May 25, 2021
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New, Male, from India

Removing 2 screws from the LCD XC (each cup), and getting sonarworks reference for speakers were the best audio decisions made this year! Dec 25, 2023

    1. santoshmanivannan
      Removing 2 screws from the LCD XC (each cup), and getting sonarworks reference for speakers were the best audio decisions made this year!
    2. santoshmanivannan
      I'm adding the LCD XC to my list of headphones that I won't sell. HD800, HD6XX and the LCD XC (only for noisy times of the day)
      1. caute, Tchoupitoulas and Gazny like this.
    3. santoshmanivannan
      I have tried a few headphones over the past 3 months. Some I bought, some I loaned, but I'm only keeping my HD800 and HD6XX.
      1. wbass likes this.
    4. santoshmanivannan
      If anyone told me the Ara was a single driver IEM, I would believe them.
      1. Claritas
        Compliment or insult?
        Aug 26, 2022
      2. santoshmanivannan
        I meant it as a compliment.. It has so much detail but everything is sounds the same, like a point source than a multi driver (sorry I'm not very good with audio terms still).
        Aug 26, 2022
    5. santoshmanivannan
      WOW tha campfire ara sound amazing! It just shows how subjective the hobby is when some "GREAT" yootoober reviewers absolutely hated it.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom

        I tend not to watch anything about audio, because youtube/the-internet is fundamentally incompatible with demonstrating audio. Of course, if it's screwdriver stuff, or how to get these pesky ear pads off and back on again, that's different.

        Thing is, people used to blog. Now they want an audience and advertising revenue.
        Aug 21, 2022
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Gazny
        Rd is right, social media is about having polarizing content. Doesn’t matter if you are right or wrong. Just as long as the comment section blows up and people hate watch or criticize your opinions.

        I’m guilty but hey it seems true to me. In the end we hear different and sometimes people we disagree with are just as valuable as those we agree with.
        Aug 21, 2022
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Gazny, fair enough!

        But my life is so full of internet, I don't have time for the stuff I don't actually like! Excepting news content, of course: much of which, given the state of the world, is unpleasant.
        Aug 22, 2022
        Gazny likes this.
    6. santoshmanivannan
      Calyx 24/192 -> Aune X7s 2021 (Class A) -> HD800 stock = Happiness (for now).
    7. santoshmanivannan
      I tried the Weiss with a micro iDSD as headamp and realized the weiss headamp is garbage. Need to get a good headphone amp now..
      1. santoshmanivannan
        It's amusing that I absolutely loved the headlamp before getting the unit LMAO..
        Nov 27, 2021
    8. santoshmanivannan
      I had the chance to try a Weiss Dac 202 today and I've fallen in love with it. I'll leave a brief impression in a comment to this.
      1. santoshmanivannan
        Super smooth, no harshness, not too engaging but extremely detailed at the same time. I can definitely tell that the DAC is rolled off in the highs (my HD800 is stock and it wasn't sibilant). But I could listen to this kit for an entire day and then a few more days. The owner is selling it for a good price so even though I might have to satisfy my hunger with ice soup for a month.. I think I'm getting this unit.
        Oct 31, 2021
    9. santoshmanivannan
      I've started to like the HD800 in it's stock form for most of my pleasure listening.
      1. santoshmanivannan
        I even got the SDR mods for them and a premium license of sonarworks but I think I'm going to keep it stock.

        I use my 6XX for music that doesn't work with the 800. I think I'm happy with this combo and going to stick with it.
        Sep 27, 2021
        Lyander, pure5152 and Gazny like this.
    10. santoshmanivannan
      My ears are broken in their own unique way so please take what I say with a pinch of salt.
      1. dubharmonic
        So say we all.
        Jul 27, 2021
        loadexfa, Jinxy245, obsiCO and 4 others like this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Source: BMC Pure Dac (DAC + Amp)

    Amps: Audiosource One (1990), Sepparo P88i (2010)

    Headphones: Sennheiser HD800 (Stock), Sennheiser HD6XX, 1More H1707 (Modded), Airpods Pro 2, Audeze iSine10.

    Current Projects: Sapphire HPA, DIY 4xTDA1541 DAC (Tube Output Stage).

    Dream Gear / Too poor to buy: Crane Song Solaris, Audio-GD Master 9.

    Sold recently: Aune X7s, Calyx 24/192, Dangerous Music Source, Weiss Dac 202, MHDT Havana Balanced, Ikko OH10 (f**k hype trains).