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Apr 16, 2016
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Jan 26, 1978 (Age: 47)
San Francisco

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Acquaintance, Male, 47, from San Francisco

Picked up an HD580 Jubilee on eBay. First impression: HD600 with a slightly better look. May 9, 2018

sah was last seen:
Feb 28, 2023
    1. sah
      Picked up an HD580 Jubilee on eBay. First impression: HD600 with a slightly better look.
      1. ultrabike and Vtory like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Vtory
        Carbon frames are sexy. I envy you!
        May 9, 2018
        sah likes this.
      4. ultrabike
        How much you paid?
        May 9, 2018
      5. sah
        @ultrabike $510. A lot for HD600s! @Cspirou I've heard things about driver matching and/or slightly better materials. Can't say listening makes any such advantage obvious, though.
        May 10, 2018
    2. sah
      Hit the Schiitr last weekend! IMO: Asgard2 is A+ with planars, maybe > Jotunheim. Loved Mjolnr2/Gungnir Multibit; surprised it didn't pale vs Rag/Yggdrasil.
      1. a44100Hz likes this.
    3. sah
      Picked up an AKG Sextett (LP) out of curiosity. Not bad for 70s cans! Familiar sound; K240M were my first decent headphones.
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Big power wakes them up. Pretty fun and capable headphones when well driven.
        May 5, 2017
        sah likes this.
    4. sah
      Thinking about getting an M1060. Would be my first planars.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        Yeah, there are a lot of people raving about the M1060 here in the 1060 thread. Especially after they have released version 2 with improvements made based on feedback. Either way there will be more opinions and reviews soon as Marv has ordered a pair for the lending library. Maybe wait a bit and see what consensus forms.
        Apr 27, 2017
      3. SKiring
        @Ishcabible can probably give you a great rundown, his review is very expansive on what to expect.
        Apr 27, 2017
      4. MrTie
        Stock they are not very good cans(though the QC seems to be improving at least), I mirror Ischa's experience, I think the driver has potential and I like where I've gotten my pair to. However a used HE-500 is a compelling competitor. Though the M1060 is much more comfortable and much easier to drive.
        Apr 27, 2017
    5. sah
      Comparing HD 6XX to my trusty HD 600 (mostly on Bifrost Multibit -> Valhalla 2). HD 600 highs are hard to give up, but maybe I'll warm up to HD 6XX...
      1. zonto likes this.
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      3. BenjaminBore
        I had the same conundrum once.Try a simple experiment. Pull off the pads from the HD650, then remove the foam ovals, and replace the pads. Have a listen and if you find the changes interesting have a good look at the HD650 mod compendium thread.
        Apr 15, 2017
      4. zonto
        You'll never give up the HD600 highs. NEVER! Nor will I.
        Apr 15, 2017
        sah and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      5. Dino
        There are HD650/6XX people and there are HD600 people and ... I don't know what you call those other people. :)
        May 5, 2017
    6. sah
      Contemplating next steps from Bifrost Multibit -> Valhalla 2 -> HD 600
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        ^^^ I would have said that if @Claritas didn't. The Bifrost Multibit might have an upgrade option this year, and the HD600s are fine headphones...
        Apr 8, 2017
      3. sphinxvc
        Listening to music.
        Apr 8, 2017
      4. sah
        @zonto I like this setup a lot. My biggest complaint is that I could still stand a wider soundstage. But mostly I've just been listening to it for almost a year now and I'm curious whether I've settled in too soon. I'm wondering if I might like HD650s more, whether to explore planars, or if the move up to Gungnir Multibit is worth the massive jump in price.
        Apr 8, 2017
    7. sah
      Comparing Modi 2U, Bifrost 4490, Bifrost Multibit. Contemplating UIEMs.
      1. Jokko likes this.
    8. sah
      Waiting on a Bifrost 4490, contemplating UIEMs
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  • About

    Jan 26, 1978 (Age: 47)
    San Francisco
    Gear List:
    Bifrost Multibit-> Valhalla 2 -> HD580 Jubilee
    iPhone 6 -> CA Andromeda