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Jun 9, 1987 (Age: 37)

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Acquaintance, Male, 37

Gungnir Multibit A1 is in the house and I'm very impressed! Totally worth it for the price i paid for. Feb 28, 2021

microCuts was last seen:
Feb 16, 2022
    1. microCuts
      Gungnir Multibit A1 is in the house and I'm very impressed! Totally worth it for the price i paid for.
      1. Imraan, Jinxy245, Merrick and 3 others like this.
      2. aamefford
        Congratulations! I loved mine. I ended up with a BF2 after I sold it to try and get that sound back.
        Feb 28, 2021
        Imraan and microCuts like this.
    2. microCuts
      Sad to see more than 10 colleagues of mine got retrenched due to the current bad timing. Happy for them got the compensation they deserved.
    3. microCuts
      Is it still worth getting an used BW V1 nowadays?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. microCuts
        I did the search through google too unfortunately the info is very limited. I like the form factor too and the red bottom is cooler on V1 :)
        May 16, 2019
      3. Vtory
        Probably worth unless price is not insane. No need to pay premium imo. Anyway v1 seems rarer than v2 though.
        May 16, 2019
      4. JustAnotherRando
        @microCuts Google won't turn up much, the most useful source really is that 50+ page thread.

        The numbers of V1s in existence is tiny, not many people are going to have direct experience with one.
        May 16, 2019
    4. microCuts
      Went to Canjam SG. Half of the IEMs & Cables easily cost more than 1k USD. >2K IEM stuffs are pretty common too & is actually a norm there..
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. microCuts
        Not really sure how much have they invested in the R&D but man those prices are just unrealistically high, especially for those young companies which barely passed their 5 years mark! So sad to see big firm like Sennheiser with years of experience and proper R&D background offering great affordable products but have way lesser attention in the event.
        Mar 31, 2019
      4. Cspirou
        Did you try the new Alex Rosson rad-0 headphones?
        Mar 31, 2019
      5. microCuts
        Yes i briefly did. I personally think it sounds good, less warmer than the Audeze that I can recall. Most importantly it is much comfortable to wear and lighter than the wood Audeze! The resin ring looks really good in person too.
        Mar 31, 2019
    5. microCuts
      Having both HD800 with SN 50061 & 31759 with me now. They both sound the same to me..
    6. microCuts
      Thoroughly enjoying my lowly HD800/NBM/SDAC/Sonarworks setup.
      1. EagleWings likes this.
      2. m17xr2b
        I had a great lunch today. Bit on the sleepy side now.
        Jan 28, 2019
        Jinxy245, Riotvan and Poleepkwa like this.
      3. Lyander
        I stayed up until 9AM making changes to a contact and woke up 6PM today so it's been pretty crap :(
        Jan 28, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    7. microCuts
      Any thoughts on the Meier Daccord in 2019? Looking to pair it with HD800 & NMB.
    8. microCuts
      Got a brand new HD800 after so many years. It responds really well with EQ! Surprised with the HD650 keychain. https://bit.ly/2z4GZEY
      1. Imraan and Ardacer like this.
      2. Ardacer
        It is magnificent!
        Nov 14, 2018
    9. microCuts
      Got myself a 3ds few weeks back. Blown away by the games quality. Got myself a Switch yesterday and I m still grabbing my 3ds sometimes.
      1. alucart and Lyander like this.
    10. microCuts
      Lost my E3000 on a trip :( An excuse to get the E5000?
      1. drgumbybrain likes this.
    11. microCuts
      Went to Canjam Singapore. The $55 Final Audio Design E3000 turns out to be the best thing of the show in my opinion.
      1. TwoEars and zonto like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. microCuts
        Sorry I do not have experience with the one you mentioned..It sounds full & is slightly on warm side. Bass is good being a DD and is not dry like BAs. Soundstage is decent too. Workmanship is great! To me it has unbelievable value at this price.
        Mar 25, 2018
        TwoEars likes this.
      4. microCuts
        TBH the E3000 is the best sounding product FAD made, and rivals more expensive IEM from other manufacturers. Their F series, crazily priced Piano Forte series, FIBASS are major let down for me though imo.

        The upcoming E5000 with removable cable is slightly better. USD300 and will be released in May according to the sales guy.
        Mar 25, 2018
      5. MrTurtle
        E2000's better imo - less bassy, more balanced all around. Crinacle's measurements corroborate. Spent a whole afternoon at e-earphone last year and walked out with it only. Disagree on build quality though - cable is thin and strain relief is scarce!
        Mar 28, 2018
    12. microCuts
      Rocking with KGST / L700 combo. No more Glare & Edginess from KGSSHV.
      1. ogodei likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. microCuts
        Yup I got my used HV which was built around 2013. I feel the combo is abit dry for vocals. Very good with EDM though. How about yours?
        May 8, 2017
      4. ogodei
        I got a used mjolnir HV (unknown year) and a new Mjolnir Carbon CC about the same time, about 3 weeks back. I found them both kind of dry with 007s and 009s, although I think my ears have been warming up to the sound. Definitely more edgy than my tube amp at least. About 1 hour into the L700s, they are more liquid but maybe lighter in the mid range?
        May 8, 2017
        microCuts likes this.
      5. microCuts
        Wow, you have the latest CC! I am surprised that you still feel dry with your 007 playing out from both of the amps. I am pretty sure that you will not have such issue with KGST due to its warmness, only losing some resolution and soundstage. I used to have a SRM007tii too which works nothing wrong with my L700 too.
        So I will probably go for GG (Grounded Grid) in future due to positive experience with tubes.
        May 8, 2017
    13. microCuts
      Gungnir Multibit or SR007? Which has more Wow factor?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sphinxvc
        Based on the last status update @microCuts, looks like you might have a BH. If so, SR007. =]
        Mar 16, 2017
        shipsupt likes this.
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        I dunno, the L700 is supposed to be a sweet headphone. Maybe the Gungnir Multibit is still the best choice...
        Mar 16, 2017
      4. microCuts
        Thanks for all the kind responses. I just sold my 007tii so have some extra funds to explore more. I am currently using Kgsshv + L700 + Mojo. Seems like Gungnir Multibit is a solid choice to bring more improvement.
        Mar 16, 2017
    14. microCuts
      Some one dumping his Headamp's KGBH at <2k locally. Should I take the plunge? Already have a kgsshv.
      1. Vansen
        Just a heads up, if you ever need to have that HeadAmp serviced, Justin has the WORST service in ANY industry I have seen. It took him eight months to fix one of my products. I had to leave him chain voicemails to eventually get my product back.
        Feb 24, 2017
        microCuts likes this.
      2. shipsupt
        Heck yeah. Great amp. Nice compliment to the HV. Go for it.
        Mar 16, 2017
        microCuts likes this.
    15. microCuts
      Got an used KGSSHV which has not been fired up in 4 yrs at 1/10 of normal price. Plugged in my L700 and it works flawlessly! Best deal ever!
      1. sorrodje, Azteca and DigMe like this.
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  • About

    Jun 9, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Gear List:
    Previous Setup : Chord 2qute > KGST/KGSSHV > SR-L700
    Current Setup : RME ADI 2 DAC > THX AAA 789 > HD800
    Others : HD650, Verum 1, Eartech Hex CIEM