currently thanks to my stupid country of birth, I'm having to take fourth-year courses with the mental state of a first-year and I'm finding that sleep time and shower time even, is too much of a luxury. From this I know that there would probably never come a time when I can make as much as I did last year, until I retire but everyone's dead in the long run anyway.

    I personally think the pure-acoustical headphone market is dying and there's no way I would have enough money to survive as just a headphone maker. There's less demand in general (thanks, harman curve, for making every wireless DSP headphone sound the same) and less people care because peripheral tech has gotten really good. Also adding to this is the problem that people are not willing to pay a lot for cans anymore as before, which was partly because so many companies asked (and still do) exorbitant prices for cans, and didn't quite succeed in delivering at the price point. But I completely get why companies do that. They gotta survive, it makes complete sense to me. Ask me how I know. If I were full time and I don't ask people that sort of money I won't survive too. (which is why I am not surviving, or planning to survive.) But with people currently complaining to me that my asking for JAR600 is too much, there's just no way. It's sad for me when this happens because, I do what I do because yes, I said primarily for myself, but the underlying cause for that is because I love what I do, and I am happy when other people are happy with my work. As Tom of ECP put it to me so eloquently: "a little money now and then certainly feels good, but it doesn’t compare to getting feedback from a customer who really enjoys the product (or the work I did on it)". I think this encapsulates perfectly not just me but so many other countless people in the audio world doing what they do, they do what they do primarily because they love what they do, and to share it with others, even when their skills can land them a higher salary elsewhere in some other related industry.

    I still do have people who like my work (friends and alike) and I am always thankful and happy that I have them in my life. I am always also thankful that there are people willing to support me, and I am blessed in that regard. Perhaps when I'll be able to make this a full time thing we'll all be able to celebrate or something.
    Sorry if it's a little off topic, but.. I guess it's about why I can't have the IRL job I want. And why my IRL "job" is such..
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  5. obsiCO

    obsiCO Thai Fish Experiment Gone Wrong

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Wow, you don't know how much that means to me. Thanks! I have actually never gone abroad (though I'd love to) and mostly just picked up the language from video games, movies, and public forums like SBAF. I've been fortunate enough to get to work with UK and US clients since high school as well, which helps speed things up a bit.

    What do you mean? Your mods are really something special. I mean, you literally just solved Sennheiser headphones with your own two hands and ears, and no one, not even Sennheiser themselves, can come close to what you're doing today. I might be super naive here but it could be your job if you want to. NITSCH, hire this man! (Just kidding, or did I?)
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  6. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Are the people "holding the knife to your throat" on this site?

    Sounds like you need a partner/manager in your headphone venture (that is definitely not me).
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  7. ext1

    ext1 MOT: Jupiter Audio Research

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Ah, one person that was sort of a partner actually put a knife on my back and ran, so been there done that.

    As for who, uh... let's say that the distribution of crazy people are IMO described in a hypergeometric distribution, regardless of size or place. xD
  8. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    So you're saying you don't want help, but will cry out in public looking for pity?
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  9. ext1

    ext1 MOT: Jupiter Audio Research

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Nono, I'm sorry if what I wrote read out like that. It was not my intention and I am sorry. I wrote it because at first it was to stay I am a student, and then people asked me about some things, so I said what I think about it. It's not a concealed statement. (this is why I should go back to not posting!! Looks like I suck at writing!!)
    If I needed help I know there are better ways to go about it. Thank you for your concern though! Before also I had some also really kind hearted members willing to help me call out some people if needed but it was not necessary. I'm happy to be afforded your support.
  10. ilikebananafudge_

    ilikebananafudge_ Friend

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    Sep 21, 2021
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    Interesting interpretation of @ext1's posts. I read them as an explanation of why he doesn't want to make or mod headphones as a full-time job.

    Edit: looks like @ext1 beat me to responding lol
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  11. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Hey, it's all good. You do stuff that make a lot of people really happy, and it sucks some people are giving you a hard time. When you air out your dirty laundry in the forum, you have to expect a reaction. I have never heard your mods, but the trusted people I know definitely like what you do, and that is enough for me to defend you. Your work looks top notch, and not done in a shed in the swamp. You need to put a statement up on your site not saying I can maybe do this for you, or maybe I can't depending...You're opening yourself up to losers harassing you.

    Well, suck it bananafudge, I really don't like beating around the bush, talking in circles, and walls of text. I like direct/concise communication.
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  12. Pharmaboy

    Pharmaboy Friend

    May 3, 2018
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    Well, OK. The best thing about this thread (IMHO) is that people can post honestly about their work situations and not get flamed for it. Then you come along.

    Your 3 responses to one member earlier today were punitive and judgemental...basically you shit on a person who was simply being honest about his experiences.* Then your 4th post gives that member an example of your wisdom:

    "You're opening yourself up to losers harassing you."​

    (while you end it by telling yet another member to "suck it").

    The only one harrassing people here is you.

    *And you haven't heard his mods
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    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
  13. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    I'm not reviewing his headphones, so you can suck it too.
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  14. DigMe

    DigMe Friend

    Aug 25, 2016
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    it would be funny though if we met in person and I couldn’t understand a word you said. :D
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  15. obsiCO

    obsiCO Thai Fish Experiment Gone Wrong

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Ahaha that's what I fear the most going to work every day. People seem to understand me fine so far though unless they were pretending to. :(
  16. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    @ext1 should work with @CEE TEE

    That guy is a normal dude and has 100% always done the right thing, even when it was hard.
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  17. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    Also @ext1 we pay EEs super well even at my startup. I think you can more than fund your enthusiast hobby that way.
  18. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Oh man, I've benefited so much from those 44 years! (and all the years before that which led up to your career, likely all 60+ years of your life). No wonder you are so knowledgable about RPI's, computers, networking tech, etc. You've solved a lot of problems for me with RPI and network issues.

    Thank you 44+ years of experience! :piratemug:
  19. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    No wonder you are so awesome. this thread is pretty cool.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
  20. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Damn the academia, you need to be making audio gear! (really I'm happy for you, and I'm sure what you are doing is making a much bigger difference in people's lives and in the world but you have a second gift my friend, don't forget that!)

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