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Oct 23, 2024 at 2:34 PM
Jul 9, 2016
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Jan 30, 1982 (Age: 42)
Sydney, AUS

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Friend, Male, 42, from Sydney, AUS


Really enjoying watching Murdoch hysterically agitate for the losing horse in election after election. Good work VIC. Nov 26, 2022

Garns was last seen:
Oct 23, 2024 at 2:34 PM
    1. Garns
      Wondering where all the 396a went? The friggin Headfi Lyr Tube Rollers thread whipped everyone up to buy all remaining world stocks hkblghgh
      1. Dino likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. jowls
        Haha! Why is your name like Voldemort on HF?
        Nov 27, 2017
      4. Garns
        It seems I am tainted by association
        Nov 27, 2017
        jowls likes this.
      5. WNovizar
        Now I hope you don't spread the gospel of 7N7 to HF
        Nov 27, 2017
        Garns and Luckbad like this.
    2. Garns
      1. Case, Jokko, landroni and 2 others like this.
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      3. Azteca
        Oh no, is Big D still around? I have had him ignored for a long, long time.
        Jul 30, 2017
      4. JK47
        cannot compute... star pajamas... ferrari enzo burn out in reverse... fought Chuck Norris last night... BIG reveal next week... 36" woofer in my Cadillac... drop's the mike, I meant mic... BIG J out... I don't surf the waves, the waves surf BIG D !!!
        Jul 30, 2017
        Dino likes this.
      5. Dino
        @Azteca - Big D had a kind of a meltdown and got banned a long time ago.
        Jul 30, 2017
    3. Garns
      Decided to save my best 6SN7 exclusively for listening to recordings of T. S. Eliot reading The Waste Land. Am I doing this right?
      1. ogodei, Mshenay, MrTie and 10 others like this.
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      3. Garns
        Hahaha. It is actually a really good listen! Like being hectored by your dead uncle about the decline of modern civilization and how it's all gone downhill since Dante.
        Jul 15, 2017
        Case likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Did your uncle come from Florence, Italy?
        Jul 15, 2017
      5. ogodei
        OMFG thats hilarious. I'm breaking out Elliot reading Prufrock right now, should probably add it to my permanent headphone review play list.
        Jul 15, 2017
    4. Garns
      These AWV VT-231 tube plates seem to be made out of Vantablack
      1. pedalhead and DigMe like this.
    5. Garns
      1. View previous comments...
      2. a44100Hz
        Jun 26, 2017
        Case likes this.
      3. ultrabike
        SBAF is not necessarily a universally liked site. Nor does it have to be. A member may have to weight if he/she wants to be part of it. Some don't want to as time goes by. And appreciate the removal of the temptation to log in. I believe that was the case here.
        Jun 26, 2017
        Case, elguapo and Garns like this.
      4. Azteca
        What @ultrabike said. It's like deleting the Ex's number. You know you shouldn't text but as long as you have the number it's possible.
        Jun 27, 2017
        a44100Hz and ultrabike like this.
    6. Garns
      Why are there no good CD masterings of the Can records? I can choose between screwy FR or horrendous noise reduction.
      1. Dino and take like this.
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      3. Dino
        @Merrick - I didn't take his "The CDs sound exactly like we always wanted our music to sound." with any weight. It seems to me that great musicians are not necessarily audiophiles. Who knows what kind of system(s) he heard the LPs and CDs on, or how his hearing was after playing with the band for years.
        May 28, 2017
        Kolohe likes this.
      4. Merrick
        Well I assume most musicians who have an opinion on how their music should sound hear it on studio monitors with pro gear. Maybe a few hear it on home systems of varying quality. Regardless, I think it's fair to say you prefer a presentation that may not be the artist's preferred presentation. Some people prefer the theatrical cut of Blade Runner over the director's cut or final cut, as an example.
        May 28, 2017
      5. Dino
        I understand what you mean, @Merrick. But the difference between the original LPs (I have a mix of UK/German/US) vs CD are night and day. The LPs are vivid, beautiful, detailed, soundstage is incredible. The CDs are just kind of blah all around. I can't imagine...
        May 28, 2017
    7. Garns
      After months of dinking I finally unlocked achievement SMOOTH TREBLE on my 2-channel setup
      1. powermatic
        At first I thought you said "drinking".
        May 13, 2017
        Jokko, Perot and Garns like this.
    8. Garns
      Went out to buy a pair of trainers, came back with a pair of trainers and a Freya. Comprehensive impressions on the trainers forthcoming.
      1. Delayeed, Merrick, DigMe and 11 others like this.
      2. SKiring
        Can't wait to read your thoughts on the trainers. I vote that we give you a blog, Garns's ultimate trainers compendium, some Freya stuff included.
        Apr 23, 2017
        Garns likes this.
    9. Garns
      If you have a spare moment - listen to this 10 sec clip and lemme know how bad the last 5 secs sound on your rig:
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Serious
        Sounds horrible on my HD800, HD600 and on my speakers, but the effect is most pronounced on the speakers. There might be a sharp dip around 12kHz with headphones on the head.
        Mar 30, 2017
        Garns likes this.
      3. Garns
        Thanks, missed your reply!
        Apr 23, 2017
      4. bixby
        I don't think I can help much, the whole clip sounded really kind of thick or compressed on my speaker setup but when the guitar ? comes in, it sounds purposefully distorted?
        Apr 23, 2017
    10. Garns
      Yesss, Gas box set now available as FLAC download!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dino
        Where did you get this? (I had a look around the web, but no luck.)
        Mar 17, 2017
      3. Garns
        Mar 17, 2017
        Dino likes this.
      4. Garns
        The previous mastering was super weird, the tracks weren't sausaged but lots of them sounded like they had been fed through a broadcast compressor (no joke). This time around the dynamics are back!
        Mar 17, 2017
        Dino likes this.
    11. Garns
      Somehow I haven't listened to Autechre at all since getting Yggdrasil. Just put LP5 on. Holy smokes.
      1. yotacowboy, Artasia, MrTie and 2 others like this.
      2. Changeling
        Tried a couple of songs.....what in the hell? "Fleure" almost made me have a stroke.
        Mar 9, 2017
      3. Kattefjaes
        @Changeling - the Basscad,EP or the Flutter EP might be an easier start. "Exai", on the other hand, may be a bit too much :)

        I love me some Autechre. Forgetting that they exist is always good, as the make-up listening is fantastic.
        Mar 9, 2017
        Garns and Changeling like this.
    12. Garns
      My gear is fed by a Furman power conditioner. If I unplug my Macbook power supply in the next room, the treble gets smoother. FML.
      1. econaut and Kattefjaes like this.
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      3. Garns
        I made a "power strip of doom" with two Macbook power supplies, two phone chargers and a dodgy SMPS I got from China. By moving it around the house I now know which outlets are on the same circuit as my speakers...
        Mar 3, 2017
      4. Kattefjaes
        That's slightly brilliant, if crazy. Well played.
        Mar 4, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. ButtUglyJeff
        Mar 4, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    13. Garns
      Finally seen the light: the reason Steely Dan "Gaucho" sounds like shit on my rig is that the CD master I have is completely fucked.
      1. dark_energy and fishski13 like this.
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      3. Dino
        Feb 5, 2017
        Garns likes this.
      4. Garns
        Thanks, think I will look out for an original 80s master on ebay...
        Feb 5, 2017
        Dino likes this.
      5. Kattefjaes
        Having ripped all my CDs lately, I had to replace a couple of genuinely un-rippable ones, and learned the hard way about looking out in case you accidentally buy sneaky modern "remastered" copies.

        I ended up hitting ebay to get specific editions issued in the 80s/90s before the brickwall compression and v-shaped EQ craze. You are not alone, Garns. It sucks the life out of the music.
        Feb 10, 2017
        Garns and Dino like this.
    14. Garns
      HD800 arrived, and stock they are... smooth and listenable. This is bullshit. Where's my lean sound and 6khz icepick? I demand satisfaction.
      1. philipmorgan and DigMe like this.
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      3. Serious
        Do you hear a dip at 3kHz, regardless of what the flat plate coupler measurements say?
        Jan 17, 2017
      4. Garns
        Yeah, I hear a hole in the lower mids rather than a peak in the upper mids. If I boost around 2.5-3khz it sounds tonally better than cutting 5-6khz (though the digital EQ makes all the other technicalities go to crap).
        Jan 17, 2017
      5. Changeling
        @Garns I took out my SDR after purchasing the Lynx AES16 card. Have been running it un-modded since. I've ordered a new pair to try again - but so far I'm happy without any mod.
        Mar 9, 2017
    15. Garns
      Finally got the 650s dialed in how I like them. So, of course, I just picked up the 800s to torture myself with. Endless dinking awaits.
      1. Wfojas, Case and brencho like this.
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      3. Garns
        Jan 14, 2017
        Dino and Case like this.
      4. DigMe
        Cool. Might as well! Bought it. Thanks!
        Jan 14, 2017
        Garns likes this.
      5. Changeling
        @DigMe @Garns I've got a planned visit to one of my tube dealers in a week or so. I've got 8 Ultron PCC88's to pick up and I know he has 6CG7 available for about $15. I can pick up a few if there's an interest?
        Mar 9, 2017
    16. Garns
      Saw Tortoise last night. My favourite band member is definitely the one who plays guitar/bass/keys/drums/vibes/weird glowing box with lights
      1. DigMe
        Awesome. I saw them back in '98 and it was a fantastic show but haven't seen them since.
        Dec 7, 2016
    17. Garns
      Just got in a pair of WE396a tubes to replace the ones I sold off with Mjo2. Checked the date codes and holy crap, these ones are from 1949!
      1. Griffon, BrettMatthews, Dino and 4 others like this.
    18. Garns
      So, I inadvertently reconfirmed last night that Yggdrasil output stage is not at its best when driving a load in parallel with a 110 ohm resistor
    19. Garns
      Of the records I've listened to through Yggdrasil, the ones that amaze me most with how well they scale are Kraftwerk.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gravity
        Indeed they do, like most remasters. You're making me listen to some good old Kraftwerk now ;-)
        Nov 15, 2016
        Dino and Garns like this.
      3. Kattefjaes
        Well, for what it's worth, I have seen Kraftwerk break lossy codecs badly in controlled listening tests, too, possibly for similar reasons. Still, a great excuse to go on a Kraftwerk binge- enjoy!
        Nov 15, 2016
      4. Dino
        I still have vivid memories of sitting in the sweet spot and listening to Kraftwerk LPs, and realizing that they were masterfully playing with not only the soundstage, but also with the shapes of images in the soundstage. Stunning. (Just realized I have never listened to them on headphones.)
        Dec 7, 2016
        Garns likes this.
    20. Case
      I didn't want to clog the thread, so thanks for the great answer to my question on the Audio 101 thread :)
      1. MoatsArt and Garns like this.
      2. Garns
        Thanks! (I think this thread is a great idea.)
        Nov 12, 2016
        MoatsArt and Case like this.
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  • About

    Jan 30, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Sydney, AUS
    Gear List:
    Wavedream Edition
    EC Af
    Omega 3i
    Rythmik FM8

    On the go:
    Senn HD-25