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Sep 27, 2015
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Nov 8, 1967 (Age: 57)

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Friend, Male, 57


Happy holidays everyone. Dec 25, 2018

Colgin was last seen:
Jul 18, 2023
    1. Colgin
      After an exhausting afternoon of doctor visits , we get home and smell very acrid smoke. Five alarm fire directly across the street.
      1. Colgin
        You could see from my apartment flames coming through the roof of the other apartment building.fortunately nobody hurt but tremendous damage. My son's friend and family got out OK.
        Jun 28, 2017
      2. Case
        Glad everyone is safe, but I can't imagine losing my home...
        Jun 28, 2017
    2. Colgin
      FC Barcelona. Greatest UCL comeback ever!
      1. Jeb and brencho like this.
      2. brencho
        hahaha i was just going to post something about this! unreal man, awesome game :)
        Mar 8, 2017
        Jeb likes this.
    3. Colgin
      Happy New Year to all pyrates!
      1. Deep Funk, zonto, Case and 1 other person like this.
    4. Colgin
      Broke my toe on Chrismukka last night. What a clod. Supposed to go to a concert tonight but skipping bc I am not feeling too mobile.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kunlun
        Sorry to hear that! Heal up!
        Dec 26, 2016
      3. Cryptowolf
        Good thing you have nine more. Heal up soon - broken toes are no fun.
        Dec 26, 2016
      4. sphinxvc
        Damn, how'd that happen? Feel better.
        Dec 26, 2016
    5. Colgin
      Happy Holidays all!
      1. ultrabike and Case like this.
    6. Colgin
      Hmm, the plan was to sell off either the HD 600 or 650M. Would it be batschiit crazy to just keep them both.
      1. zonto and brencho like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. thegunner100
        HD650 + HD800 imo
        Dec 10, 2016
      4. zonto
        I've kept both of those for now Colgin, but prefer the FR of the 600 overall. Hoping a modified KISS mod will let me get rid of the 600. :)
        Dec 10, 2016
      5. Colgin
        Not a huge fan of stock 650, but am enjoying modded version. Each of it and 600 has their own virtues. Probably still prefer 600 but can see a place for each.
        Dec 10, 2016
        Deep Funk and zonto like this.
    7. Colgin
      Last Guardian released on PS4 today. Hell just froze over.
      1. Huxleigh
        Brrr... knew something happened.
        Dec 6, 2016
    8. Colgin
      Happy Thanksgiving all!
      1. gbeast, MoatsArt and Case like this.
    9. Colgin
      Is anybody else following the World Chess Championship. Taking my son tomorrow to watch round 10 live. Today is a pretty important game.
      1. sphinxvc
        No, but I meant to, thanks for the heads up.
        Nov 23, 2016
    10. Colgin
      Utopia loaner out for delivery today. And Chord Mojo also arriving today. Should be a nice evening.
      1. Pyruvate and brencho like this.
    11. Colgin
      RIP, Leonard Cohen. Gone when we need him most.
      1. jowls and Case like this.
    12. Colgin
      Congrats to Chicago!
      1. Mikoss likes this.
    13. Colgin
      Just amazing that the Cubs are blowing this.
      1. Colgin
        OK. Let's see if Cubs can actually hold this lead.
        Nov 2, 2016
    14. Colgin
      We lost our beloved 17-year old male cate today, who had fought renal failure for over 7 years but finally succumbed suddenly.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MuppetFace
        I'm sorry for your loss. I'm in the midst of sorta the same thing... my 23 yr old cat is slowly dying. Only a matter of time. I just pray that it's quick when it happens. I will pray for your family in this time of grief, and here's hoping time will heal your wounds, and you will be left with only the good memories.
        Oct 13, 2016
      3. Case
        Sorry to hear this and thinking of my departed cats, Cindy and take care of yourself.
        Oct 13, 2016
      4. Colgin
        Thank you everyone for the nice sentiments. It is greatly appreciated and comforting.
        Oct 14, 2016
    15. Colgin
      Bad news today from my vet. Both of my cats are in very critical condition.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sfoclt
        Hoping for the best.
        Oct 5, 2016
      3. Kunlun
        I'm sorry
        Oct 5, 2016
      4. ButtUglyJeff
        Oh dear, did they both catch something?
        Oct 5, 2016
    16. Colgin
      I can already tell it will be difficult to decide between Valhalla 2 and Jodie.
      1. lm4der, SoupRKnowva, Ash1412 and 3 others like this.
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      3. Colgin
        @lm4der - if you are primarily running HD6x0 and you have a Valhalla 2 setup you already like, then probably not worth switching over to the Jotun. You might be trading off better technicalities in the Jotun for an overall more engaging sound in the Val2.
        Oct 6, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
      4. Colgin
        That said, for me, I am leaning towards Jotun since they are still very good with HD 600 and seem to be more versatile.
        Oct 6, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
      5. lm4der
        Yeah, for me this is primarily in the context of hd650. Given that both Judy and Valerie are said to have good synergy with my cans...
        Oct 6, 2016
    17. Colgin
      L'Shana tovah to fellow Jewish pyrates!
      1. Kunlun and gaspasser like this.
    18. Colgin
      Getting really late in NYC now and having trouble putting down my HD 600. Just one more song. Don't have this issue with my other cans.
      1. Case, Deep Funk and Huxleigh like this.
    19. Colgin
      Even though I knew it was coming still so pissed about lack of headphone jack in Iphone 7.
      1. gbeast likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. drfindley
        I think it's pretty stupid myself. Getting rid of the floppy disc was progress. As was ditching the CD drive. Headphone jack? No. Nothing is being improved, you still need a DAC. Making external doesn't make it better. #yayfordongles
        Sep 7, 2016
        Huxleigh, Smitty and brencho like this.
      4. Huxleigh
        Didn't you hear? It's an act of "courage," apparently. :/ What nonsense. But it's not like I have room to talk, unrepentant Apple whore that I am. :P
        Sep 7, 2016
      5. Merrick
        I'm annoyed but this is part of why I bought the Sine. I'm also considering that RHA DAC/amp, seems like it would be better for IEMs than the dongle.
        Sep 7, 2016
    20. Colgin
      NY Audio Show returning to NYC this November. Missed the one last year in Westchester so looking forward to this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. thegunner100
        Unfortunately I can't say the same for myself. I enjoy my modest system more and think that the $150 overnight sensations sound better than most of the speakers there in FR response alone. Wish you could have stayed for longer last meet to get to hear them. Yggdrasil + Odyssey Stratos + OSMT would blow most setups away in a smaller room.
        Aug 24, 2016
      3. Colgin
        Yeah, I don't comment on rooms really. It is binary. I either like a setup or not. But there is no way I can figure out sonic aspects of multiple components I don't know thrown together in one system.
        Aug 24, 2016
      4. thegunner100
        The one common thing I've found is that every single McIntosh system made the speakers sound warm and mushy. After playing around with moving speakers around and measuring, I'm more aware of how a pair of speakers will sound in a room as well.
        Aug 24, 2016
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    Nov 8, 1967 (Age: 57)